How to fix disconnecting players

Today, when me and my corpies were vsing R4ge, i noticed that bluesea had disconnected. He never rejoined so it seemed to be an rq. I think a simple way to fix disconnecting would be to make it so that when you disconnect, you can’t join a new battle until the last one is finished.

when you disconnect, you can’t join a new battle until the last one is finished.

when you disconnect, you can’t join a new battle until the last one is finished.


PS: Sometimes the disconnect is a technical problem (ie. connection problem) and it doesn’t always let you rejoin the battle. A rejoin command would be useful in this case.

 make it so that when you disconnect, you can’t join a new battle until the last one is finished.


:fed014: :01414: :014j:

PS: Sometimes the disconnect is a technical problem (ie. connection problem) and it doesn’t always let you rejoin the battle. A rejoin command would be useful in this case.

When it doesnt want to reconnect you to battle, you need to relog for it to work.

You should really stop putting peoples names in every post that is remotely about someone doing something bad to you. You make me wanna post this video of your “laggy” drone pooper sec con more and more… Because it really sounds like you made this post to point out that BlueSea disconnected, rather than making a real suggestion.

JUST to settle this quickly.


Sometimes, you get disconnected because of internet issues.  Sometimes, after getting disconnected, you can simply click “Login” through steam, and easily reconnect and get back into the game.


OTHER times, you get disconnected and have to enter your login information with a password.  For those of you who use your gaijin acct to login this way, you need your password memorized.  My pw is a string of bs letters and numbers that I’ve tried to change numerous times but cannot because of some stupid issue with Gaijin tech support emails.  So when I have to log in this way, it takes a long time for me to have to track down my password, and then enter it.


Easiest way to get back into the game is to quit and reload if this happens.  So then you cannot rejoin the game.  It’s not always a disconnect because the player does not want to play.  And, no offence, ArcTic, I know you’re a good player, but BlueSea would not disconnect because R4GE was on the other team…

Umm it was 2 rages vs a 3 or 4 man squad and we had another good guy on their team. so it was 5 decent/good players vs 3 good players and 2 nubs. I think we were on a U.S. server too which would mean bad ping for them. BlueSea is one heck of a player and i hate to see him on the other team, but with high ping and a couple randoms on his team that sucked, there was no chance of winning there. R4ge played well too but they were crippled from the start. 



Reconnecting is as easy as logging out and logging in again. the thing is, people quit and just put in new ships and join a new match. 


I have no problem naming people and he never logged back into the match. I know ESB and lots of skilled players are notorious for disconnecting when they have a team that will definitely lose. 


quitting is unacceptable no matter what. It brings your team down. 

Nevertheless and not wanting to enter in personnal debate I have no idea about. I have seen several disconnected people in my recent game. I wonder what are the consequences? (never happende to me so far). I heard that some people disconnect to avoid paying the repair cost? is that correct? If so that is annoying.


May be the personnal annotation can be edited by a moderator and we can try to think out useful suggestion?


My best option would be : if someone disconnected and did not reconnect before the end of the battle it should get no credit from the battle and have to pay for reparation (if any was incured) and reloading. This way the battle is a net loss but that not toopenalizing for people having legitimate disconnection.


I wonder if the ship that disconnecte stay engage in the battle like in war thunder, that not a bad idea either if it is not already the case, though preventing every ship to go on seem too much to me because people have legitimate disconnection.

You make me wanna post this video of your “laggy” drone pooper sec con more and more… 

English please. 

Nevertheless and not wanting to enter in personnal debate I have no idea about. I have seen several disconnected people in my recent game. I wonder what are the consequences? (never happende to me so far). I heard that some people disconnect to avoid paying the repair cost? is that correct? If so that is annoying.


May be the personnal annotation can be edited by a moderator and we can try to think out useful suggestion?


My best option would be : if someone disconnected and did not reconnect before the end of the battle it should get no credit from the battle and have to pay for reparation (if any was incured) and reloading. This way the battle is a net loss but that not toopenalizing for people having legitimate disconnection.


I wonder if the ship that disconnecte stay engage in the battle like in war thunder, that not a bad idea either if it is not already the case, though preventing every ship to go on seem too much to me because people have legitimate disconnection.

It’s already like that I think. When you disconnect, you should not be able to join another battle till it’s over. Currently, you can just switch out ships and queue up again. 

It’s already like that I think. When you disconnect, you should not be able to join another battle till it’s over. Currently, you can just switch out ships and queue up again. 


That would be the most ideal solution.  Your PILOT should be locked into battle.  Not your ships.

^^Guess someone finally agrees with me cuz there were quite a few people who didn’t like that idea.


Reporting someone who disconnects is useless and a waste of time which is why the pilot should be locked in. That would discourage disconnectors. 

That would be the most ideal solution.  Your PILOT should be locked into battle.  Not your ships.

We had something like this and this cause a lot of flame. This also punishes people who did not disconnect with a bad intention.

English please. 



Ok, I’ll make an extra topic for that video for you, so we can finally end this hero complex you have there.

We had something like this and this cause a lot of flame. This also punishes people who did not disconnect with a bad intention.


So then have a protocol that recognizes an internet time-out issue.  It will also detect if hardware was disconnected by the user.  I’m sure there’s a way to make it so that ppl with simple internet problems are not punished, but ppl who click “Leave Battle” are recognized by the client to have “Left the Battle Intentionally”


Or is there no way to actually do this…

Ok, I’ll make an extra topic for that video for you, so we can finally end this hero complex you have there.


I’m looking forward to this :smiley:

^^ Definitely. Brilliant idea engle. It would be simple to implement too. 


Your pilot should be locked in though. If your internet crashes, you can always reconnect. Maybe make it so you don’t have to log out and then login again. 


Your pilot should be locked in though. If your internet crashes, you can always reconnect. Maybe make it so you don’t have to log out and then login again. 


Here’s what I’m trying to work out, though.  Say you’re connceted via a hardwire.  :You disconnect the hardwire, and internet is shut off.  How would the game client know if the cable was unplugged or simply lost connection.  Or, some comps have a key for wireless adapter, and when pressed, turns adapter off.  These two things need to be figured out so that someone can’t get a “Internet Issue” by disconnecting the cable or modem, etc.


And yes, to the log-in thing.  I hate that I have to log-in EVERY time my internet xxxx out on me.  I live in a place with horrid internet connection (500+ ping constantly with 25% PL on most servers).  I have to do this routine at least 10 times a day.  it gets old.  Just let the client resume connection and automatically rejoin the game.  Who doesn’t want to do this?  Stupid.

It doesn’t have to. if pilots are locked in battle, you can always reconnect when your internet crashes.