I'm Out

I’m going to weigh in.

I think there are three mighty problems wih Star Conflict right now. The first issue is the denial of everyone’s skill and the comparisons people give unintentionally. This is mostly down to the arrogance of the player base that revolves around an elitist body whch is unable to evidently solidify itself. ArcTic has done the complete opposite, openly challenging players and delivering his promise despite the cloud of red he seems to have dispersed. Unfortunately, this has also created a seeming jealousy towards the better endowed players of this game who are in squads with players who are either not as capable as the higher echelons, or players who believe, somehow due to their elitist attitudes, they are considering themselves above teamplay.

The second problem we have is that there is a growing denial. Since the game hit 1.1, everyone started to disappear into other games. Planetside 2, Elite: Dangerous and several other games have been released. This will consume the player base of such a limiting game such as Star Conflict, which the developers persistently refuse to expand to give the player base what it is they are still asking for. The ability to trade items, an open space with a dynamic commercial market and element, more bases to dock at and further exploration into the functions of the game.

Finally, and this is the one I am going to address the biggest…

There is a huge, underlying conspiracy that the developers do not listen to us or account for anything we do. There id a conspiracy that somewhere, the Russian players of Star Conflict are teaming up against the rest of thr world to somehow spite us with this game and use the low ping they have against us and that they are delibrately maming sure every time you get a connection, they are on an unplayable Russian server where only players in Russia are able to get a good ping, that the US server is deliberately faulty and the European server will lag because they made sure they picked a server in Hamburg, where they will deliberately create problems connecting. This needs to completely stop entirely. Of course the servers are going to favour teams entirely composed of Russian players, because (shock horror!) you are playing a team of eight Russian players and half your squad is European. Don’t you guys think that Russian players have trouble playing on US servers too? They might complain as much as you do if they’re playing on a server eight timezones away on the US server. They encounter the same problems you encounter.

As far as I am aware, there is no secret coding the developers are trying to hide from you. Sure, Skula and Error might need to definitely be hoofed in the nuts several times for not being as sensitive as we wish they would be, but do you really think that they just sit around doing f… all? The whole point behind this is that basically, stop being drama queens about it. This is a computer game and not your real life. I, too, have spent money, but I’ve spent it with faith in the system and community I am happy to be a part of. If you really didn’t see anything good in the horizon, maybe you should have saved your cash before accepting the horrible truth: you will never, ever in your life, be able to say you have played a perfectly balanced version of Star Conflict. Your connection will always suck and you will forever be unable to resolve this issue. The developers will keep trying and trying and it will forever be a struggle against the conflicting opinions. All you need to do now is just accept this brutal fact.

That will be all.

xD this is a work of art. Does it come naturally to you? 

Yes. Do you honestly think communism is a good thing?

And sho, you have a very overactive imagination. You fabricate such fantastic stories which go completely off the rails from both reality and the discussion that I begin to wonder if you have a fanfiction page.

I dont like to reply teenager posts, and i don´t really care much about the person thats leaving i dont even know him, or Radix corp, i dont have anything against anyone, i have played this game daily for almost a year now, and i think that this time Devs are making right decisions towards a better and more awesome game, guys if you dont like a game dont play it period, its their job to improve the game anyway they can, and they still have a lot of work to do and thats okay, but posts like this just make their work harder, and that is not fair, if you played 6000 games and suddenly you dont like the game anymore, its okay, just dont abuse the community spaces that are supposed to be for the improving mechanisms of the game, and to read general opinions, or even solve personal account problems, abide by the rules, we are a community and if we dont make things better we are just scaring away new people that is really enjoyng the game, or maybe they just want to start playing.

Error has helped me and a bunch of other players when we needed aid, and he is watching closely everything that happens, yes im supporting him and this game´s developers 100%, if i dont like what they do ill stop playing it, also a 100%, so if you are quiting just quit, dont say that you are half quiting and come here insulting this community, at the end you will continue playing man, then why the drama? im saying this with respect Arctic like i said i dont know you, i have absolutely nothing against you.


best regards 





@Hyperion: Your narrow mind has deceived your eyes, my young padawan. But I do, however, have a fanfiction being written about me.

@DaMaria: There comes a point where sometimes, the staff do things too often that it becomes unbearably impossible to even suggest new things or even conceptualise to the point where it almost becomes censorship. This is mostly down to that the developers have had these suggestions over and over again and have either considered and denied or accepted, or are still working to “fix”, but what they need to account for is that everyone’s ideal “balance” is different.

There is a huge, underlying conspiracy that the developers do not listen to us or account for anything we do. There id a conspiracy that somewhere, the Russian players of Star Conflict are teaming up against the rest of thr world to somehow spite us with this game and use the low ping they have against us and that they are delibrately maming sure every time you get a connection, they are on an unplayable Russian server where only players in Russia are able to get a good ping, that the US server is deliberately faulty and the European server will lag because they made sure they picked a server in Hamburg, where they will deliberately create problems connecting. This needs to completely stop entirely. Of course the servers are going to favour teams entirely composed of Russian players, because (shock horror!) you are playing a team of eight Russian players and half your squad is European. Don’t you guys think that Russian players have trouble playing on US servers too? They might complain as much as you do if they’re playing on a server eight timezones away on the US server. They encounter the same problems you encounter.

This is a fact: 8 USA players in a wing vs 8 Russian players in a wing ALWAYS gets into russia server (100% chance), no exception.

8 European players in a wing vs 8 Russian players in a wing ALWAYS gets into russia server (100% chance), no exception.

I couldnt say about SA cause ive never seen 8 SA players in a wing going for russians.

-Russian players do have problems when playing in USA servers, but they rarely do (we “USA players” get the same problems but difference is that we got much more often into russian servers), and when they do, they xxxxx a lot (now i really regret not taking screenshots to the russian dude that self destructed in the first seconds of fort muerto PVE cause he was at USA server…our conversation was priceless, i can ensure).

-Another situation: once i queued for pub dread at USA primetime (fed zone), i got into 1vs1 game against a russian guy, guess what: i got placed in a russian server while defending a NASA sector in USA primetime, guess how happy i was (also i was expeting to have some team…my ships meant for support didnt do that well as carry, so i had to fly a cov op with mk2 stuff and deal with the wobble, etc etc.).

-And for last: i was playing once a tournament at USA primetime (the first of 3 of the weekend), with a full USA wing. We had to face DNO (or some other russian corp i cant remember). Obiously we got into russian server, we lost, and next game we got to face them again to loose again. 3rd game was against other russian dudes again, so we got into russia server again, and we lost again, in USA primetime with a full wing of USA players.

Theres bias for Russia, empirical data proves it.

About Arctic: good to hear you are going to Planetside 2, the way ping is handled is so much more friendly to players, that the difference between a player with 5 ping and another with 150 is pretty small.


Hold your horses. I’ve played USA games with only 1-2 Americans in the game… sometimes even in RU/EU primetime. Most games in US prime-time are on USA server - I’m speaking from personal experience


And nuke will confirm that EVERY single game we’ve played against each other in Leagues have been USA server (and their team wasn’t even all USA)


I won’t deny the server selection problems but not everything is the same as your POV

Yes. Do you honestly think communism is a good thing?

And sho, you have a very overactive imagination. You fabricate such fantastic stories which go completely off the rails from both reality and the discussion that I begin to wonder if you have a fanfiction page.

Communism is a wonderful idea. 



I dont like to reply teenager posts, and i don´t really care much about the person thats leaving i dont even know him, or Radix corp, i dont have anything against anyone, i have played this game daily for almost a year now, and i think that this time Devs are making right decisions towards a better and more awesome game, guys if you dont like a game dont play it period, its their job to improve the game anyway they can, and they still have a lot of work to do and thats okay, but posts like this just make their work harder, and that is not fair, if you played 6000 games and suddenly you dont like the game anymore, its okay, just dont abuse the community spaces that are supposed to be for the improving mechanisms of the game, and to read general opinions, or even solve personal account problems, abide by the rules, we are a community and if we dont make things better we are just scaring away new people that is really enjoyng the game, or maybe they just want to start playing.

Error has helped me and a bunch of other players when we needed aid, and he is watching closely everything that happens, yes im supporting him and this game´s developers 100%, if i dont like what they do ill stop playing it, also a 100%, so if you are quiting just quit, dont say that you are half quiting and come here insulting this community, at the end you will continue playing man, then why the drama? im saying this with respect Arctic like i said i dont know you, i have absolutely nothing against you.


best regards 



It’s not that i don’t think the game is fun. I think the game is good, i’ve liked the last patches. Just history repeats itself and these server issues will most likely not be fixed until something bigger needs to be fixed. Error locking my thread was the last straw. He’s done it too many times and to too many people.


I am sick of this game because: Ping gets worse, not better, USA dread times haven’t been changed even though they’re at a horrible time and it’s been said a thousand times, they gave half of USA dreads to Russians, they ignore the playerbase, russian’s have huge advantages, Error closes down bug reports for stupid reasons, Error closes down suggestions because he disagrees with them (not even waiting to hear player feedback), Error locks discussions, etc. I could go on forever. 


I have messaged Error in the past about my issues with him and I messaged him today. The whole point is this, if you want to make a profitable game, you listen to the players. This is why star conflict is not doing well. 


I’m not uninstalling the game, I’m not saying i’m done forever. I’ll see where things go and decide accordingly. I still hope the game works out well, i don’t hate anybody on the dev team. TBH, I like Error more after saying what I think.

Hold your horses. I’ve played USA games with only 1-2 Americans in the game… sometimes even in RU/EU primetime. Most games in US prime-time are on USA server - I’m speaking from personal experience


And nuke will confirm that EVERY single game we’ve played against each other in Leagues have been USA server (and their team wasn’t even all USA)


I won’t deny the server selection problems but not everything is the same as your POV

you can start a game with 2vs2 (most USA players) and you will get USA server, late joining players can be from other regions (even to be a 80% non USA), but if all players drop in at the same time, USA wont be picked as server even at 50%-50% population (usa vs russia)

you can start a game with 2vs2 (most USA players) and you will get USA server, late joining players can be from other regions (even to be a 80% non USA), but if all players drop in at the same time, USA wont be picked as server even at 50%-50% population (usa vs russia)

In cases like this the server should be programmed to Europe.

you can start a game with 2vs2 (most USA players) and you will get USA server, late joining players can be from other regions (even to be a 80% non USA), but if all players drop in at the same time, USA wont be picked as server even at 50%-50% population (usa vs russia)

Hmm… that’s plausible



In cases like this the server should be programmed to Europe.

Definitely.I have yet to see anyone complaining about EU servers… everyone gets decent latency :smiley:

Guys, please provide more information in this thread,  and thanks to all who have already done this.

Also, don’t forget about this


1)Please specify your location (city would be nice)

2)Do you choose russian server/any server/your local server?

3)Do your issues correlate with a join-in-progress thing? For example, more lags when you connected to battle which was already in progress. Please be as much detailed as possible.



And also please check this 

you can start a game with 2vs2 (most USA players) and you will get USA server, late joining players can be from other regions (even to be a 80% non USA), but if all players drop in at the same time, USA wont be picked as server even at 50%-50% population (usa vs russia)

Game likely picks the server with the least current activity. Since there’s 8 RU servers and only 2 US ones, you can see why RU gets priority. Not sure if entering a preferred region affects this, though it might if you aren’t 5+ minutes into the queue.


That said, most of us in LAIR/CDF/etc and some of the USA OWLS have an ‘after-party’ where we force USA servers and do other wonky things after Federation Timezone dreads. That’s probably the best time to get USA server games. :slight_smile:


-important wall of text-


Papitas is 100% correct with all of this. The evidence supports it. With how much evidence and data there is supporting the claim that there is Russian bias, any claim that it is all circumstantial can be thrown out the window.


Currently, the ONLY time I will ever get a US server are in Leagues (vs non RU teams), dread battles where it is one US corp vs another, or when we have our “afterparties” where we force US servers. (I’ve stopped doing weekend tournaments entirely for several reasons I’ll get to later). These times are the only times I am playing this game anymore at all, because I am tired of being on the receiving end of Russian bias, and these are the only times in which I can either avoid that bias or remove it from the equation. 


I will never play pvp outside of our afterparties because the chances of getting a US server are astronomically low (from my experience, probably 1 in 100), even in US primetime when we don’t do the afterparties.


I refuse to participate in another weekend tournament as that is the most clear evidence supporting the claim (fact) that Russian bias exists in this game. It will always pair the high ELO RU team down to face a team that has lost a battle (typically DNO gets paired down), and in most cases, this results in the same 2 teams fighting twice in a row, which in of itself is a problem, especially considering how many teams there are in each tournament. 


Unlike many players in this game, I’m not quite ready to quit, but my countdown timer is ticking. My timer gets some time added to it any time there’s a great update that adds good things. Time is removed when there is patch that ruins a component of the game, when serious bugs/issues are ignored for weeks or months, or when promises are made, but never kept. Currently, my timer is sitting at about 2 months. I’m hoping that some of the serious issues that have been discussed recently are looked into and resolved, and I also hope that Destroyers will be worthwhile, otherwise that 2-month time frame won’t change (or will reduce). And unlike ArcTic, if I quit, it will be for good. I will uninstall the game, hide it in my Steam library, and never launch the application again. I hope it doesn’t come to a point where I want to do that, as I have sunk a bit over $1000 (65,000+ rubles) into this game in my 2.5+ years. But that is a decision I am willing to make at this point, as I feel that my contributions to this game haven’t been used in a way I would want them to be.


Anyways, that’s my 2 cents

Communism is a wonderful idea. 

I’m sure the people who have lived in communist countries would agree. Thank you for further illustrating my point.

And as for the rest of you, when my ping gets so bad I can’t play I just leave the game and try for a different server later, so I can sympathize, and I know for a lot of you, you value your stats way too much to play for fun like me, but it’s okay, they’re made in random battles and often made versus players who are at a very large skill mismatch with you, at least they usually are for me, so they really don’t mean anything when actually facing competent players, although I usually don’t have a problem with them either unless it’s build related or I actually made a mistake. I can understand wanting pilot rating for the titles, but it is incredibly easy to make, I mean I do it without any effort, so it can’t be that hard for regular people, right? I mean I can still manage to get pm’s like this with 300 ping and some packetloss, so what are you even complaining about? These were all from the same day, by the way :slight_smile:


Maybe I’m wrong, maybe server performance in “competitive” play is different. I wouldn’t know because I don’t like playing ships in the leveling path of new players and it all seems to take place at tier 3. But if it’s anything like random games in regards to latency and loss, I probably would not have an issue. It’s a russian game, deal with it.

2s? I insta-boomed a GE with full health XD Granted sometimes those inti pilots don’t understand that you shouldn’t stop and turret in an interceptor :slight_smile:


Oh and this is on topic:

IMO there is simply many people leaving game since they played it for years already, its natural u get bored someday. New players get in regularily. If u look at steam charts player numbers are stable, fluctuating around 500 Steam users average for years now.


Still atm many old Corps die out, simply because they have natural life span, and people get bored cuz they played so long and start complaining.


When i started game there was no Open Space, no Dreads, in comparitsion its much better now.    

@KT, by everyone, you mean the NASA-OWL forum warriors who hardly even read what i say because the fat on their cheeks blocks their view. 


The barking dog doesnt bite.

I think especially owl had a few people who actually were very nice to you even in bigger BS. Especially because we were a bit astonished where all your bad breathing is coming from against us.

NASA was just NASA; at least a good nasa comment brightens the day.


Your forum-warrior bullshit trying to throw up on the owl tag is completely unneccessary.

you still use the word forum warrior in the wrong context, seems like you do not understand what a forum warrior is.


Owl was a smallish corp all the way, with actually only me in these forums for over a year and a half as kind of our ambassador. Then we started growing, especially with lots of people who were active forum members.

True, not all of them were your friends, but most of them were not your friends before they joined owl.


You really just blame the most visible things first. Error, coz his job is actually forum work, or owl and nasa, coz we actually tried to participate in these forums as everything died down.


I dont think KTs comment is particulary nice, nor does he actually wear an owl or nasa tag there atm. so even more questionable how you react this way, but he has got a point. which you demonstrated with your answer.

Guys, remind you, that we are supposed to discuss balance in this section. Not Arctic, Error, Owls and NASA.


That’s why moved to off top section.