implement an icon for Emergency Barrier and all rank 14 implants with cooldown timer on the HUD

We all love Emergency Barriers. If they save our ship against any kind of enemy torpedo or sniper shot, then we like it even more.

In T3, T4 and T5 it is very problematic, since we do not know , when will the cooldown timer refill/recharge to 100% , so that it can be used safely again.


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Developers, please add an icon on the HUD indicator above. (example: adaptive shield, etc.)

All 3 rank 14 implants should also be listed. Once they are used, they should stay on the top middle screen, but with a cooldown timer below.




With respect,  Koromac

This is an absolute must. If I could +9000 this I would. It will be great to see this additional information, as Koro suggests, because we will be able to use it more effectively. God…how many times have I missed the timing…

This is an absolute must. If I could +9000 this I would. It will be great to see this additional information, as Koro suggests, because we will be able to use it more effectively. God…how many times have I missed the timing…


I just added a voting poll, since I think this suggestion deserves one.



Emergency barrier would be less scary to use, because you know when the cooldown has ended.


Emergency barrier would be less scary to use, because you know when the cooldown has ended.

I remember there was a tool made by a Russian guy some time ago that gave you the cooldown for EB.  It was an overlay for the game.  I never tried it myself, and I can’t find it again, but I know it was there.

I remember there was a tool made by a Russian guy some time ago that gave you the cooldown for EB.  It was an overlay for the game.  I never tried it myself, and I can’t find it again, but I know it was there.


I know. But this is the breaking point here. The developers should include their own knowledge and expertise to make this available as a default product.

If they don’t, then all hope is lost.


And not just for Emergency Barrier, but also for all rank 14 implants/Crews effects.

I know. But this is the breaking point here. The developers should include their own knowledge and expertise to make this available as a default product.

If they don’t, then all hope is lost.


And not just for Emergency Barrier, but also for all rank 14 implants/Crews effects.


Information overload is not always good, but on this point I agree with you.  Maybe make them “toggleable”.  i was so happy when they added the adaptive shield indicator.


You need an “other” option on the third question in your pole.

I won’t change the vote poll now.

This could be optional info, which can be enabled in the game settings (show additional module/implant effects).

This means, that people who want it, can have it and those who don’t, don’t have it checked.

I agree with Mill. it should be an option, enabled by default.

It is not needed in this poll, because it is simply assumed…


Were there a button somewhere forum or game, that was donate GS to getting EB icon I would donate.


I would be more reckless if I knew EB was active…


I dislike T4+ so I care less about the other cool-downs…

hmn, how would it look like?

You wanna have an icon as long as emergency barrier can be used?

as well as implants?


this will get a loooong display bar

hmn, how would it look like?

You wanna have an icon as long as emergency barrier can be used?

as well as implants?


this will get a loooong display bar


Hence my suggestion to make it toggleable.  Those who want it can have it, those who don’t can take it off.  It would just be a nice tool to have sometimes.

Hence my suggestion to make it toggleable.  Those who want it can have it, those who don’t can take it off.  It would just be a nice tool to have sometimes.

Exactly, his thought are the same as mine.

2 extra icons slots (implants and EB) with the timer added below or at least some short of recharge cirle around the icon, to indicate status of the cooldown.

Visuals would work the same way, like the Pulsar recharge icon module works, but only on the top of the HUD. Once recharged, the icon becomes more colorful. Once it is used again, it disappears.

Sound effect could also be added, when it is fully recharged.

You can toggle it off or on, in the game options menu, under the HUD options for management.

This means that you can enable the options to show the status of rank 14 implants and an Emergency Barrier, by choice.


Any more questions?

Dude it’s a good idea for sure but the poll questions are a little “meh”, just leave the first one.

Dude it’s a good idea for sure but the poll questions are a little “meh”, just leave the first one.


So i want to give a +1 to your idea but i can’t vote the poll since i’m not interested in the other questions and i can’t leave just one answer.

why not the other way around


icon isnt there as long as its ready

on hit it flashes up

keeps displaying an icon of EB cooldown with timer

disappears once EB is loaded again


for implant effects it could be an icon which disappears, since afaik they are once only right?

there are already a lot of effects displayed, i dont think it will get to information overload because of a couple more.

So i want to give a +1 to your idea but i can’t vote the poll since i’m not interested in the other questions and i can’t leave just one answer.

Just vote and select the most close, or valid answers, even if those are not exactly aligned with what you had in mind.

Finalised version:


Emergency Barrier: It is displayed on the top of the HUD. Has a cooldown duration timer or an icon shown above on the top (in a round clocked circle for recharge time), but after it is fully recharged, it is no longer shown.

Implants rank 14 - Empire, Federation, Jericho: Once they got used and are inactive, the visual icon appears and the cooldown period is shown, until they are ready again. After full recharge time, it disappears.


Option 2: Like it is suggested above. They’re always active, but you can check or uncheck this option in the game’s menu.

ok, let me forward this to the Devs