Improved Booster System mechanics (similar to Implant System)

Idea is great but there is no insetive for them. If you will suggest that this is highly experimental advanced booster distribution system and any mercenary for 5000GS fee can participate in experiment they probably will implement that. After year or two when they gain something from that all factions will switch to that system for free.


Maybe not, but the improved system would still work fine.

If you’re not rank 15 with a certain faction, you can only use one slot and not all four. Otherwise, you need to pay 2000 GS to unlock it or to reach rank 15 for free.

Benefits for such system are already there. Grind to get or pay to get. I just don’t know, but it feels that they are either too busy with something else, or they just complete interest in the community here.

It was never so bad, when it comes to replies.