Inhibitor Beam to Block Recon MicroWarp Engine.

I suggest, as the title suggests, that the Tackler’s Inhibitor Beam block any Recon from successfully using its warp module when it is in effect. 


When a tackler activates his inhibitor beam on the recon scout: 1. The beam is in effect, the Recon activates the microwarp, the microwarp stutters and dies, and the cooldown for the microwarp begins. 

  1. The Recon’s warp is activated, and, right before the warp takes effect, the Tackler uses the inhibitor beam on the recon, the recon’s microwarp then stutters and dies, and the cooldown begins.

  2. Recon uses microwarp, the microwarp takes effect, Recon warps, While the Recon is still in range, the Tackler uses The inhibitor beam, the Recon is dragged out of its warp, and the microwarp cooldown begins. 

  3. Inhibitor beam is in effect on an enemy recon, the scout turns invisible, scout starts up warp, warps before tackler is able to get a new lock on the interceptor. This’ll be the counter for the recon against the tackler when wanting to escape. 


Happy Tacklers, happy tacklers everywhere. 



Furthermore, this’d be a nice counter for any warping ship. 

Please allow the inhibitor beam to drag any enemy ship-type out of a warp, even the map permanent ones. 

This will make the tackler even more of a tackler, rather than a drone pooping speedster. 

Like tacklers aren’t happy as is. There is no need for this.

It would fit with the role rather well, however. 

Why are all your suggestion aimed to make tacklers more powerful? (Remember the captain one?) Anyway, tacklers are very powerful as they are. A panther with gauss just annihilates them with no effort. A well fitted tackler can easily slow down an inty to 150 m/s. So, this suggestion is pointless. 

+1 for this.

As there are many modules/effects that block the tacklermodule as well. So why not having such one for recons too?

I think the guard would benefit with one module too.

ECM already blocks microwarps and I think for some reason lack of energy also stops it after it has begun charging. Either that or getting shot too much.



Why are all your suggestion aimed to make tacklers more powerful? (Remember the captain one?) Anyway, tacklers are very powerful as they are. A panther with gauss just annihilates them with no effort. A well fitted tackler can easily slow down an inty to 150 m/s. So, this suggestion is pointless. 

Hardly. these are simply the few suggestions I have ever put forth to the balancing of the Tackler class. I have made many other suggestions for other classes, their modules, and so on.

I am not being one sided or biased in this. My most recent suggestions are for the tackler class; because, I have only recently taken them up again.

The last time I really played tacklers was back in T2, when they had minelayers. I’ve fitted the Jaguar, and these are my suggestions after I’ve toyed with it considerably. 

That’s why most of the recent ones you’ve seen are more focused on the tackler type. 


In any-case, you’re saying that a Recon should be able to escape a tacklers grasp easily? That doesn’t seem like it should happen, as one is a scout, and the other is the hunter who, when it has caught its prey, the prey must fight to escape, or, simply, trick the hunter with a feint, and run in the confusion.


As for the ‘captain one’, it’s a perfectly balanced buff. It allows the tacklers to make use of their ability while being captain, and the tackler won’t be firing their weapons while invisible, since they simply can’t without turning visible. Of course there are those who run about, but they are track-able, and it’s one less enemy ally for you to worry about when killing the captain’s team, if he’s a runner. Those types will panic and try to fight close quarters if their team is losing, and that’s your chance. It’s simply another play-style, one of which you can excel at, but, like in most other styles, you can still die while using it.

It would be way better if inhibitor did some slow on rotation…

It would be way better if inhibitor did some slow on rotation…


That would be more for another module. It doesn’t match the inhibitor. 

Perhaps the tackler’s gun could do it? eh, who knows.

What am I saying? that’s a terrible idea. Tacklers should not be able to slow one’s turn speed. 

Why? It inhibits engines :stuck_out_tongue:

Trap an animal, and it’ll be cowered in a corner, that’s when it’s most ferocious, but if you take away the thrill, if you remove the ability for that animal to fight back against the hunter, you essentially remove any sense of enjoyment aside from the sick, lunatic-like sense of a sadist about to give pain to one who is unable to protest, you’ll essentially be creating a module more powerful than an ECM’s entire arsenal of modules, and it would be as such, because it doesn’t have a cooldown. 

Even though it is a very reasonable suggestion, I don’t think tacklers should be anti-recons which are in essence “anti-tacklers”. It would be a weird situation to have two sub classes as each other’s nemesis.


Inhibitor already has the huge benefit of cancelling adaptives but at the same time, having rotation radius reduced by the beam is also reasonable but might be too strong aswell…


Couldn’t decide;



To be honest, I see tacklers as the counter to Recons, not the other way around o.O

As for a counter to tacklers - that’s just about every ship. 

So, you choose the easiest module to cancel the special module of recon? like it was too hard to keep active/reactivate 2 secs later after enemy uses a multipurpose mod. It requires little energy, its always active, has a lot of range…

Veredict: no.

Inhibitor beam could reduce turn rate, but if so, only by a VERY small amount.

Those really aren’t viable contradictions. got anything else?

It’s a single module, and it’s the only module, aside from the guard’s anti thruster module, that should be able to stop a recon warp. (not counting an ecm’s stun)

It’s a tackler, it tackles. 

You can also break away from the module by breaking line of sight and initiate your warp behind something or when simply out of sight. Recons are already pretty fast.

In any case, they’re *Recons* They’re not meant for the real fight if you only count what the class’s name is actually meant for. They scout. They can play mine-sweeper for tacklers as long as they please, but they must be counterable by the class that’s supposed to tackle all interceptors.

So the easiest module to block the special module of tackler is spy drone/locator. So why not having the same by tackler? It makes especially no sense to be able to block the afterburner, but the warp can still be active.

2 hours ago, WolfKhan said:

Those really aren’t viable contradictions. got anything else?

It’s a single module, and it’s the only module, aside from the guard’s anti thruster module, that should be able to stop a recon warp. (not counting an ecm’s stun)

It’s a tackler, it tackles. 

You can also break away from the module by breaking line of sight and initiate your warp behind something or when simply out of sight. Recons are already pretty fast.

In any case, they’re *Recons* They’re not meant for the real fight if you only count what the class’s name is actually meant for. They scout. They can play mine-sweeper for tacklers as long as they please, but they must be counterable by the class that’s supposed to tackle all interceptors.

No role should cancel any special module except for ECM. Theres no reason to frustrate by the easiest way the use of such important module of recons, since theres no balance issue; applying your suggestion would mess up balance: its not a viable suggestion. Tacklers tackle very well, if you want to completely nullify a ship, use an ECM to stun and coordinate focused fire. Recons are already pretty fast, true, tacklers are even faster with cruise. Following the same logic: if inhibitor beams cancels microwarp, then target painter should cancel phase shield ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

On the other hand, SC is not 100% based on how “names are meant for”, reason why recons get 15% crit chance boost, shield siphon, proximity mines and slowing missiles (what does that has to do with recon?); this ship is in the middle between cov ops and ECMs firepower. Since SC is an arcade and fast paced game, theres no place for a dedicated recon (a real one), so in SC, recons do a partial “recon” job along with other duties like positioning fast into key targets and capture them (microwarp here, beacon capture speed bonus), supporting with debuffs (spy drones specifically reducing regen rate, shield siphon, slow), decloacking ships or preventing them to, but most of all, this is the most agile ship in the entire game, meant to distract enemies and provide dmg support to take out fast targets.

A “real” recon would have little to non weaponry, but since SC PVP dynamic requires an even amount of players per team (and each player to actually deal dmg), such specialised roles have no place (you wont find a scout squad like the ones in Homeworld 2). Destroyers had issues finding their place in the game since in theory they should worth like 2 or 3 frigates (that led to several adecuations like 200% explosive dmg multiplier, low effectivenes at long ranges, low regen rate, modules that can be destroyed and deal dmg to the ship, high energy needs, etc.), and making recons a complete dedicated recon job would make them a -1 ship for the team, considering other ships can fulfill the same role (like an LRF with 10km sensor range…very common in dreads).

8 minutes ago, Lord_Xenon said:

So the easiest module to block the special module of tackler is spy drone/locator. So why not having the same by tackler? It makes especially no sense to be able to block the afterburner, but the warp can still be active.

Getting rid of spy drones or getting away from the microlocator zone (specially if it was placed beforehand) is way easier than getting away of inhibitor beam when a tackler is chasing you. Im pretty sure AB have nothing to do with microwarp (cause the 2nd one warps…like warp gates…nothing ABs can do…)