Interceptor conflict?

I honestly don’t understand the ceptor whiners.
you say your poor interceptor gets nerfed and you can’t play it anymore.

I didnt see any nerfs to the interceptors or their modules in recent patches.
all i see is interceptor pilots complaining about everything that can actually come to par with them.

regardless of how “easy it is” to dispatch to kill one in certain circumstances.
In lower tiers there are simply swarms of them and i’m getting sick of having to play against…

every single game.

The only reason so many people defend that class is because everyone who flies one considers himself a pro.
i’m honestly getting sick and tired of playing interceptor conflict.

the only thing that seems to save me in my engi is a torpedo point blank if he accidentaly moves in front of me.
in a fighter its way more complicated especially if theres 2 or 3 or in pretty much every other game 5/6 out of the whole enemy squad.

every time something gets buffed that can kill interceptors as easily as they kill anything else they loose their minds

havent seen a fighter buff debuff in forever.


Now Guards are useless and Guard Conflict is gone, Ceptor Conflict has taken over.


I’m not surprised for 2 reasons:


  1. That’s a beacon map. You always launch Ceptors first to get the Beacons first, then use Fighters/Frigates to balance the map.

  2. Ceptors are fast, strong and not even Tacklers can counter them enough.

In lower tiers there are simply swarms of them and i’m getting sick of having to play against…

Please, try go to T4/5 and see how well the interceptors do.

Also, why another thread showing hate for interceptors? You already had the other one, keep the rants organized :wink:

The fact that swarms were even before the patch now its just this every single game, Interceptors have warps cloak debuffs
machine gun rocket pods , and they still complain…
Why doesnt anyone try out other ship classes, this is beta i thought were all testers and are supposed to balance this game toghether.

im just waiting for all the tryhards to come here and start bashing me for calling them on their bullshit

Please, try go to T4/5 and see how well the interceptors do.

Also, why another thread showing hate for interceptors? You already had the other one, keep the rants organized :wink:

That’s a high-end T3 / low-end T4 match, so…

Please, try go to T4/5 and see how well the interceptors do.

Also, why another thread showing hate for interceptors? You already had the other one, keep the rants organized :wink:

if you actually read any of what i wrote plus the giant screenshot in front of your face you would see that its T4/5

lol go any more above R11 and you get faced against high end T5’s

i know it must really hurt from behind that the game is trying to Fit ship classes where they are.

interceptors die like flies as a result.

but hearing from people who "can’t solo a guard in their cov ops :(/ can’t kill a guard in their interceptor) tick me off, they never flew any other ship class.

before the patch killing a guard in a gunship/ command/ engi was so freaking easy.(now they insta pop)

That’s a high-end T3 / low-end T4 match, so…

Oh, sorry, but he clearly said “lower tiers”, and besides, now that I’m looking, he’s showing a screenshot of a Domination Match, and most (if not all) of the players have only 1 inty in ther lineup. I don’t find weird to use speedy ships for a speedy mode.



if you actually read any of what i wrote plus the giant screenshot in front of your face you would see that its T4/5

lol go any more above R11 and you get faced against high end T5’s

Again, write properly, ain’t “lower tier”, and I don’t see anything wrong with having only 1 inty in your lineup (like most of the pilots in your screenshot do) :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh, sorry, but he clearly said “lower tiers”, and besides, now that I’m looking, he’s showing a screenshot of a Domination Match, and most (if not all) of the players have only 1 inty in ther lineup. I don’t find weird to use speedy ships for a speedy mode.




Again, write properly, ain’t “lower tier”, and I don’t see anything wrong with have only 1 inty in your lineup (like most of the pilots in your screenshot do) :stuck_out_tongue:

Domination/ combat recon/ detonation doesnt matter i can take 40 more screenshots like this, i happen to pick this one at random.

this happens every game

Again, I like to know what’s your problem with the class (besides the fact that plenty of people likes to fly something faster than a brick), perhaps you could do a list of the modules that you don’t like or want nerfed, idk, but instead of ranting, why you don’t propose something?

I think someone got plasma arc’d in the butt 1 to many time lol

and here we go just a bunch of people who get butthurt every time I call them on their bullcrap.

im gonna wait for people with some logic in their cranium.

particle purging ceptors is alot of fun.

my problem is that no one flies anything but ceptors. because guards are dead pointless again

I think someone got plasma arc’d in the butt 1 to many time lol



Frigates are boring and slow - Interceptors are not. Simples

In 1v1 fights, intys have an advantage due to their greater mobility. Just don’t fly off by yourself. It’s much easier to hit an inty orbiting around your teammate.


But then again, this is pretty much common sense, right? If your engie got circle-strafed, you probably shouldn’t even be there. I fly engies too, and the main reason why i get mobbed by intys is that I overextended.

having team mates is a no brainer.

we both know you cant rely on random team mates in this game.

by the time you kill the orbitimg ceptor 2 more respawned to kill you and the engi or what ever they were ganking

particle purging ceptors is alot of fun.

my problem is that no one flies anything but ceptors. because guards are dead pointless again


Dont you worry. The Purge will most likely be nerfed next patch. 


Maybe try to fly a ceptor by urself then?

Its a well known fact that people who don’t like interceptors also hate fun and happiness.

yeah it probably will and then the next time I see a ceptor ill just go get a cup of coffee cause I feel like im flailing my arms wildly when im dogfighting interceptors.

I flew ceptors…I find them hilariously easy to operate.

press 3 movement buttons and just watch everything miss.

except the singularity.

the only weapon that does full damage when only 2 of the guns are actually firing

I find that boring.

not touching those flies.

I dont evem understand why was there a flak fest about guards.

they arent that hard to outrange.

idiots who flew point blank and expected to win kept dying so they got nerfed? wut.

feels like im the only one who uses something besides the singularity to fight bigger ships on fighters

Hold on… so your main issue with intys is that it’s impossible to hit them because of their high speed? Just want to clarify this.

If you hate ceptors take a Gauss Cannon and have fun.

you are all missing the point…

so one 5 intys in a game = perfectly normal.

5 guards = broken and op.

fighters in mass are not equal to ceptors in mass