Jericho Torp Tweak

It has been my experience with the patches this game gets that problems are often solved by moving from one extreme to another. So it was with the Jericho LRF. For a long time their torpedo ability was useless because a single guard frigate with an anti-missile shield could take out their torpedoes faster than they could shoot.


However, now we have moved to the opposite extreme, where Jeri torps are immune to missile shields. The past 6 games I have played have featured 4 or more Jeri LRF on a single side torping the map.


So what I am proposing is a middle ground. Make guided torpedoes vulnerable to missile shield, but make them require two hits to be destroyed OR have missile shield kick the pilot out of guided mode. In exchange for this new vulnerability, make them immune to flares. The idea behind this is that a lone guard frigate cannot shut down a guided torp by itself, but a group of ships with two guards are safe (provided that the missile shields aren’t shooting down other missiles).


Empire disintegrators are limited by line-of-sight, but are unstoppable if the target is out in the open.


  1. Jericho torpedoes are not limited to line-of-sight as they are self-guided, and as the tradeoff, they should be vulnerable to 2 shots from missile shields.


  1. OR make missile shields kick the pilot out of guided mode, but leave the torp intact so it continues to travel in unguided mode to its maximum range (or hits an object) and detonates.




EDIT: Additionally this is extremely important for balance in Combat Recon, where a lone Jeri LRF can simply pound the captain from a safe distance with little-to-no risk.

Lol, I read “jericho torp weak” instead of tweak


And yeah I agree with you, I don’t even know how ppl can have fun sitting in the same spot 10 minutes using guided torpedos, I tried and it’s the most boring thing in the game. 


Its funny because they think they’ll get tons of kills and in the end they have almost no kill (unless they last hit ppl) and they die pretty often due to “lr hunters”

The past six game of yours was just me and others having some fun doing jericho lr only squad…


But i do agree, jericho lr in its current state slightly overpowered and overused.


+1 to your idea


+1. Though I would like flares to still have some kind of effect against Jeri torps.

Lol, I read “jericho torp weak” instead of tweak


And yeah I agree with you, I don’t even know how ppl can have fun sitting in the same spot 10 minutes using guided torpedos, I tried and it’s the most boring thing in the game. 


Its funny because they think they’ll get tons of kills and in the end they have almost no kill (unless they last hit ppl) and they die pretty often due to “lr hunters”


No kills… haha… those are the bad LRF Pilots. 

Actually I did this once with a full ESB Squad in a T3 Detonation Match: None of us got killed and the worst of us (read: less experienced with LRF) had “only” 11 Kills. (I made first place with 18 kills). We won the match, too, since we killed any bomb-carrier that came near our beacons ( killed 2 carriers in one shot lol) and cleared the way for our carriers. 


Conclusion: Jerry LRF are bad in the hands of bad players and OP in the Hands of good ones (nothing new here). 

But the real problem is that gameplay is degenerating to a WoT style Arty-campfest, which is, in fact BOOOORING!

Best idea would be to replace all LRF and give them a function that doesnt include staying back and sniping things. 

Id really love if PPL get closer to each other due to the lack of weapon range  ;)wt

so… rewarding frigspam is fine (it is allready strong enough, making it harder for lrf to deal with it should not be the way to do it imo)?

i don’t know… the torpedo definately needs a change… maybe the missile shield should not shoot down the missle but disable it somehow (in a way that doesn’t make torpedos useless)?

Lol, I read “jericho torp weak” instead of tweak


“Jericho Torp Twerk”


Nuff said.

Best idea would be to replace all LRF and give them a function that doesnt include staying back and sniping things. 

Id really love if PPL get closer to each other due to the lack of weapon range  ;)wt


Here’s an old thread of mine that had one such idea. Feel free to browse, but don’t necro it. [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20562-jericho-lr-frigate-torpedo-replacement/)

so… rewarding frigspam is fine (it is allready strong enough, making it harder for lrf to deal with it should not be the way to do it imo)?

i don’t know… the torpedo definately needs a change… maybe the missile shield should not shoot down the missle but disable it somehow (in a way that doesn’t make torpedos useless)?


Noted and added to the OP.

No kills… haha… those are the bad LRF Pilots. 

Actually I did this once with a full ESB Squad in a T3 Detonation Match: None of us got killed and the worst of us (read: less experienced with LRF) had “only” 11 Kills. (I made first place with 18 kills). We won the match, too, since we killed any bomb-carrier that came near our beacons ( killed 2 carriers in one shot lol) and cleared the way for our carriers. 


Conclusion: Jerry LRF are bad in the hands of bad players and OP in the Hands of good ones (nothing new here). 

But the real problem is that gameplay is degenerating to a WoT style Arty-campfest, which is, in fact BOOOORING!

Best idea would be to replace all LRF and give them a function that doesnt include staying back and sniping things. 

Id really love if PPL get closer to each other due to the lack of weapon range  ;)wt


Well you’re comparing an ESB squad with an average pubtard.


Not the same.

Just take note that making them need 2 AMS hits will increase the amount of frig balls probably. IR Flares are doing good. If the AMS gets the same mechanic, should be all good? At least it could be put to the test before doing something dumb again.

Well you’re comparing an ESB squad with an average pubtard.


Not the same.

Sure, its not the same. Do you have a T3 LRF? Feel free to join Kipps and me if we go down there to troll. 

As i said, its rather boring and OP… fun only comes thru the hilarious comments from Kipps and me on TS. 


For pubtards it functions as a n00b-gun since they do kills with it from time to time and actually progress (found a guy in T4 who had only Jerry LRFs T2-T4 equipped  :facepalm: )

And still, IMHO there is nothing wrong with the Torpedoes per se, but the gameplay which comes with it: Campfest boredom. 



For a nerf (a very old proposal from me): Reduce range of AMS to 250 metres, let torps explode premature if hit by AMS. On the other hand thats again a buff to guardballs, which are still too OP at R9+

Sure, its not the same. Do you have a T3 LRF? Feel free to join Kipps and me if we go down there to troll. 

As i said, its rather boring and OP… fun only comes thru the hilarious comments from Kipps and me on TS. 


For pubtards it functions as a n00b-gun since they do kills with it from time to time and actually progress (found a guy in T4 who had only Jerry LRFs T2-T4 equipped  :facepalm: )

And still, IMHO there is nothing wrong with the Torpedoes per se, but the gameplay which comes with it: Campfest boredom. 



For a nerf (a very old proposal from me): Reduce range of AMS to 250 metres, let torps explode premature if hit by AMS. On the other hand thats again a buff to guardballs, which are still too OP at R9+


I’ve already done that with Kipps, Ira Deus is still boring :confused:

I’ve already done that with Kipps, Ira Deus is still boring :confused:


But his “beep beep beep…boooom” isnt.  :lol: 

Im Leveling TOR AE atm. Hopefully the Inquisitor AE is a viable Counter to the Frigballs in T5. 

But his “beep beep beep…boooom” isnt.  :lol:

Im Leveling TOR AE atm. Hopefully the Inquisitor AE is a viable Counter to the Frigballs in T5. 


Maybe in t4-5 LRF are more situational and useful, but in t3 they’re annoying, useless and boring xD

why not go to the end and make guided torps targetable and destructible? its not a usual rocket, its a big one, so shooting it down is not so unimaginable.

why not go to the end and make guided torps targetable and destructible? its not a usual rocket, its a big one, so shooting it down is not so unimaginable.

 My thoughts exactly. If we could shoot it down it would make it more balanced. 

I personally like the ams having the same effect as flares idea.  I state this despite maining Jericho lrf :lol: .  I however, use it as a dps support vessel in frigate groups most of the time.

   Well   I think its Jericho FINE as is…  it can’t be tanked or shielded  ( can’t speak for T4 or T5) as I havn’t been able to grind to that level yet in the LRF line. 


I know Phobia’s may be pissed being blown up a couple of times 


Jeez … seems there been a trend lately of folks stating this ship or that ship is OP. 


I absolutely detest the WOLF and the WOLF-M and whatever T4 Wolf line after that…that is in the hands of a skilled pilot  


I absolutely detest every skilled piloted covt op.


 Maybe we should say SKILLED PILOTS are OP !



Just my 2 cents

I know how to dodge the Torps, so I rarely get killed by one. I would like the ability to shoot one down that is say going for my Captain in CR. I usually dive in front of it to make it blow up on me (and I survive so no big deal there), but if I could shoot it down I wouldn’t have to do that. Now that they are nerfed some (which being able to shoot them down wouldn’t have called for a Nerf, but oh well) they aren’t as big of a threat. They actually take some skill to use now.