Joystick Implementation

Anyone else notice this thread got a five-month necro?

Anyone else notice this thread got a five-month necro?

Yeah, King0815 did. But it’s normal, from time to time there’s new people that download the game, check the controls and ipso-facto come here and says “I want joystick support!”.

I agree, I’d love to see gamepad/joystick support. All I really need is an option to lock the mouse aim to center screen.

Prepare to die a lot if you want joystick and locked aim.

Prepare to die a lot if you want joystick and locked aim.

By now, I changed my mind: Let’s hope the devs add that option, so they stop complaining about the game not having joystick support. Plus we’ll win a bunch of cannon fodder pilots to annihilate easily when they fly in straight line to us.

Here is an old article
some guy set it up back than, it should work now as well


I still haven’t even learned the game, but using a joystick is more fun and more immersive.

Like I said, T1, maybe T2, not T3 or above.

I’m using Pinnacle Game Profiler to use an xbox controller to emulate mouse. Unfortunately it only gets me about 90% of the way there. The thing we really need is a way to lock the mouse aim to center screen. Unfortunately, there is no way to do this at the moment.


So, if this game could just have an option to aim the mouse like a regular FPS, keeping the sight dead center at all times, gamepad’s could be used very well.

I’m using Pinnacle Game Profiler to use an xbox controller to emulate mouse. Unfortunately it only gets me about 90% of the way there. The thing we really need is a way to lock the mouse aim to center screen. Unfortunately, there is no way to do this at the moment.


So, if this game could just have an option to aim the mouse like a regular FPS, keeping the sight dead center at all times, gamepad’s could be used very well.

Results will be exactly the same as when you clash contoller users vs mouse+keyboard in fps - devastating for controllers. Disadvantage is enourmous. This game is not designed nor balanced for such controls, it is not sim. People that will use such controls will be uterly demo/ished in process and just quit.

Thanks for the warning, but I’ll take my chances.


I used to do the keyboard/mouse thing… but I no longer want to be hunched over a keyboard with a crazy carpal tunnel, twisty hand, feeling weird awkward strain in ever knuckle, trying to touch keys in multiple directions at once. I understand for the keyboard people, that’s their thing, but the gampad people have had over 10 years to get used to thumb sticks and I have to say it feels way better in the hand.


And let’s talk real world… are drone pilots, and airplane pilots, and space shuttle pilots using keyboard and mouse? No. I like the immersive feeling of thumb sticks and triggers.


There are guys without legs, running marathons. There are armless musicians. Those people handle the disadvantage just fine. I’ll take my gamepad disadvantage. :slight_smile:


Back to the issue, it seems like a mouse aim center lock would be a relatively simple implementation, no?



I vote for direct Joystick Support in the Game! Tools like Xpadder and other keyboard to Joystick Mapper never can do this like native Joystick Controll.


I Play WoWP with my Joystick and it makes much more FUN!


I´m a Rookie with the Joystick and at the Beginning it is very hard to play, but the best Pilotes on WoWP play with a Joystick!



I vote for direct Joystick Support in the Game! Tools like Xpadder and other keyboard to Joystick Mapper never can do this like native Joystick Controll.


I Play WoWP with my Joystick and it makes much more FUN!


I´m a Rookie with the Joystick and at the Beginning it is very hard to play, but the best Pilotes on WoWP play with a Joystick!

Best pilots in StarConflict fly with mouse and keyboard, it is impossible to be any competitive on joystick/controller with the way this game works, period. Implementing Joystick support is pointless. Main reason is that whoever wants to fly a Joystick/controller will give up on it very quickly. Might be not to terrible in T1, but upon reaching T2 it is impossible to properly fly any ship with joystick mechanics. Simple “fix” of locking turrets to your aim will render any ship useless, comparing to the rest because weapons do have firing arc and it is a key point in game mechanics.

This game is absolutely not suited for Joystic.

P.S. if you really eager to fly Joystick, there are always 3rd party emulators that will the job done, I even posted here a link to a guide how to do it yourself.

I want the devs to add joystick support.  Then people will stop asking for it.


It just doesn’t work for this game.

I want the devs to add joystick support.  Then people will stop asking for it.


It just doesn’t work for this game.

At this point of the game, let them have joystick support, because it means more players, bigger matches, and of course, more people to kill because they’ll be flying in straight line and sitting ducks like crazy.

At this point of the game, let them have joystick support, because it means more players, bigger matches, and of course, more people to kill because they’ll be flying in straight line and sitting ducks like crazy.


Shh don´t tell them that secret. :secret:

Xpadder works for this game. I personally would suggest a gamepad



I vote for direct Joystick Support in the Game! Tools like Xpadder and other keyboard to Joystick Mapper never can do this like native Joystick Controll.


I Play WoWP with my Joystick and it makes much more FUN!


I´m a Rookie with the Joystick and at the Beginning it is very hard to play, but the best Pilotes on WoWP play with a Joystick!

Hi, I considered myself a good WoWp player (3rd in the 4x4 wargaming tournament, more than 70% WR in OB) and yes, there most good players play with joystick.


But here in SC, using joystick is a nonsense and I use mouse and keyboard. That is because the spaceships you are piloting don’t behave like an aircraft. Their guns are not fixed and they can aim outside the flying vector, and also because you can strafe, and even go backwards.


To be honest to properly fly a starship you would need two joysticks, one for aim, other for strafe, feet pedals for rolling, and a thrust slider in one of the joysticks (most likely the strafing one)


Then you could control the ship as you can with a mouse and keyboard.


But implementing all of that in the game will suck too many resources which could be used otherway in creating content and new maps.


And almost anybody will invest in all that stuff for just one F2P game.

Hi, I considered myself a good WoWp player (3rd in the 4x4 wargaming tournament, more than 70% WR in OB) and yes, there most good players play with joystick.


But here in SC, using joystick is a nonsense and I use mouse and keyboard. That is because the spaceships you are piloting don’t behave like an aircraft. Their guns are not fixed and they can aim outside the flying vector, and also because you can strafe, and even go backwards.


To be honest to properly fly a starship you would need two joysticks, one for aim, other for strafe, feet pedals for rolling, and a thrust slider in one of the joysticks (most likely the strafing one)


Then you could control the ship as you can with a mouse and keyboard.


But implementing all of that in the game will suck too many resources which could be used otherway in creating content and new maps.


And almost anybody will invest in all that stuff for just one F2P game.


Wait, are you saying i should use my Pedals from my racing wheel as throttle?!" 

Wait, are you saying i should use my Pedals from my racing wheel as throttle?!" 

Negative, pedals are meant for controlling roll rate.


What I tried to say is that, in order to have enough control imput to control a ship like we do using mouse + keyboard, you will need 2 joysticks, feet pedals and a throttle slider in one of the joysticks.


  • 1st joystick, will control aiming and pitch (like mouse) Several buttons over the joystick will control module and weapon activation

  • 2nd joystick, will control strafing (left, right, up and down) with a thumb slider for throttle and several buttons for afterburner and throttle lock, maybe some others for target locking.

  • Feet pedals, will control roll rate


Aside from neuro connectors, I think this is the most efficient way to control a spaceship in non orbital trajectory.

With a bit of tinkering, a 360 pad does just as well, if not better.