Interceptor conflict?

Yes, I mostly fly ceptors. But I also fly Gunship or Command more often lately. Just happened to be in a ceptor when you were around.


That’s the point I was trying to make.

yup, useless inty swarms.

thats what i don’t understand.

Exactly, that’s why I asked him to give some arguments, and to propose something in order to fix whatever he feels is “wrong” in the game.

you must have missed it.

Stop making everything else useless.

and give newer players a reason to play something other than an inty.

cause this game is getting narrower and narrower.

Theres the point.

I don’t know everything, and i do appreaciate any friendly or no so friendly feedback regardless.

this is from my viewpoint.

i will take more things into account now regardless ;)wt


Oh you are the only person who knows the truth! Please great prophet enlightened us so we lowly masses can understand you!


majority of (high ranked) players are inty players and when you take their money maker away they xxxxx and cry.

never claimed to be the pope, but if you insist. :salute:

If the core of your argument is that anything other than an inty is useless then I dont know what to tell you other than that is strictly your opinion. Many people, myself included, fly ships other than interceptors and do just find and arent having issues.

If the core of your argument is that anything other than an inty is useless then I dont know what to tell you other than that is strictly your opinion. Many people, myself included, fly ships other than interceptors and do just find and arent having issues.

The MM must not be fisting you as hard as it is me, since i always get pit up with 900 boneheads

more than so lately, and with no guards around i only seem to face off swarms of intys

don’t even know at this point games went terrible after this patch.

you must have missed it.

Stop making everything else useless.

and give newer players a reason to play something other than an inty.

cause this game is getting narrower and narrower.

Theres the point.


A valid one as well.


Imagine this scenario: you have two friends who play SC, and this is what each of them tell you at the end of a match:

  1. “Did you see that? I used plasma arc and sliced that guard in half!”
  2. “My heal aura saved the bomb carrier from imminent death and he planted the bomb and our team won!”

And during a match, in the heat of a firefight:

  1. “My insane piloting skills allows me to dodge all that in my agile inty!”
  2. “Bah. Didn’t even need to dodge that.”

What’s your impression of both of them? Who do you think is more skilled?


Let’s be realistic: most people would rather be in the limelight than in the backstage. Generally speaking: intys and gunships are cooler, and their pilots are assumed to have better piloting skill. Frigs, commands and tacklers? Boring and less skills required. Hell, even the skill level required to fly a guard had to be increased.




you must have missed it.

Stop making everything else useless.

and give newer players a reason to play something other than an inty.

cause this game is getting narrower and narrower.

Theres the point.


Now this opens another major debate about balance. Tacklers received a huuuuge buff recently (admittedly they were in desperate need of a buff before that), and gunships gained particle purge (which is a strong module). ECMs got hit by a nerfbat when their effect durations went down, and now recons are nerfed (to a smaller extent) since their micro locators can now be shot down. But was that enough? Every game has its own balance issues that can’t be solved easily.

I get thrown into one sided slaughters all the time. Typing this from the death screen of one right now as a matter of fact

Oh, sorry, but he clearly said “lower tiers”, and besides, now that I’m looking, he’s showing a screenshot of a Domination Match, and most (if not all) of the players have only 1 inty in ther lineup. I don’t find weird to use speedy ships for a speedy mode.

Which I said so on the post before yours.

The MM must not be fisting you as hard as it is me, since i always get pit up with 900 boneheads

more than so lately, and with no guards around i only seem to face off swarms of intys

don’t even know at this point games went terrible after this patch.

Get and keep your DSR under 1250 and teammates improve a lot.

I must say I agree partially with the OP. 

all the games I see are mostly inty swarms. I do think they’re a litle OP (since I flawn one) but not too much.

People play it like people like to play sniper in FPS. Because there is a “cool/fun” aura around them.


but the anti inty is not efficient enough to be able to counter effectively an inty swarm (a begginner inty will be more efficient than a beginner anti int). When 4/5 tacklers will be able to counter and inty swarm we’ll be seing less inty swarm.


NOTE : I’m talking about T3 games. Seems T4 and T5 doesn’t have this problem.

T1-2: inty domination

T3: balanced

T4-5: guard domination


That’s how i feel them right now.

And i agree that there’s either one of the 2 in most matches: frig balls or inty swarms. Frig balls can vary in guard and engi amounts (LRFs dont count, seriously). Inties however… there’s a domintation of Recons*. It’s almost unavoidable to get less than 50% recons out of inty total of a team atm, and so was before the patch as well. Also i noticed fighters are the least touched by changes usually on patches.


If intys bother you, run with Gauss. Rambo style.

If fighters bother you… ehm… anything? They range from fat-inties to mini-frigates… so it’s an all-rounder.

If frigates bother you, run with bubbles or a stronger frig ball (skill, size and / or coordination). Don’t rambo.


*PS: had a match with 8 Recons on one side…

Inty swarm vs team with 2+ guards in beacon hunt = frigates win. Inties just cant hold a position once taken

Inty swarm vs team with 2+ guards in beacon hunt = frigates win. Inties just cant hold a position once taken

How naïve. It’s not nice of you to underestimate a Ceptor swarm. They will eat you alive.

I play my int more like fighter, stand 2.5- 3km of enemy and shoot.To much mortars, octopus missiles ,pulsars and other stuff to get in close.

I play my int more like fighter, stand 2.5- 3km of enemy and shoot.To much mortars, octopus missiles ,pulsars and other stuff to get in close.


So you use the gun with the least DPS :facepalm:  Bet you do not get many kills like that :lol:

Actually with 45% critical, +150% critical damage and increased rate of fire i get decent dps output, getting numbers above 1000 quite offten:)

I was part of the ceptor swarm, its a real example

Actually with 45% critical, +150% critical damage and increased rate of fire i get decent dps output, getting numbers above 1000 quite offten:)

69% Crit chance, 150% crit damage. I get numbers around the 5-6k per second while on Orion.

I can get 2k per second without orion but dont think that is bad for gun with the least DPS.

I can get 2k per second without orion but dont think that is bad for gun with the least DPS.

I get those % on my ships. You figure it out.