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Could it be related to late join and where are the servers exactly?

Probably. Help us with feedback (i gave the link above)


Oh btw, I played three PVP matches this evening. All three of them had ping spikes up to 1300 on EU server. So I decided to play a different online game, where funnily enough I had no problems whatsoever, even on US server!!! And I actually had fun!! Amazing, isn’t it?! :slight_smile:


(I can’t find that complaints thread so I jsut thought I’d put it here)

Oh btw, I played three PVP matches this evening. All three of them had ping spikes up to 1300 on EU server.

intresting, I had today far better ping then yesterday on EU server (all the time under 30ms (and that is still compared to 20ms i had half a year ago “high”)

intresting, I had today far better ping then yesterday on EU server (all the time under 30ms (and that is still compared to 20ms i had half a year ago “high”)


Well I was getting green ping also, but every now and then it just randomly spiked up to stupid numbers. Firin was impossible. It would “collect” all the bullet from my assault railgun and fire them in bursts after the ping dropped.

its hard to compare other games, some games have slower movement to be playable on high ping or cheat enough so you never see your desync, or do not block resources depending on the rig, so the network effect is different. as always, use mtr to determine the current ping; also, do you use wifi or cable? wifi is self explanatory.


you might also want to disable global chat, since the master server is still ru originated; i am not sure how SC handles the master server connection in the background (if its threaded out, or async enough not to block), but if its not local, and its not the gameserver itself, or the connection to it, the only thing left to blame is either the server or other “hidden” connections, like connection to the master server / lobby server, or steam. unfortunately, i do not know the SC engine well enough to say this, but in their case this is one thing that i would investigate from their end: how does the master server connection affect the gameplay.


would be tough, if it never shows up for someone who has good ping to master servers, that the problem with the ping spikes in the game originate from timed out requests or data bursts from the lobby. But thats a vague chance this is the real issue. Also I am not sure if global chat off means the chat does not get sent, or just does not get displayed, but if its a subscribe thing. Just brainstorming here.


I had good pings all the way, but gizmo had ping spikes yesterday, in the same game. its a weird thing. of course the ping spikes when players join are still here (and I am unsure whether this is local, like sending textures to the graphics card, when a player loads, or simply the server having a hickup / resync)

good bye Arcno0b   :snowgirl:

It’s ok, arctic. I make fun of nasa and owl all the time as well, you’re not alone in that regard.

I even have some of the same issues you do, it’s just that while they may make me angry they don’t typically stop me from winning when there is a certain base level of quality among the teammates I am given.


I am still having rubber banding on us servers and occasionally EU servers. It does not seem constant and happens mostly towards the beginning of the battle, but it can happen at any time and makes me play more cautiously as a result which is bad on some game modes. Could it be related to late join and where are the servers exactly?

Why shield booster on empire gunship?if you want shield for particle purge just use implant that give 50%+ shield regen when under 50% speed and shield regen capacitor

Why shield booster on empire gunship?if you want shield for particle purge just use implant that give 50%+ shield regen when under 50% speed and shield regen capacitorIT

It’s actually only a 25% increase to shield regeneration; The 50% increase one is for energy regeneration. 

Unless his ship already has high base shield regeneration(after modification) , it’s much better to simply use the shield booster. 

Why shield booster on empire gunship?if you want shield for particle purge just use implant that give 50%+ shield regen when under 50% speed and shield regen capacitor

I was messing around outside of my comfort zone. I learned some things first hand that could be useful if I ever go down the federation gunship line, like how pp recovery and shield booster together is a very strong shield recovery. However without hull repair I’ve known for a long time now that without an engineer present all the speed from the cruise module was wasted with no point of repairs to base myself off of, but I was confident I could make this a non issue. Either way I don’t really take random battles too seriously, so a loss wouldn’t have bothered me. If anything it would have told me how much further away the build was from viable.

It’s actually only a 25% increase to shield regeneration; The 50% increase one is for energy regeneration. 

Unless his ship already has high base shield regeneration(after modification) , it’s much better to simply use the shield booster. 

on empire ships shield boost?no


I was messing around outside of my comfort zone. I learned some things first hand that could be useful if I ever go down the federation gunship line, like how pp recovery and shield booster together is a very strong shield recovery. However without hull repair I’ve known for a long time now that without an engineer present all the speed from the cruise module was wasted with no point of repairs to base myself off of, but I was confident I could make this a non issue. Either way I don’t really take random battles too seriously, so a loss wouldn’t have bothered me. If anything it would have told me how much further away the build was from viable.

learning what works for you from expirience is the best way :wink:

on empire ships shield boost?no

shield booster is useful on empire because it’s an injection of hitpoints. I use it along with rep kit on my standard long range laser for gunship because it helps compensate for lack of damage in a shootout at close range.

Just saw this thread.


Take care ArcTic. o7

Good luck. I’ll probably see you in US prime though.