Laser Colors

And now that we are talking about this…


I’ve been playing for a while, now I’ve reached rank 9 ships, only played with the Federation and Jericho.


For what I’ve experienced playing the game I think that the modules that increase resistances (like hull or shield) need to increase the stats a lot more because they do almost nothing.

You’d be surprised how bulletspongy a properly resist-tanked ship can be in the current game. Ever tried an adaptive Empire gunship?

This ship is both Falcon AND Jaguar, just look at the engines




We need Gundams robots that can mount ship! Anti-destroyer class like the picture suggests!

Sure…the Empire and it’s Hull is the best of this game.


Something is wrong.

Guards are good for missions, but in PvP as soon as you adapt for an interceptors EM damage, you get a thermal disintegrator shot on you.

If you have 0pt on resist, you get 100% damage.
With 60pt you get 100/160% = 60% damage.
With 120pt you get 100/220% = 46% damage.

If you get 2* 60% damage (2 equal damage sources), you got 120% damage.
If you get 1* 46% and 1* 100% damage (2 different resistances), you got 146% damage, 26% more.

Because of this I think it’s always the best to keep the resistances equal and above that buff shield volume or regeneration.

Guards may lose 1/3 of their shield before they can even react.

They have 0 Ki, -60 EM, -30 Th resistance while other frigates have 30Ki, -30 EM, 0 Th resistances by default.
While phase shield gives 120, guards also have 90 less per default.

A command’s diffusion shields holds off 4500 damage at rank10-13 without equipment, so he might be a better tank than the guard for continuous fights and if supported by an engineers energy restore.


Combined with a command’s faster speed and lower hit-volume I think guards have waisted a special module slot. OFC they have special guard modules which boost themselves instead of their allies, but personally, I don’t see how they can compete with the others