Interceptor conflict?

you are all missing the point…

so one 5 intys in a game = perfectly normal.

5 guards = broken and op.

fighters in mass are not equal to ceptors in mass



Correct - As Guard is one specific role. ‘Inty’s’ can be any of 3 roles … You are using the ship class instead of the actual role of the ship to say its OP (Which it isn’t btw)

there are so many ship classes and 85% of people keep using only 1 why do you think that is?..because its perfectly balanced right balanced?

why can a ship that was made for recon /support can ans is being used as a derp glass cannon?

they are op vs fighters if the fighter pilot doesnt know his xxxx.

they are death to pretty much every federation fighter.

death to engineers.

tehy cloak debuff nuke and skeet if they want to.

I say just remove everything and leave the ceptors.

since everything else gets dumbed down for them eventually.

you just explained why flying anything but an interceptor is basically pointless.

and thats ok with you?

so long as its in beta I can understnad but people just want to be able rape everything and stay in their comfort zone.

How short sighted are you Radiance really ?



ANY ship IS OP if the opposition pilot doesnt know what he is doing, regardless of ship class / role :facepalm:


And just for info - I have EVERY ship unlockled upto the end of T4 - So I can fly what ever role / class I want to. Depending on game mode or what ships people I am in a squad with are flying will dictate what ships I bring myself

I got killed by an interceptor last match they are op QQ nerf NAO!

5 interceptos == 5 fighters

It all depends on the builds. There are some that are hard to hit, while others die in 2-3 shots.

If you know how to fly your ship you will always be op.

I got killed by an interceptor (guard)* last match they are op QQ nerf NAO!

every ceptor whiner pre patch

ok then explain to me why the majority of this game keeps revolving aroind interceptors then?

why do I see 5/4 ceptors each game but not fighters.

the problem is the majority of this forum are ceptor pilots.

its a shame we dont hear the opinions of fighter pilots frigate pilots more.

Bad MM ? :lol:


Just out of interest Radiance - Have you unlocked, and flown any Inty’s at all ?

Bad MM ? :lol:

Just out of interest Radiance - Have you unlocked, and flown any Inty’s at all ?

I have :smiley:

there are enough without me flying one

Just because a lot of people fly a certain ship type doesnt mean it’s OP. Inties are just fun ships to fly so a lot of people gravitate towards them. After playing several games as an engineer or gunship I find it fun to hop on my inty and fly around real fast capping objectives to break up the monotony of always flying so slow. As far as everything else goes I find that proper positioning goes a long ways in this game so maybe you just need to work on your map awareness to avoid being swarmed.

…on my level its far past that stage.

I dont need newbie insights on how usefull they are as beacon capturers.

the problem is they are built for one thing bjt have the potential to make most ships obsolete

especially in large numbers when their modules stack.

if this is the case and it indeed is.

something is clearly wrong and everyone is too comfortable to admit it.

or you are just seeing things that don’t exist :slight_smile:

…on my level its far past that stage.

I dont need newbie insights on how usefull they are as beacon capturers.

the problem is they are built for one thing bjt have the potential to make most ships obsolete

especially in large numbers when their modules stack

Ceptors aren’t so good at buffing, sniping, healing and area denial. 12 interceptors without that kind of support are going to lose big time vs a mixed formation of fighters and frigate. Also I don’t have the slightest problem killing inties with my fighters in any tier.

 Radiance you really have to start working on your long term understandings and abilities to think outside of the box, seriously, how can you not see what is happening?

 There are so many reasons combined to why there are swarms of intys in the game, and OP is not in them

 - People picked guard because they were extremely powerful in higher tiers AND required next to no effort to fly, now guards are still powerful but you have to do the EFFORT to be effective. A lot of people flew them even though they did not like they game style just because you had to. This patch guards got nerfed, instead of trying to understand what do now, people just cry it is useless now and go to something else, dumb people are not going to change…

  • Another reasons towards inty swarms are speed up of progression, due to balances Intys are fun and effective" in T2 those same Aces rush to t3-4-5 and keep playing intys without realising how other ship/roles developed

  • Alot of people comes to this game for the fast paced action, and it is only achievable on Intys and feds fighters

  • When there were Guard swarms, everything was super slow, nothing dies, now inty swarms EVERYTHING dies everywhere and those inty swarmers die alot and alot and alot they just do more of a lemming kamikaze runs, it is they choice but it doesn’t make them OP or any effective

  • I see zero problem with inty swarms, why? I see one, i pick my anty inty ship, i kill them in big numbers, hopefully some one else smart enough on my team to pick anty inty ship and we just roll enemy team over.

  • All of those that you cant fight intys in fighters are nonsense, there are fighters that easily destroys intys and there are some intys that spec in killing some fighters, there are plenty of roles and builds within each roles to focus on one task or enother

  • Why da hell are you flying with 2 hips in hangar? You claim to understand a game, I don’t get it, there is zero reason to equip only 2 ships in battle.

  • if you personally can not fight off interceptors it doesn’t make the op, it makes you need to train or learn or re evaluate how to deal with them, instead of whining you should seek advice.

  • What other people said Intys =3 classes, each class can be build at least for 2 more gamestyles = anti slow targets or anty intys

like I said before killing them is not a problem.

there are swarms of them.

lrfs are not that usefull and antk inty ships wont save you if one comes at point blank.

they dont have any trouble avoiding most ships and crossing the entire map.

as an lrf pilot ivr had intys coming to my spawn seconds after spawn.

2 ships because i’m lacking a t4 and I dont want to fill it with anything else or else the MM xxxx it up.

I do undestamd the gsme from many perspectives.

this monh im playing gunship engi soon lrf.

last montn I played guard tackler command.

I change my ships routinely.

and ive seen many changes after going up down a tier.

and interceptor swarms and effectiveness seems the only thing to stay unbalanced.

if they were so role specific you wouldnt see those swarms steam rolling and winning each time.

I think radiance can’t aim for xxxx so he blames the speed on ceptors

more importantly tacklers.

the anti inty role.

if they were effective they’d get bitched about and nerfed.

but you can only deal with 1 at a time in them.

thank god foe that huh?

I think radiance can’t aim for xxxx so he blames the speed on ceptors

I think I can aim perfectly fine hence why im using rails.

unlike mister shotgun at point blank .

cant aim at something that micro warps.