Jericho frigates: guard vs LRF

That’s my current loadout

change dmg boost for tachyon

what about that build for guard?

try this 


i will repleace emergency shield with a signature mask cuz i don’t have it yet, but are u sure about not equipping an em diffuser on the shield slot?

i will repleace emergency shield with a signature mask cuz i don’t have it yet, but are u sure about not equipping an em diffuser on the shield slot?

do those steps:

  1. look at shield stats

  2. look at Guard’s special module

  3. Compare what you have and what you r missing



*little tip* F module is a key

I haven’t seen many of those strong players in tier 5 >.>


There are so many tier rushers there they are hard to find :d


I say play in T5 whether there be tier rushers or not. they’ll get better by fighting against stronger opponents, so crush them again and again until they become as hard as diamonds. 


No they won’t, they miss out on basics of the game like this





  1. look at shield stats

  2. look at Guard’s special module

  3. Compare what you have and what you r missing



*little tip* F module is a key


And thus get frustrated because they get instabanged all game and then quit. It is like taking your driving test over and over again when your total experience of driving consists of winding down the windows

i will repleace emergency shield with a signature mask cuz i don’t have it yet, but are u sure about not equipping an em diffuser on the shield slot?

don’t use signature masking, especially in solo play, the effect of the module is minimal.

don’t use signature masking, especially in solo play, the effect of the module is minimal.

just waiting to get the crusader to unlock the shield emergency boost

just waiting to get the crusader to unlock the shield emergency boost

You can use these:

ShieldRestoreLarge_Icon.png AdaptiveShieldBoost_Icon.png SmartBomb_Icon.png

“AdaptiveShieldBoost” used with “Shield Restore L” together gives noticeable suitability under fire

or instead



pretty much everything is better than signature masking :smiley:

You can use these:

ShieldRestoreLarge_Icon.png AdaptiveShieldBoost_Icon.png SmartBomb_Icon.png

“AdaptiveShieldBoost” used with “Shield Restore L” together gives noticeable suitability under fire

or instead



pretty much everything is better than signature masking :smiley:

ty i’ll try it now xD

i’m not so sure about not equipping a em diffuser shield

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i’m not so sure about not equipping a em diffuser shield

his point is that your “F” module gives you 150 resistance to dmg type of YOUR choice, so if you use it to EM you get

106 Kinetic

120 EM

120 Thermal

hey I see many guards using the blaster, is it better than the coil mortar?

If you’re running close range, it’s one of the best weapons for a guard. so long as you can get close, while using the curved reflector, no other frigate gun can beat you, except for well placed torps and another heavy blaster with curved reflector (guard vs guard)

Of course, you’ll be wanting some good shield defenses to go with that.

I’m using something like Tillowaty’s build

just bought the crusader, what about that loadout?

Vernier Engine; Voltage Regulator and Acceleration Coils; 1 Thermal, 1 EM, 1 Shield volume increase

Coil Mortars - Crit Chance ammo

Octopus missiles

Active module set up is already good.

I’m using something like Tillowaty’s build

It is a good build if you just want a frigate with good resistances, but you are just negating one of the advantages of the phase shield, which is the damage boost.


When you are hit with the same damage as the phase shield is in, you get a 25% damage bonus. So it is better in the long term to learn to play with the F key instead of using the phase shield just to cover your EM hole.


I’m not saying it is a bad build, but properly built guards uses the F key to adjust the defence and to increase their firepower.


Rakza has a really good guide to guards buried somewhere in the forum. You should give it a look. And ask him. The baguette is the guard master and usually he is glad to help.