I'm Out

I played this game for over 6 thousand pvp battles and 419 pves. my account is worth 105 U.S. dollars or 6890.68 rubles. I was one of the most loyal SC players ever. I played for a month with 40% packet loss every game, but this is too much. My ping on russian servers peaks at 260, my european ping peaks at 210 and my topic about it gets locked. I’m going to be honest. Ban me if you want! Error, the player base does not like you because you lock threads for bull reasons and do other crap. I have talked to other people and they agree. You abuse your authority. You almost piss me off as much as ping and you equally share the responsibility for me leaving. Wow that feels good to say and it’s a long time coming. I believe i speak for a lot of people. 


This game is unplayable which is why I’m done with playing like i have in the past. You might see me doing dailies, dreads, or on during US primetime (when i don’t have much time) but it’s ridiculous. I played with 170-230 ping but i am not going any higher than that. Planetside 2 is calling my name and they have something called good servers, good customer support, and they actually give a crap about the game. Tell me if you change. 


Shout out to doombot for being an awesome dev. You are the best and i nominate you to replace Error. 

Shout out to Russian devs that I don’t know who did a good job. 

Shout out to the trolls that will swarm this thread. 

Shout out to kostyan for being the best troll ever.


Please don’t lock this thread because of other "similar threads"


Peace Star Conflict


ArcTic, CEO of RadiX Corporation


–com link lost–

At least somebody finally said it.

Yeah. Can you imagine? I even downloaded and tried Star Trek Online, I’m so desperate. It’s crap though.

Good riddance.

Arctic, i’ve already written you via pm. I ask all of you to provide as much information as possible [here](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/28695-russian-lag-servers/?p=342445). And please don’t create a thread for every post. When we gather enough feedback about these issues we will decide what can we do and i’ll inform you all. Thanks.

I still facepalm every time… raging about 200 ping…



You’ll never get good ping to RU. Nobody in your region will. This is not exclusive to Star Conflict, it’s true of _the entire internet. _Distance increases ping. Period.


I don’t enjoy being this blunt, but ArcTic, you were unbearably annoying during your entire time here and your one attempt at redemption crashed down around you which only cemented everyone’s negative opinion of you. I only regret that you wasted the potential to actually be a decent person and force for good in this community. That, you squandered of your own free will.


The community as a whole won’t miss you much on the note you’re leaving on. If you know what’s good for RadiX, make FocusedRISK the CEO. He’ll do an infinitely better job.

 If you know what’s good for RadiX, make FocusedRISK the CEO.


I wasn’t going to say anything, but now I need to.


Please do this. Focused is a great guy, I’ve known him for over a year and a half, and I am confident he can do a good job at leading the corp. If you are gonna leave the game, at least do it on a good note and do this one, simple thing.


I wasn’t going to feed the trolls as they’re fat enough as it is but why not.


I’m not letting RadiX fall. 


@KT, by everyone, you mean the NASA-OWL forum warriors who hardly even read what i say because the fat on their cheeks blocks their view. 

I wasn’t going to feed the trolls as they’re fat enough as it is but why not.


I’m not letting RadiX fall. 


@KT, by everyone, you mean the NASA-OWL forum warriors who hardly even read what i say because the fat on their cheeks blocks their view. 

It’s actually my massive e-peen0r that blocks my view. Get it right.


I had difficulty writing this because of it too. Blocking my keyboard and all that.

So many people leaving… ;д;

Though I must say I’m quite pleased with this one.

I’ve seen several great players come and go, yet here I am. Still sitting here with the same attitude and just as addicted.

I will never grasp how some people lose hope so quickly…

It’s actually my massive e-peen0r that blocks my view. Get it right.


I had difficulty writing this because of it too. Blocking my keyboard and all that.

Just because it’s in your face doesn’t mean it’s yours mecron. 

ArcTic, I want you to stay. 


Error isn’t a bad guy; he works well in what he believes to be in the best interest of Star Conflict and the community as a whole. 

Please don’t think bad of him.


Those forum warriors are pretty fun guys when they disagree with something. It’s all the more fun to keep pushing forward the train of thought they disagree with so long as you believe it. 



While your complaints won’t be missed too much, though some are voiced by a good many people, not all of them, mind, but a good number, and some of them are right to be voiced,

you yourself will be missed game-side. I hope you the best, and I wish you to stay around. I want more people to fight against in battle, and you’re depleting that number again. 

Don’t leave.


If anything, make sure to come back when I return. 



Let’s not forget that ArcTic is one of our younger members, and maturity will come. He shows promise, if anything, and he holds himself decently well. 

He’s certainly a much better person than the every-day COD player.

In short, while he may have outbursts at times, he’s certainly a good type of gamer to have around. 

ArcTic, I want you to stay. 


Error isn’t a bad guy; he works well in what he believes to be in the best interest of Star Conflict and the community as a whole. 

Please don’t think bad of him.


Those forum warriors are pretty fun guys when they disagree with something. It’s all the more fun to keep pushing forward the train of thought they disagree with so long as you believe it. 



While your complaints won’t be missed too much, though some are voiced by a good many people, not all of them, mind, but a good number, 

you yourself will be missed game-side. I hope you the best, and I wish you to stay around. I want more people to fight against in battle, and you’re depleting that number again. 

Don’t leave.


If anything, make sure to come back when I return. 

Ah yeah i have messaged Error. I’m not saying it’s absolute fact. I’m just saying that’s my experience of him and i’m not alone. But definitely, he pushed me over the edge. 


TBH, it doesn’t surprise me that these people are trolling. When KT said he was leaving, i thought, good riddance. But at least i have the class not to be a douche and write it on their post. 


I’ll probably stop commenting on this thread suddenly once i find it boring. Sorry. 

On the other hand, I’m open for RadiX merging with Behemoth, though I’d ask that all of the members come towards Behemoth~ and not the other way around. 

The CEO position shifts around with the most trusted members, so it isn’t likely to die any time soon. 

Kinslayer is the current CEO, so if you want to ensure everyone makes it, please pm him :slight_smile:

As for insurance, you can hold RadiX down with a spare account, if you wish. 


Your best members of your choosing will be gladly given vice positions. 

(which puts them in the running for CEO)

On the other hand, I’m open for RadiX merging with Behemoth, though I’d ask that all of the members come towards Behemoth~ and not the other way around. 

The CEO position shifts around with the most trusted members, so it isn’t likely to die any time soon. 

Kinslayer is the current CEO, so if you want to ensure everyone makes it, please pm him :slight_smile:

As for insurance, you can hold RadiX down with a spare account, if you wish. 


Your best members of your choosing will be gladly given vice positions. 

Thnx but RadiX will stay its own corp. I’m keeping it alive. I don’t just kill a corporation like others have done in the past. 



Well, if anything, please inform them that our arms are always open if anything goes wrong on that end. 

For instance, an afk ceo with over 300+ days absence with no explanation. 


(I’m looking at you tabue -_-)


When I return, I intend to recreate Cronus! depending on the alliance system, of course. 

I hope Titan is added back into the mix. (I’m still looking at you, tabue -_- )

I’m only making an actual post because someone else posted the video I usually use in these cases.

My ping varies from 100-300, sometimes higher. I almost always have packetloss, and on the us servers where I get a good ping the rubber banding is dangerous. I think the problem is, you take this game too seriously. I’ve approached it as a casual way to spend time from the start, maybe now that some tier 5 competitive stuff is coming out I could begin to take an interest, but the random battles? They don’t mean anything.  Now, with that said don’t for a minute suggest theybreak games is a competent group of people with good customer support. Maybe better than sony, but not good by a longshot.

Besides, if you  really care about looking good just jump on board with the rest of your corp and buy a kalah and alternate between t2 and t4 platoons.  Not everybody is able to look good casually playing like I do. I may hold it against them but I’m not perfect when it comes to compassion for scum.

I’m only making an actual post because someone else posted the video I usually use in these cases.

My ping varies from 100-300, sometimes higher. I almost always have packetloss, and on the us servers where I get a good ping the rubber banding is dangerous. I think the problem is, you take this game too seriously. I’ve approached it as a casual way to spend time from the start, maybe now that some tier 5 competitive stuff is coming out I could begin to take an interest, but the random battles? They don’t mean anything.  Now, with that said don’t for a minute suggest theybreak games is a competent group of people with good customer support. Maybe better than sony, but not good by a longshot.

Besides, if you  really care about looking good just jump on board with the rest of your corp and buy a kalah and alternate between t2 and t4 platoons.  Not everybody is able to look good casually playing like I do. I may hold it against them but I’m not perfect when it comes to compassion for scum.

xD this is a work of art. Does it come naturally to you?