Jericho frigates: guard vs LRF

hey guys I need help to decide what tree to do with jericho frigates. I have to decide between guards one and LRF. I like both them but which one is the best? (I mean inquisitor s or inquisitor ae)

I’m afraid we have a tier-rusher over there…
I suggest you to go back to lower tiers and start trying other classes and factions. If you do it, it will be no question which one you should choose.

both of them. unless you’re scared to try new things.

They are different:


  • Jericho guards: They are slow and, with good use of the special module, they are very tanky. Their role is guarding the team and giving AoE damage and causing interference in the weapons and engines of enemy ships. You will need good positioning and awareness, and your shouldn’t be alone.


  • Jericho LRF: They are also slow, but they are also very squishy. Think glass cannons. Their damage potential is great with the 6 turrets, and with the dps boost of the missiles. You should use them as support damage dealers, firing from 4 - 5 k of the main furball and adding damage with the guided torpedo for finishing ships and hit hidden enemies.


I would play both the Ira Deus and the Crus S, and then choose from here. They are good representatives of the class gameplay, strengths and flaws.

They are different:


  • Jericho guards: They are slow and, with good use of the special module, they are very tanky. Their role is guarding the team and giving AoE damage and causing interference in the weapons and engines of enemy ships. You will need good positioning and awareness, and your shouldn’t be alone.


  • Jericho LRF: They are also slow, but they are also very squishy. Think glass cannons. Their damage potential is great with the 6 turrets, and with the dps boost of the missiles. You should use them as support damage dealers, firing from 4 - 5 k of the main furball and adding damage with the guided torpedo for finishing ships and hit hidden enemies.


I would play both the Ira Deus and the Crus S, and then choose from here. They are good representatives of the class gameplay, strengths and flaws.

thanks I’ll try it

is there any difference between a Rank 14 and a Rank 15 ship? other than the social module, I mean does Rank 14 has any disadvantage than the rank 15 one?

is there any difference between a Rank 14 and a Rank 15 ship? other than the social module, I mean does Rank 14 has any disadvantage than the rank 15 one?

The only disadvantage is that the rank 14 ship won’t have the rank 15 implant. So you will lose either 5% damage boost, 5% volume boost to both shields and hull, or whatever the jericho implant is (Which I don’t remember)


But really it is no difference. Even the Mauler, which is rank 13 ship, is competitive right now.

LRF is scissors & Guard is rock.


With guard you can rely on your build more, with LRF you have to rely on skill and DPS.


That said, do stop go back and play every ship line.

I wish I had when I had started this game.

If you play through the tiers with a variety of ships, you will understand how the game works. Rushing to tier 5 is not a good idea as there are a lot of very strong players in tier 5 (it is end game content)

Personally I find LRF more fun, you get a reverse thruster, and just warp around when you need to. Takes awareness to use LRF effectively, and a good ability to kill people.

Personally I find LRF more fun, you get a reverse thruster, and just warp around when you need to. Takes awareness to use LRF effectively, and a good ability to kill people.

just get ELRF stay in one spot and kill everything…

just get ELRF stay in one spot and kill everything…

i’ve got a templar AE and an acid hydra, i personally prefer the templar one cuz i don’t have to camp and just use the special module like the empire one

i’ve got a templar AE and an acid hydra, i personally prefer the templar one cuz i don’t have to camp and just use the special module like the empire one


i’ve got a templar AE and an acid hydra, i personally prefer the templar one cuz i don’t have to camp and just use the special module like the empire one

You don’t need to camp in the acid hydra either. You have the same DPS in the guns. Your team will welcome the increased firepower of your ship in the front line.


It is true that it is easier to use the “F” module of the templar in close range than the desintegrator, but you don’t need to be at 10k from the battle to use it.

how about using guards, any tip for them?

how about using guards, any tip for them?


[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/23166-video-xkostyan/?p=308649)


[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/23166-video-xkostyan/?p=308649)

loool nice vid

Go through the Jericho lrf line, and then by the end of T4, you can get into the guard line as well. You’ll kill two birds with one stone this way.

Use the free synergy on all of your T1 and T2 ships for everything else, so only use the basic synergy to move forward on the lrf/guard line.

once you’re finished, choose another ship type, I suggest jericho ecms, then switch into the covert ops line, then switch back into the ecm line and get the final covert ops at the same time. another two birds.

If you play through the tiers with a variety of ships, you will understand how the game works. Rushing to tier 5 is not a good idea as there are a lot of very strong players in tier 5 (it is end game content)

I haven’t seen many of those strong players in tier 5 >.>

I haven’t seen many of those strong players in tier 5 >.>

He is discouraging tier rushing so skilled veterans actually start playing there.