
I LOVE this module. It’s kept me alive in the worst situations and is amazing, but a smart enemy can track me using them because they fly back to me like drones. Howabout when launched, they are autonomous and function as independent AI bot’s instead of trying to stay close to your ship. They’re meant to distract, anyways. Not draw attention.

Not planned, these changes would make the module far too overpowered.

I LOVE this module. It’s kept me alive in the worst situations

reminds me of service shop.

No. Way too op suggestion

Actually the holograms should be more like holograms, to be more distinguishable.

anoying module… today in a match 3 recon activated it… well it sucked

They are already strong, what u suggest would just make them op, it’s a module to distract nawbs or players who don’t pay attention, what you suggestion makes them into a Steamroller module.

Just imagine 8v8 Tournament and all of your team fly a recon with holograms, makes 24 ships attacking, ramming and dealing damage.

Actually the holograms should be more like holograms, to be more distinguishable.


Yes, and they should not have that nonsense of explosion damage. What kind of hologram explodes dealing electromagnetic damage?

Dun rewrote. Back to original idea.

Detonation: Recon gets bomb, goes to station, activates holograms. Suddenly nobody knows which ship to shoot to stop the plant. Easy win.


Combat Recon: Recon as Captain, deploys holograms when enemy gets too close. Suddenly there are 3 Captains to choose from. Easy defense.


Domination: Multiple micro-warp recons jumping from beacon to beacon, all activating holograms at capture. Easy win.


Beacon Hunt: More mass hologram madness with added effect of EM explosions around target beacons. Easy win.



So yeah, module is already crazy OP. This doesn’t need any more buffs. About the only way to really tell which ship is the true Recon is either by seeing which ship’s guns are actually damaging you, seeing which ship has a capture tether extending to it from the objective, or observing flight patterns.


But even then, it’s nearly impossible if you are getting shot at by another player.

+1 already too good.

it has a weakness, true… holograms behave bit differently, but there is no time to figure that out in middle of a fight. and secondly if you keep an eye on recon when it deploys, its really no big deal, because its clear wich one is real…easy track. but then being constantly focused on one only object is not a good idea :slight_smile:


so if you wanna use this module really well, observe how your holograms move, mimic.

and i just made this up :stuck_out_tongue:

Or just pop holos then cloak. Xp

Then I get to know which one is the real one when you re appear :slight_smile: Sometimes I let my team mates kill the holoships that are adoring me :slight_smile:

+1 already too good.

it has a weakness, true… holograms behave bit differently, but there is no time to figure that out in middle of a fight. and secondly if you keep an eye on recon when it deploys, its really no big deal, because its clear wich one is real…easy track. but then being constantly focused on one only object is not a good idea :slight_smile:



The recons know you can track by trajectory. On that assumption alone they just do a sharp turn upon deploying holos.

The ones that drop the holos when behind a beacon or using it to come out of invisible are the worst ;p 

I used it and played “against” for a while, the module is not op (the damage is really low). 


The only problem with this module is that you can’t counter it effectively if you don’t have another recon with microlocator.

Especially in bombing games, it’s quite game breaking.

Meanwhile, being a captain with holograms is quite fun and “effective”, but it have the downside that also YOUR team doesn’t knows who is the real one, so it happens that people will follow the “holocaptain” in suicidal attacks and feeds the enemy.

anoying module… today in a match 3 recon activated it… well it sucked


I am with ZD on this.


I got a chance to use it in about 20 or so matches.


Bottom line, it is good vs inexperienced players.


Any observant pilot is going to go right to the beacon in detonation.

They are going to hit the retreating captain in recon.

They are going to attack the ship with the charging line in beacon hunt.


The best thing this modules does is distract the targeted ship with lots of take plasma spam.


I don’t understand how or why but it doesn’t seam to stop modules requiring a lock. Also if you already have the recon locked before it auto locks it after. Because of this the module does me crap, every frikkin ship has me locked at all frikkin times. Seriously people there are other ships on the map!

I am with ZD on this.


I got a chance to use it in about 20 or so matches.


Bottom line, it is good vs inexperienced players.


Any observant pilot is going to go right to the beacon in detonation.

They are going to hit the retreating captain in recon.

They are going to attack the ship with the charging line in beacon hunt.


The best thing this modules does is distract the targeted ship with lots of take plasma spam.


I don’t understand how or why but it doesn’t seam to stop modules requiring a lock. Also if you already have the recon locked before it auto locks it after. Because of this the module does me crap, every frikkin ship has me locked at all frikkin times. Seriously people there are other ships on the map!

Use it behind a beacon or go invisible, then use the holoships to come out of invisibility.

Use it behind a beacon or go invisible, then use the holoships to come out of invisibility.

Yep, had that happening yesterday.


It is an auto win. Two free plants. Detonation is pointless now.


O, three free plants if you want to wait the extra minute.


Goodness forbit you are 5 minutes into the match and it happens with two recons at once.


Well that mode was nice while it lasted.


Thanks to all the people who supported this idea when it was originally suggested on the forums.


Other modes it is still on power level with all the other modules. It can provide a free jump vs ECM because of the temp lock break.

“Problem” with this module is everyone is spamming it now so there is a huge Recon swarm in every game (I’ve played). Sure you can pretty much follow which one is the real one but when you have 12 of them in a beacon (4 real players) it’s a complete mess. 


They’re just annoying, they’re supposed to be a defensive and escaping tool but people are spamming them everywhere because of the low cooldown and long duration.

I thought system hack would be really popular but it seems not ;p