Jericho frigates: guard vs LRF

if someone’s hitting you with em defense, you’ll be getting that buff anyways, if they’re not, stack one of the other defense types.

There are so many tier rushers there they are hard to find :d



No they won’t, they miss out on basics of the game like this






And thus get frustrated because they get instabanged all game and then quit. It is like taking your driving test over and over again when your total experience of driving consists of winding down the windows

I skipped from T2 to T5. I got along just fine from simply maining interceptors down there.

Then again, I didn’t mind being a masochist.

if someone’s hitting you with em defense, you’ll be getting that buff anyways, if they’re not, stack one of the other defense types.

And at the moment you are hit by EM again, you are out of shields. That build is meant to leave the phase shield in EM all the time. A single positron shot with -60 Em res will eat all your shields.


It is not a bad build, but it has its disadvantages.

adaptive shields have worse disadvantages from their weakness.

There is a way to keep your shields intact, you just have to be fast on that double click when you’re on kinetic, and a single click when on thermal with the F module. Of course, using a bunch of shield regeneration helps, with using the shield booster L, and the emergency shield boost.

Positioning goes a long way, and combat awareness is key.


> no dps boost - well only in 1vs1 with enemy which use one type of dmg (oh wait… you can have 75% dmg reduction then)



> 50% reduction on all types, can tank multiple sources of dmg(isn’t that main role of guard? keepin aggro)

> in camp fest(most long range weapons are thermal weapons or coils) can have ~75% dmg reduction

> there is no resist gap which will save inexperienced pilot 



but what can I know… I never use guards


> no dps boost - well only in 1vs1 with enemy which use one type of dmg



> 50% reduction on all types, can tank multiple sources of dmg(isn’t that main role of guard? keepin aggro)

> in camp fest(most long range weapons are thermal weapons or coils) can have ~75% dmg reduction

> there is no resist gap which will save inexperienced pilot 



but what can I know… I never use guards

Nobody said it is a bad build. It is a good fire and forget starter build for guards.


But you will need to learn to use the F key and work on a balanced resistances before applying the phase shield to make the guard shine.


And no, tanking is not the main role of the guard.

And no, tanking is not the main role of the guard.

And yet we see all of the other guards weeping on the side-lines because they decided they wanted to focus on the role instead of the tank.

the guard’s role is to keep an area, the tank is the key part of that role.

And yet we see all of the other guards weeping on the side-lines because they decided they wanted to focus on the role instead of the tank.

the guard’s role is to keep an area, the tank is the key part.

The tank is a tool, not a role. And no matter how good your tank is, if you sacrifice all your modules to tank, you are just useless to your team.


You need a good tank to fill that role, but you shouldn’t give it too much preference or you won’t have the rest of the tools to properly fill your role.


I skipped from T2 to T5. I got along just fine from simply maining interceptors down there.

Then again, I didn’t mind being a masochist.


I bet you weren’t playing t5 after 200 games like all the tier rushers are

I bet you weren’t in t5 after 200 games like all the tier rushers are

c’mon let them play in t5, especially with squads!


*We had this 3man squad in t5… 1x t5 premium, rest ships R1-2*


and Wolfy was special! When he went there he owned everyone with his special builds

I bet you weren’t playing t5 after 200 games like all the tier rushers are

Is it possible to reach t5 with 200 games?


Well, premium ships aside of course…


You can’t avoid that, unfortunately. It is like the usual Löwe tomato drivers in world of tanks. You have to carry on and win the game anyway.


Think that those guys, who usually spend 40 € in a ship to play straight into high tiers, are they guys who keep the game alive. You have to thank them for that.

Is it possible to reach t5 with 200 games?


saw one player with 120 something battles in t5 so it must be

saw one player with 120 something battles in t5 so it must be

Well, with the benefits of the R15 implants and the new crew unlocking by rank (adding to the previous rank 12 4th slot unlock) it is logic to rush at least one line to get that.