Interceptor conflict?

Lol i don’t use shrapnel or singularity. Try again!

you are all missing the point…

so one 5 intys in a game = perfectly normal.

5 guards = broken and op.

fighters in mass are not equal to ceptors in mass


Yes, Radiance, I am missing the point. Just what the heck are you trying to say? As Kipps has pointed out in response to your statement above:


Correct - As Guard is one specific role. ‘Inty’s’ can be any of 3 roles … You are using the ship class instead of the actual role of the ship to say its OP (Which it isn’t btw)


I haven’t seen 5 recons or 5 covops or 5 ECMs on the opposing team. Hell, I’ve only seen 5 LRFs, never 5 of any other ship role.




there are so many ship classes and 85% of people keep using only 1 why do you think that is?..because its perfectly balanced right balanced?


85%??? Are you sure? I don’t see that in T3. Besides, intys are faster to they reach the battle area more quickly. In beacon hunt, usually the intys get to the beacons first.


why can a ship that was made for recon /support can ans is being used as a derp glass cannon?

they are op vs fighters if the fighter pilot doesnt know his xxxx.

they are death to pretty much every federation fighter.

death to engineers.

tehy cloak debuff nuke and skeet if they want to.

I say just remove everything and leave the ceptors.

since everything else gets dumbed down for them eventually.

you just explained why flying anything but an interceptor is basically pointless.

and thats ok with you?

so long as its in beta I can understnad but people just want to be able rape everything and stay in their comfort zone.


I’ll like to see a video replay of how intys are OPed. 


5 interceptos == 5 fighters


Yup. You’ve got that right. What’s your point?


ok then explain to me why the majority of this game keeps revolving aroind interceptors then?

why do I see 5/4 ceptors each game but not fighters.

the problem is the majority of this forum are ceptor pilots.

its a shame we dont hear the opinions of fighter pilots frigate pilots more.


I usually see 4 or 5 frigates per side too. [sarcasm]Ah… so the problem is that fighters are underpowered. 4 to 5 intys and the same number of frigates in a team of 12 means there’s only about 3 fighters per side.[/sarcasm]


…on my level its far past that stage.

I dont need newbie insights on how usefull they are as beacon capturers.

the problem is they are built for one thing bjt have the potential to make most ships obsolete

especially in large numbers when their modules stack.

if this is the case and it indeed is.

something is clearly wrong and everyone is too comfortable to admit it.


12 frigates = 60 Octopus missiles. That’s OPed too. Having command fighters time their stun missiles for a prolonged stun combo is pretty OPed as well.




like I said before killing them is not a problem.

there are swarms of them.


So your point is that too many people play intys, hence intys are OPed?

Radiance, no offense but the more you write, the more you sink.

By the way, Rails ain’t for Inty-Killing, use Gauss, snipe them out, take adventage of the critical hits of a charged shot.

Its a well known fact that people who don’t like interceptors also hate fun and happiness.

you are correct, that’s why i drive ion gunship

like I said before killing them is not a problem.

there are swarms of them.

lrfs are not that usefull and antk inty ships wont save you if one comes at point blank.

they dont have any trouble avoiding most ships and crossing the entire map.

as an lrf pilot ivr had intys coming to my spawn seconds after spawn.

2 ships because i’m lacking a t4 and I dont want to fill it with anything else or else the MM xxxx it up.

I do undestamd the gsme from many perspectives.

this monh im playing gunship engi soon lrf.

last montn I played guard tackler command.

I change my ships routinely.

and ive seen many changes after going up down a tier.

and interceptor swarms and effectiveness seems the only thing to stay unbalanced.

if they were so role specific you wouldnt see those swarms steam rolling and winning each time.

Why d you equip t3? They arent gonna affect yor mm, they are better than nothing, they still very effective in higher tier at their purpose

Inty swarm dont win games, most of the time it is opposite.

And again, if you personaly dont likefighting vs fast mobile targets,it is your personal problem, it does not make inty swarms op or effective

2 ships because i’m lacking a t4 and I dont want to fill it with anything else or else the MM xxxx it up.

Matchmaking only takes your highest ranked ship into account. Everything else is ignored.


I must say that I feel pretty OP when piloting an Interceptor in most cases - no matter how many Interceptors are on the enemy side. I also feel OP in my Gunship or Commandship in these cases. I think I’d feel pretty OP in a frigate, too… if I would like to fly those. Please help me understand your problem.

I flew ceptors…I find them hilariously easy to operate.

press 3 movement buttons and just watch everything miss.

In what is this different from flying Frigs?

I dont evem understand why was there a flak fest about guards.

Because a Good Inquisitor (even TOR S) can not be killed 1v1 with an Inty OR Fighter. Im not talking about a random lowbie, Im talking about the good builds. So, a Guard was and still is more worth than any other ship aviable. Is that fair?


they arent that hard to outrange.


Besides Plasma Gun+Horizon there is no weapon on an inty that could outrange a frig. 


idiots who flew point blank and expected to win kept dying so they got nerfed? wut.


See above. Btw. Plasma Gun is only useful on ECM

feels like im the only one who uses something besides the singularity to fight bigger ships on fighters


Assault is fine, too. Killed 4 guys with one Overdrive. 

Lol i don’t use shrapnel or singularity. Try again!

fair i don’t really care what you use, this is not a prick waving contest.

i’m trying to point out things to balance out the fact that alot of games interceptors are the only thing that actually flies.


Radiance, no offense but the more you write, the more you sink.

By the way, Rails ain’t for Inty-Killing, use Gauss, snipe them out, take adventage of the critical hits of a charged shot.

yes because the official star conflict guide said so. right? they work fine for me, but because you can’t read ill say again. killing them isnt always the issue.

even if youre surrounded by team mates most of the time they won’t be fast enough to help you against 2 or 3 of them on you.


Why d you equip t3? They arent gonna affect yor mm, they are better than nothing, they still very effective in higher tier at their purpose

Inty swarm dont win games, most of the time it is opposite.

And again, if you personaly dont likefighting vs fast mobile targets,it is your personal problem, it does not make inty swarms op or effective

because last time i did that the MM put me up with super cross mixed matches from T3 to T5 for some reason.

The main point is in most situations you won’t be able to kill a interceptor at point blank range in a fighter or a frigate.(not sure about guards at this point, tho torpedo to the face is an option)


Then don’t use an interceptor if you see lots of frigs, problem solved.
no need to nerf and tilt the game.

all guards needed was module range debuff and their recovery mods debuff.
making an elephant out of a fly to once again.
tilt the game in one classes favor.
they worked great at area denying just their range was op

Flying a frigate you won’t dodge 4 people shooting at you



I flew ceptors…I find them hilariously easy to operate.
press 3 movement buttons and just watch everything miss.

In what is this different from flying Frigs?

if i saw a frigball i would fight fire with fire.
people are just too stubborn to let go of their comfort zone

Matchmaking only takes your highest ranked ship into account. Everything else is ignored.


I must say that I feel pretty OP when piloting an Interceptor in most cases - no matter how many Interceptors are on the enemy side. I also feel OP in my Gunship or Commandship in these cases. I think I’d feel pretty OP in a frigate, too… if I would like to fly those. Please help me understand your problem.

uh…ok? good for you?

had lots of games with you only thing i ever saw you fly was your ceptor

Then don’t use an interceptor if you see lots of frigs, problem solved.

no need to nerf and tilt the game.

all guards needed was module range debuff and their recovery mods debuff.

making an elephant out of a fly to once again.

tilt the game in one classes favor.

Flying a frigate you won’t dodge 4 people shooting at you


Tbh. you dont know what we are talking about since you most likely have too less experience in t4/5. 

Guards are still good enough, it will take some time tho, until the whiners (OMG I lost 9k EHP Noooooo, whyyyyyy? Ship is ruined, yet I have 10x the EHP of an Int) realize that their ship is still a floating fortress… given they find the “f” key.


If 4 PPL are shooting at you, you are dead. doesnt matter, if you are frig or not. If 4 PPL shooting at you, you misinterpreted the field and manouvered in a hopless position. 

Since even Guards have to do that now, i would say its fair. 

even if youre surrounded by team mates most of the time they won’t be fast enough to help you against 2 or 3 of them on you.


So intys are OPed because your teammates are lousy…?

This game is being balanced for the wrong crowd.
thats all i can say from this situation.
i’ve had my share of experiences.

too many people gravitate twards interceptors, there’s little you can do to change the mind of a mass crowd like that.

So intys are OPed because your teammates are lousy…?

Are being an obnoxious xxxx on purpose? or is this your natural state?

regardless if they are good or not you will probably be left with too little HP to even recover should anyone decide to pick you off.

The problem before was in order to fight guards you had to go guards, now if you want to fight intys you go intys, fighters or frigs, there are plenty of counter to intys, while guards didn’t really had effective counter before in higher tier. Still guards are very potent and effective if you put your mind to, its jut no longer as brainless as it use to.

I pick recon, get 10 kills, oh man it is op
Then pick a feds engi and get 10 kills and be 3x usefull to my team, oh -op
I pick gunship/tackler and get 10 kills from those inty swarms, yes -op

Oh you are the only person who knows the truth! Please great prophet enlightened us so we lowly masses can understand you!

more importantly tacklers.

the anti inty role.

if they were effective they’d get bitched about and nerfed.


tacklers are fine.

uh…ok? good for you?

had lots of games with you only thing i ever saw you fly was your ceptor

Yes, I mostly fly ceptors. But I also fly Gunship or Command more often lately. Just happened to be in a ceptor when you were around.


I pick recon, get 10 kills, oh man it is op

Then pick a feds engi and get 10 kills and be 3x usefull to my team, oh -op

I pick gunship/tackler and get 10 kills from those inty swarms, yes -op

That’s the point I was trying to make.

Are being an obnoxious xxxx on purpose? or is this your natural state?

regardless if they are good or not you will probably be left with too little HP to even recover should anyone decide to pick you off.


Granted, having 3 or 4 intys hammering away at my Styx from all directions means that I’m going down, but that’ll take quite a while. I keep a handful of intys distracted, while my teammates outnumber the enemies and get a small advantage elsewhere in the battlefield. I don’t mind this tradeoff.


Back on track… I absolutely have no idea why you find intys OPed. Having many people playing intys does not make them OPed (LRFs are not OPed, for instance). Being fast and elusive does not make them OPed (Fed fighters are blazingly fast and aren’t OPed). Being versatile does not make them OPed either (command fighters are arguably one of the most versatile ships: they have buffs for increased damage, they’ve got good staying power, and they can even shut down your modules with their missiles, but they aren’t OPed afaik). My point is: I can’t see the core of your argument at all. 

My point is: I can’t see the core of your argument at all. 

Exactly, that’s why I asked him to give some arguments, and to propose something in order to fix whatever he feels is “wrong” in the game.