Interceptor conflict?

Hehe, it can be done :wink:

No, you really can’t. No amount of Collision Compensators would give you the mobility you need for this endeavour. Definitely not with Empire Engies. Federate Engies, however, might.

No, you really can’t. No amount of Collision Compensators would give you the mobility you need for this endeavour. Definitely not with Empire Engies. Federate Engies, however, might.


What if the Cov Ops is dumb xxxx? I’ve “dodged” arcs with my Styx because those fuckers came at 600 m/s and dint stop afterburning lol

What if the Cov Ops is dumb xxxx? I’ve “dodged” arcs with my Styx because those fuckers came at 600 m/s and dint stop afterburning lol

In this case, i would say, that it wasnt you who dodget plasma arc :)))

After-burning while pitching up can confuse the hell out of less skilled piolots

After-burning while pitching up can confuse the hell out of less skilled piolots

ad a reverse into it and rotation

In this case, i would say, that it wasnt you who dodget plasma arc :)))


yes it was! because I moved my ship, and they just passed me like a train

ad a reverse into it and rotation

Thanks for the tip

Interceptor rules, deal with it. They are the only ships I use and I’m really happy with them.

Really dude? they cant win alone

What if the Cov Ops is dumb xxxx? I’ve “dodged” arcs with my Styx because those fuckers came at 600 m/s and dint stop afterburning lol



In this case, i would say, that it wasnt you who dodget plasma arc :)))

^ this.


Because they’re idiots handling the stick, they just shoot past you doing minimal damage. If they bump into you, they’re likely to just face away from you… There’s no dodging involved…

No, you really can’t. No amount of Collision Compensators would give you the mobility you need for this endeavour. Definitely not with Empire Engies. Federate Engies, however, might.


Imperial engies can still strafe pretty well. At least, my Styx does. 


A long time back, someone mentioned bumping into a covops with an active plasma arc to knock it off course, thereby reducing damage taken.

I think you spelt tanking wrong…


Seriously, empire engie is a flying brick, one does not simply dodge plasma arcs

i’ve got a method to get my strafe speed higher than my forward speed. you would be surprised how annoyed interceptors get when i simply scoot out of their circle strafe. of course you also have to think in 3 dimensional space, track their movement in your head when you cant see them, and remain one step ahead of them with simple movements to dodge their big ones.

the weakness of the covert ops interceptor, is that while it is very deadly to slow targets it needs to be moving at all times in order to stay alive, so if  you enter this kind of situation where they need to slow down or stop if they want to hit you, most wind up disengaging or dying.

i’ve got a method to get my strafe speed higher than my forward speed. you would be surprised how annoyed interceptors get when i simply scoot out of their circle strafe



Your strafe maximum speed has nothing to do with ability to dodge, most important stat is acceleration and rotation, strafe acceleration is not affected by anything, it is a fixed value



Your strafe maximum speed has nothing to do with ability to dodge, most important stat is acceleration and rotation, strafe acceleration is not affected by anything, it is a fixed value

oh well :frowning: I guess i just need to stack more strafe speed then.  you’re also missing the concept but that’s also fine.

Acceleration engine mod, collision compensation, strafe implant, light armor.


Most reliable way for inties to actually kill with plasma sword is to sit nearly motionless and maybe bump thrusters to maneuver closer. Any inty that’s dumb enough to full-burn at their target gets one/two passes maximum. Against a smart and maneuverable frig? None.


Still doesn’t matter much whether you sit still or burn against LRF minefields. Everybody dies.

Interceptor rules, deal with it. They are the only ships I use and I’m really happy with them.


You, and anyone else with the same thought process are all egoistical, self-centered players with single-minded approach, that you are sooooo xxxx good at your class, that you don’t have to fly anything else in this game to be successful, and than always blame on your team when you lose, and other game mechanics.


Well guess what, it is YOUR damn fault too.


If you were so damn good, why is there some of us that have no problems attaining good win ratios across all tiers, odds and patches, but you cannot, while still clinging to the fact that your single class deserves to be better and others are not… balanced?


Please find ONE post where I was complaining about a certain ship class in the game. One.



You done? Good. Now take a look at my stats in game, and notice the connection between number of “balance complaints” on my end, and stats on all the pilots that like to complain about balance and are so smart about it. 


Let me tell you something about this game. In case you haven’t noticed, you have 4 ships to select from at the start, and you can switch even in the MIDDLE of the game. With your team, that is up to 16 ships you can choose on how to build your team before you enter a game, and can change strategy at any moment.  And you even see ENEMY ships and even their STATISTICS like resistances, and you STILL fail to counter them.


Are you xxxx kidding me?


This is not Mechwarrior Online, where you pick ONE mech, and you are stuck with it until the end of the match, and you have no idea what you will encounter on the enemy side. Yes, that is harsh. There, you have a better chance to stick to one class, master it, and be an elite in just that. But even there, it will give you a lot more experience and knowledge if you learn how other classes play and behave, so you will know their strength and weakness better. This applies to Star Conflict too, but it is so much more.


To truly master this game, there is no single ship class to depend on. No matter how damn good you are. Once you finally realize, that there is much more to the game than just “you, you, op classes you dont fly and bad pugs”, you will see that the key is in understanding the presence of all 24 ships in the game, your own and your teams loadout.


Anyone that has ever flown in squad with me can confirm one thing: I always ask what everyone’s ship loadouts are, and suggest or demand changes. Making a good team composition is half the battle. It is called knowing the path and walking the path. Most people don’t bother with that, but this is the essence of the game for me. It is the way, in how I, combining with all of my varied ship builds of all classes I’m not afraid to fly, always adapt to my team, fill out the holes they may have, and cover mine. That is how even other pilots from our corp most of the time just somehow cannot beat my premade teams when they are facing us on the other side, even if I pick less experienced players, as long they work with me, we are doing just fine.


It is not just how good you are in one ship. It is how good you are in flying all types of ships, and filling the blank spots your team needs. And even that is just a part of the grand puzzle. 



To truly know how to counter the class and composition that is giving you trouble, you have to first understand that ship, know how it flies and behaves very well, before you can start developing strategies on how to counter, beat or avoid it, to win the game. The key is in understanding how everything works, and only by walking that path, you will learn that. And maybe, just maybe, when you stop egoistically clinging to your favorite classes and actually start working with your team, maybe you will stop complaining about ship role and balances, because these are not the problem that is making your loses.


Peace out.


But even there, it will give you a lot more experience and knowledge if you learn how other classes play and behave, so you will know their strength and weakness better. This applies to Star Conflict too, but it is so much more.


To truly master this game, there is no single ship class to depend on. No matter how damn good you are. Once you finally realize, that there is much more to the game than just “you, you, op classes you dont fly and bad pugs”, you will see that the key is in understanding the presence of all 24 ships in the game, your own and your teams loadout.


Anyone that has ever flown in squad with me can confirm one thing: I always ask what everyone’s ship loadouts are, and suggest or demand changes. Making a good team composition is half the battle. It is called knowing the path and walking the path. 


To truly know how to counter the class and composition that is giving you trouble, you have to first understand that ship, know how it flies and behaves very well, before you can start developing strategies on how to counter, beat or avoid it, to win the game. The key is in understanding how everything works, and only by walking that path, you will learn that. 



Very good spoken Neo. And thats really the trick. Before you claim balance issues, make sure that you tried out ALL classes (on a long run) and a lot of possible loadouts. 


If someone is just yelling because he cant understand gamemechanics… its just fail.

This is a very nice post Neo but it still hasn’t convinced me to play engineers :stuck_out_tongue:

This is a very nice post Neo but it still hasn’t convinced me to play engineers :stuck_out_tongue:


And if you win a Sandwich?

This is a very nice post Neo but it still hasn’t convinced me to play engineers :stuck_out_tongue:

You do realize that in T3 a Styx can out tank a Jericho guard, without active heals.