I'm Out

You could have moved it earlier, this topic was about arctic leaving with nice words of goodbye to his friends Error, and Owl and Nasa, not balance, anyway, from the start. :stuck_out_tongue:


Btw. not buying it, ArcTic, I bet I see you ingame a few weeks later again.

Also, I read most of your posts, since I have a cybernetic reading lamp x-raying through my cheeks.

You could have moved it earlier,

Yeah, I don’t know why i didn’t do it before :slight_smile:

:fed_lol: :fed_lol: :fed_lol: :fed012:

Papitas is 100% correct with all of this. The evidence supports it. With how much evidence and data there is supporting the claim that there is Russian bias, any claim that it is all circumstantial can be thrown out the window.


Currently, the ONLY time I will ever get a US server are in Leagues (vs non RU teams), dread battles where it is one US corp vs another, or when we have our “afterparties” where we force US servers. (I’ve stopped doing weekend tournaments entirely for several reasons I’ll get to later). These times are the only times I am playing this game anymore at all, because I am tired of being on the receiving end of Russian bias, and these are the only times in which I can either avoid that bias or remove it from the equation. 


I will never play pvp outside of our afterparties because the chances of getting a US server are astronomically low (from my experience, probably 1 in 100), even in US primetime when we don’t do the afterparties.


I refuse to participate in another weekend tournament as that is the most clear evidence supporting the claim (fact) that Russian bias exists in this game. It will always pair the high ELO RU team down to face a team that has lost a battle (typically DNO gets paired down), and in most cases, this results in the same 2 teams fighting twice in a row, which in of itself is a problem, especially considering how many teams there are in each tournament. 


Unlike many players in this game, I’m not quite ready to quit, but my countdown timer is ticking. My timer gets some time added to it any time there’s a great update that adds good things. Time is removed when there is patch that ruins a component of the game, when serious bugs/issues are ignored for weeks or months, or when promises are made, but never kept. Currently, my timer is sitting at about 2 months. I’m hoping that some of the serious issues that have been discussed recently are looked into and resolved, and I also hope that Destroyers will be worthwhile, otherwise that 2-month time frame won’t change (or will reduce). And unlike ArcTic, if I quit, it will be for good. I will uninstall the game, hide it in my Steam library, and never launch the application again. I hope it doesn’t come to a point where I want to do that, as I have sunk a bit over $1000 (65,000+ rubles) into this game in my 2.5+ years. But that is a decision I am willing to make at this point, as I feel that my contributions to this game haven’t been used in a way I would want them to be.


Anyways, that’s my 2 cents

*applauds*  I either 100% disagree with you or i 100% agree. Now is the latter.


The barking dog doesnt bite.

I think especially owl had a few people who actually were very nice to you even in bigger BS. Especially because we were a bit astonished where all your bad breathing is coming from against us.

NASA was just NASA; at least a good nasa comment brightens the day.


Your forum-warrior bullshit trying to throw up on the owl tag is completely unneccessary.

you still use the word forum warrior in the wrong context, seems like you do not understand what a forum warrior is.


Owl was a smallish corp all the way, with actually only me in these forums for over a year and a half as kind of our ambassador. Then we started growing, especially with lots of people who were active forum members.

True, not all of them were your friends, but most of them were not your friends before they joined owl.


You really just blame the most visible things first. Error, coz his job is actually forum work, or owl and nasa, coz we actually tried to participate in these forums as everything died down.


I dont think KTs comment is particulary nice, nor does he actually wear an owl or nasa tag there atm. so even more questionable how you react this way, but he has got a point. which you demonstrated with your answer.

Actually, my first experiences with owl were you guys trolling me. I didn’t handle my bad ping well, but ping and packet loss are some of the most frustrating things and I had them worse than anybody back then. 40% every game. I have never received an apology for that nor seen any sign of remorse. I’m starting to think some of you are half decent, never thought you were a bad guy as you always seemed respectable. 


I have messaged error to work things out. I understand he needs to be the bad guy sometimes but he could go about it in a far better way. 


I still group him as an owl mentally because he was an officer there for quite a while. I don’t particularly like owl, i particularly dislike NASA. I have friends in both corps, but i see how their officers/leadership act. I am far from perfect, but I cleaned up and stopped with my rage threads. IDC what KT And Mecron say. Mecron especially. He has very little skill to back up his claims, he is extremely immature which was proven by him literally posting a frantic rage thread when I politely messaged him asking what i had done to wrong him and how i could make it up. KT I dislike because he’s fickle as hell. 


@hyperion, you don’t understand how to use spoilers? XD 

  1. I’ve got screenies to show that you, once again, are lying. You had no “politeness” when you PMed me, nor did you try to “make things up”.

  2. I have absolutely no reason to be mature, respectable, or even presentable to the likes of plebs like you. I owe you nothing but disdain and disgust for your idiocy and trolling.

  3. When the hell is anyone mature over the internet?

  1. When the hell is anyone mature over the internet?








Actually, my first experiences with owl were you guys trolling me… I have never received an apology for that nor seen any sign of remorse. I’m starting to think some of you are half decent …


Here: take some … farts. 



on a more grow up and mature way: Here! Take some more farts! 


  1. I have absolutely no reason to be mature, respectable, or even presentable to the likes of plebs like you. I owe you nothing but disdain and disgust for your idiocy and trolling.

Mecron-tan! You grown up to be a proper NASA CEO!

Rule 'em NASAies wisely. :012j:

I still group him as an owl mentally because he was an officer there for quite a while. I don’t particularly like owl, i particularly dislike NASA. I have friends in both corps, but i see how their officers/leadership act. I am far from perfect, but I cleaned up and stopped with my rage threads. IDC what KT And Mecron say. Mecron especially. He has very little skill to back up his claims, he is extremely immature which was proven by him literally posting a frantic rage thread when I politely messaged him asking what i had done to wrong him and how i could make it up. KT I dislike because he’s fickle as hell. 


“I like trains”


I don’t see any leadership acting in any way. How you know how the leadership acts? Hell I wanna know how the leadership acts. If you got a problem with my behaviour, come upfront!


Stop being judgemental about the internet. Chill. Less hate output and slander = less hate input and trolling.


I did not know I owe you an apology. Sorry for that most of the forum back then, also not-owl and not-nasa made fun about your ping rage about losing games, while you were flying poop tackler fits, and similar. What we tried to tell you back then, is, get into the ships and learn them properly, instead of blaming the ping, because we were used to late night high ping US games and it wasnt the ping that made you an easy target. Which you did later on, so most of us stopped trolling you on that level. As I said, a barking dog doesnt bite. You are the one who likes and dislikes others.

Mecron-tan! You grown up to be a proper NASA CEO!

Rule 'em NASAies wisely. :012j:


character development, new level reached


get on your forum warrior horse!



Game likely picks the server with the least current activity. Since there’s 8 RU servers and only 2 US ones, you can see why RU gets priority. Not sure if entering a preferred region affects this, though it might if you aren’t 5+ minutes into the queue.

Game only allows you to get queued in the region you are searching for in the first 2 minutes, after that server preference is open to any region. You can cancel queue before the 2nd minute and requeue eternally: you wont queue into any server outside from your preference…but you might get no game.

So… I am now allowed to spam this thread?


  1. I’ve got screenies to show that you, once again, are lying. You had no “politeness” when you PMed me, nor did you try to “make things up”.

  2. I have absolutely no reason to be mature, respectable, or even presentable to the likes of plebs like you. I owe you nothing but disdain and disgust for your idiocy and trolling.

  3. When the hell is anyone mature over the internet?

Yeah i guess polite is the wrong word. It was sincere. 


I did not know I owe you an apology. Sorry for that most of the forum back then, also not-owl and not-nasa made fun about your ping rage about losing games, while you were flying poop tackler fits, and similar. What we tried to tell you back then, is, get into the ships and learn them properly, instead of blaming the ping, because we were used to late night high ping US games and it wasnt the ping that made you an easy target. Which you did later on, so most of us stopped trolling you on that level. As I said, a barking dog doesnt bite. You are the one who likes and dislikes others.

You were bearable, others were not. I’m not saying you owe me an apology. 


This conversation tires me. As i said earlier, i’m out. 

Meanwhile, I remind you about this. (it’s been updated)

We need more information.

Please provide us more data. 

Why is this thread still going? I see a lot of hate.

Why is this thread still going? I see a lot of hate.

Yes, but a lot of people helped us with the data about their ping through this thread (but we need more). And this is off top section after all. 

It’s ok, arctic. I make fun of nasa and owl all the time as well, you’re not alone in that regard.

I even have some of the same issues you do, it’s just that while they may make me angry they don’t typically stop me from winning when there is a certain base level of quality among the teammates I am given.


Yes, but a lot of people helped us with the data about their ping through this thread (but we need more). And this is off top section after all. 

I am still having rubber banding on us servers and occasionally EU servers. It does not seem constant and happens mostly towards the beginning of the battle, but it can happen at any time and makes me play more cautiously as a result which is bad on some game modes. Could it be related to late join and where are the servers exactly?