Improved Booster System mechanics (similar to Implant System)

Fully customizable ships and Booster bonuses were always my goal. Star Conflict is certainly one of such games, which can make such goals possible.

I will present this in a simple way, so that everyone will be able to understand my suggestion.



Booster suggestion :


Current situation - old system : (major disadvantages - )


  • you buy a booster for a hefty price, which lasts for only 3 battles

  • if you want to change a Booster, you lose all of your previously bought Boosters entirely

  • you buy a booster for a hefty price, which affects all 4 ship slots, without giving you the option to fully customize your ship bonuses

  • you lost a battle, or you didn’t even have the opportunity to use your ship, because a battle already ended (join-in-progress matchmaking)

  • Boosters do not work in Open Space and Dreadnought Battle mode


Suggested Booster system - new system : (major advantages + )


  • better strategic planning and oversight for each ship setup with no automation required, except for assigning a Booster bonus

  • fully customizable Boosters, where you can assign all 6 of them to a specific ship slot

  • your Boosters auto-replenish after each battle, like any ammunition and missiles do, for low and affordable cost and they last for one battle

  • your Boosters don’t get used up, if you didn’t use the specific ship with such Booster, unless if you died once with such ship in a battle

  • All Boosters work in Open Space and Dreadnought Battle mode


Currently available Boosters: (6 available, but 7 choices, 1 slot with no Boosters as well)



Booster category - in the hangar, named Booster

"Crew Alpha", “Crew Bravo”, “Crew Charlie”, “Crew Delta” stays as it is.


If you click on the Booster, you got the menu of all 7 Boosters choices (1 Booster slot is empty - no Booster bonus selected) to choose from. Each Booster will show you its description.


  • once you select it, you can assign the slot

  • you will not be charged for such choice immediately

  • you will be charged after the battle, if you use such ship with a Booster (you don’t need to pay after each battle, if you ship wasn’t destroyed - Fear Me medal)


Standard Credit Booster slot should disappear from Additional Devices menu. Only 1 Additional Device slot for GS Booster only, remains.



Suggested prices: (75% less expensive - credits only)

                                  issued each battle



Diamond Coating: (Hull resistance + 10 pts.)

Credit price: 20000


Shield Tuning: (Shield resistance + 10 pts.)

Credit price: 20000


Integrated Processing: (Hull and Shield resistance + 5 pts.)

Credit price: 30000


Thrusters Overdrive: (Ship speed +7%)

Credit price: 25000


Battle Microchips: (Main weapon damage +5%)

Credit price: 30000


Military CPU: (Main weapon damage +4%, max speed +5%)

Credit price: 40000



Further explanation and summarization of this suggestion :

Boosters bonuses refill automatically, if there is enough credits on your personal account, like it is with any ammunition and missiles.

Each Booster is applied for 1 battle and then replenished after a battle. Credits are deducted automatically.

Credits are not used for your Booster , if you flew such ship and if you did not die in battle. This means, that there will be no credit replenishment after a battle in such case.

Notifications in the hangar (bottom-right) would have to be added after each refill as well.

Booster icon, next to each ship slot in the hangar would have to be added, so that you know, which Booster is currently active. Same Booster icon should be present in the “battle screen or in-game” screen.



Do not forget to VOTE!





GS Boosters can be included as well.

It is your choice.

We already have ‘Improved Booster System mechanics’, aka ‘Additional devices’

We already have ‘Improved Booster System mechanics’, aka ‘Additional devices’

You do not understand the main purpose of this thread.

I will edit it, to simplify my explanation. I want to have each any any selected booster applied to my ship individually and not generally.

We had the same problem with implants, but we solved it. Now it is time to solve booster problem.

So, you want to reduce the price of boosters and tie them to crews and make them not to consume with “Fear me” medal? I like!

So, you want to reduce the price of boosters and tie them to crews and make them not to consume with “Fear me” medal? I like!

It is basically the same system, but with a different category, similar like implants or crews.

We got Crew category and then we would get Booster category. There you can select the Booster you like (credits Boosters only) and it will then work very similar to the implant system.

Of course, how the interface would look like is still a thing of discussion.


GS Boosters (One slots - Additional Devices) still remains exactly the same as it is now.

With this in mind, there will be only one so called Additional Devices slot, since we got Booster interface above.

I totally agree with Koromac but i would like that i dont have them via the crew i would use them per ship

i buy for 80000 credits damage booster for as example wolf mk2 on the first slot for 5 fights and +10% resistance on shield for ship slot 2 !

and available for the 3rd and 4th slot to but the 4th only when you already unlocked the 4th ship slot )

I totally agree with Koromac but i would like that i dont have them via the crew i would use them per ship

i buy for 80000 credits damage booster for as example wolf mk2 on the first slot for 5 fights and +10% resistance on shield for ship slot 2 !


and available for the 3rd and 4th slot to but the 4th only when you already unlocked the 4th ship slot )

You don’t have them via crew! Crew is just the example of the workings of the implants, which will be in this case replaced by the Boosters.

Booster interface will have similarity only, but it will not be merged or implemented with the Crew/Implat interface. There will be a different category.

You should check this suggestion again.

Developers, please, respond!

We already have ‘Improved Booster System mechanics’, aka ‘Additional devices’



I edited and updated my post. Now it should be much easier to understand.

Let me know, if you’re satisfied now.

sounds good i like it :01212:

sounds good i like it :01212:

I edited the whole thread.

Everybody should understand it now, not just me.

I agree with Koromac here, the option of combined boosters along with them offered at lower prices sounds great. At this point, and am sure all will agree, we are not getting full games. Most of the times I get half game time in one round not to mention times that the round lasts few seconds. The current price for a 3 round booster and the round to be that short is quite high. Making some features easier accessible by new players along with the existing ones would certainly make the game more attractive.

No response from developers after 6 days.

Skula1975 misunderstood my post and he didn’t reply back as well.

How long will it take?

Three weeks later…

Three weeks later…

Still NO. (I suppose)

Still NO. (I suppose)

It’s almost New Year and still, there is NO answer!

I need an official answer!


Is such thing possible?

Will it be considered in the near future?


One simple answer would suffice.

What are they doing down in there?

Idea is great but there is no insetive for them. If you will suggest that this is highly experimental advanced booster distribution system and any mercenary for 5000GS fee can participate in experiment they probably will implement that. After year or two when they gain something from that all factions will switch to that system for free.