Interceptor conflict?

We all have different playstyles.

I must say that I feel pretty OP when piloting an Interceptor in most cases - no matter how many Interceptors are on the enemy side. I also feel OP in my Gunship or Commandship in these cases. I think I’d feel pretty OP in a frigate, too… if I would like to fly those. Please help me understand your problem.


Because you’re a veteran player. Any player smart enough will kill any ship with almost any ship. That’s what Radiance didn’t understand yet.

This game is being balanced for the wrong crowd.

thats all i can say from this situation.

i’ve had my share of experiences.

too many people gravitate twards interceptors, there’s little you can do to change the mind of a mass crowd like that.


In fact the game has been balanced last patched for the wrong crowd indeed, the Ace crowd with minds like yours. 


“I cant hit this guy, ergo this guy is hacking or using a OP ship, pls nerf, it’s not my lack on aiming or game understanding, that can’t be true.”

For crying out loud i can fight inties in an empire Engineer!

For crying out loud i can fight inties in an empire Engineer!


Unless you’re literally alone or there are like 6 of them against you, an empire engi could handle a couple of them or 3 without problems

Actually with 45% critical, +150% critical damage and increased rate of fire i get decent dps output, getting numbers above 1000 quite offten:)


On which weapon ?

plasma gun

plasma gun


:lol:  No comment lol

plasma gun


Plasma gun’s not that bad.  It’s for when you’re playing siege instead of bait in an interceptor.  It can be done, but you’re better off with a fighter in that case.

Plasma gun’s not that bad.  It’s for when you’re playing siege instead of bait in an interceptor.  It can be done, but you’re better off with a fighter in that case.

In all honesty, Plasma Gun’s the only thing used in T4+. I’ve rarely seen any else being fitted in Ceptors and it shows considering if Ceptors get anywhere close to Frigates they get their xxxx pushed in.

In all honesty, Plasma Gun’s the only thing used in T4+. I’ve rarely seen any else being fitted in Ceptors and it shows considering if Ceptors get anywhere close to Frigates they get their xxxx pushed in.

must be only me seeing a wide range of weaponary used there… mostly shrapnel and lasers.

must be only me seeing a wide range of weaponary used there… mostly shrapnel and lasers.

And how often do those pilots die? Or kill something?

And how often do those pilots die? Or kill something?

i run shrapnel and rfb myself. works pretty well on the right ships…

i run shrapnel and rfb myself. works pretty well on the right ships…


Same here - Shrapnel + RFB

I have lasers in all my recons up to the diamond dwarf. So far I’m doing great, although sometimes I miss having more range.


Also, since I don’t have any fed ship with higher rank than 3, I’m having a lot of trouble for upgrading Plasmas to mark 3. Hence I prefer lasers. (I have plenty of warden and legion vouchers income)

After some of the recent shrapnel nerfs I started using pulse lasers.  It didn’t hurt that I had a purple T2 pulse laser that I got from before the module changes and I was leveling up interceptors.

Unless you’re literally alone or there are like 6 of them against you, an empire engi could handle a couple of them or 3 without problems

All alone in a t2 engie from empire, doging plasma arcs



I think you spelt tanking wrong…


Seriously, empire engie is a flying brick, one does not simply dodge plasma arcs

Hehe, it can be done :wink: