Healing is overpowered

First of all, you were fighting Maximum from SKY, he is a very good pilot. Give him some credit.




A recon ship with spy drones would of made a huge difference. “But I don’t have one!” Oh well. Then you are forced to rely on someone else to step up and do it, which appears to not have happened. I have a recon interceptor for these kinds of situations exclusively!


Also, I regularly two to three shot interceptors in my engineer frigate in T3. If I can do it, you can too. (Burst damage. that’s the hint)


So you see, it is not the healing that is the problem, but your tactics! Check the resistances, play smarter.


Just because you refuse to adapt doesn’t mean it is overpowered, it just means you need to be a better pilot!

Bull****. Watch the video, he was flying straight and level and was getting hit full in the face, as demonstrated by how fast his shields were going down. The problem isn’t that he was dodging like a ninja or resisting damage, the problem was his shield regen. The attackers went through his shield bar fully 4 or 5 times. Even the most godlike pilot skill doesn’t do that for you.

First of all, you were fighting Maximum from SKY, he is a very good pilot. Give him some credit.

Irrelevant. Regardless how skilled the enemy pilot in that video may or may not be, he was flying in a straight line taking no evasive action. His survival in that video was not due to any skilled flying on his part.


I regularly two to three shot interceptors in my engineer frigate in T3. If I can do it, you can too. (Burst damage. that’s the hint)

There’s no way your solo Engineer burst damage (by which I assume you mean firing a missile while shooting your main weapon, as Engineers have no combat modules to speak of) could be greater than the combined firepower of 4 frigates.


So you see, it is not the healing that is the problem, but your tactics! Check the resistances, play smarter.


Just because you refuse to adapt doesn’t mean it is overpowered, it just means you need to be a better pilot!

So you see nothing unbalanced about healing modules allowing the weakest ship class in the game to regenerate more shield per second than the amount of damage 4 frigates can output simultaneously?


Mother of God! Is that in 0.8.0?

Thing is and i’ve often noticed this, you actually need drones and target painter nowadays, its a must. 


I’ve unloaded my Desert Eagle in overdrive mode with the damage booster, have the thing with pulse discharger and computer for more crit on it in my passive sluts + full load 'of rockets in a Cerberus 2 engineer frigate ( a lone one that is ) and after his shield melted it was horrible… his last bits of armour just wouldnt go away…


The second time i’ve done this was my Eagle and 1 tackler point marking the guy… Jesus, what a diference, still the problem is that in such situations people just bring out heal frigates and its a pain… its a damned pain in the arse to kill them if people don’t work together, and that meens having tacklers, recons and gunships.

from what i saw in the video,

  1. u werent doing that much dmg when u were hitting (intercepter have high thermal resis)
  2. at most 2 of the 4 frig that u claim to be shooting at the inty is actually hitting it
  3. he could of used shield resis booster and had command ship shield buff (77 extra resis if mk2)

So this video is no where conclusive enough to say engi heal is OP

from what i saw in the video,

  1. u werent doing that much dmg when u were hitting (intercepter have high thermal resis)
  2. at most 2 of the 4 frig that u claim to be shooting at the inty is actually hitting it
  3. he could of used shield resis booster and had command ship shield buff (77 extra resis if mk2)

So this video is no where conclusive enough to say engi heal is OP

Dude, you can see the Interceptor’s shields be reduced to zero and then jump back to full in less than a second no fewer than 3 times in the video while he’s being attacked, so don’t sit there and say it’s because people weren’t hitting him or the damage was being reduced. They were doing enough damage to drain his shields completely is 1-2 seconds, and he was able to completely restore them in less than a second. The ONLY factor at play here is shield regen.

Dude, you can see the Interceptor’s shields be reduced to zero and then jump back to full in less than a second no fewer than 3 times in the video while he’s being attacked, so don’t sit there and say it’s because people weren’t hitting him or the damage was being reduced. They were doing enough damage to drain his shields completely is 1-2 seconds, and he was able to completely restore them in less than a second. The ONLY factor at play here is shield regen.


They were really focussing on keeping the guy alive, thats no big deal if people are concentrated on what they are doing, that was some first class support there and if you look at the clip right, after a certain point the ceptor there was behind the ruins so no one could shoot him anymore ( btw, why did the guy in the vid kept firing after the inty was in cover?! ) 


The problem in itself is the excess of Engineer frigates per game but then again if you start limiting classes it will only bring more problems to the matchmaker then anything else so i’d say shoot harder and yell at the screen… it helps. 

The problem in itself is the excess of Engineer frigates per game but then again if you start limiting classes it will only bring more problems to the matchmaker then anything else so i’d say shoot harder and yell at the screen… it helps. 


The excess of Engineer Frigates exists BECAUSE their healing is so insanely strong as no side wants to run out of healing first in case both sides focus the Engineering frigs.

So its exactly the other way around: not healing is only so strong because of that many healers, but we have that many healers because healing is so strong.


Focus fire and tactics are first and foremost about healing, and only after that about anything else, a clear sign that this single aspect of the game is more dominating than anything else.

I am going to comment regarding this particular example(video), i do believe that healing can be on OP side, but nowhere near magnitude that many of you here claim it to be.  

You have to understand regarding lasers is that they do considerably less dmg to hulls(except its a frigate) due to they mechanics, and no I am not talking about thermal type of dmg. Fighters and especially Interceptors have Hull hit box about 2.5 less than they shields hit box. How many times did you see lasers shooting at you and after your shields are gone you see laser pointer hitting empty space around your ship but not actually connecting with hull? So at the end even if it looks like you deliver your dmg to the target due to “instant” travel time you are missing quiet a lot.

  Pay close attention to how 3 laser dmg dealer did not connect they lasers with hull for extended amount of time and how fast they burn shields - look at the Top-Left corner where the target window is.

Biggest fault in this video - EVERYONE was shooting LOLazarosLOL and doing next to no dmg after his shields were down. Add to this possible conditions such as Self shield resists buff, Self Shield regen and add to this Engineers bowing they aoe heals on him. It looks like there were so many cooldowns blown in that short period of time to keep this guy alive and again lolazors.

 Open your eyes god damned

The excess of Engineer Frigates exists BECAUSE their healing is so insanely strong as no side wants to run out of healing first in case both sides focus the Engineering frigs.

So its exactly the other way around: not healing is only so strong because of that many healers, but we have that many healers because healing is so strong.


Focus fire and tactics are first and foremost about healing, and only after that about anything else, a clear sign that this single aspect of the game is more dominating than anything else.


Healing isn’t that strong per se,  the main problem are the organized teams that no matter what will bring enough firepower to bear on the enemy team and thats also the problem and normal situation in public matches. you can’t expect every joe to know his / her place in battle.


Naturally if word spreads that support frigates are OP, you can bet everyone and his mother will bring one, same as torps in the begining, everyone  wants to ride the best pony, and everyone wants to win hence frigates. and lots of them.


If you don’t believe it go into a Tier II or III game at improper times and watch how everyone and their mother will use you for target practice because ur the healer so that balances stuff more or  less.


The main issue are the clans, comms + squad + frigates well… neverending tanking… but then again restricting clans in a multiplayer online game ain’t an option either.



XKostyan, if Lasers are so bad why does almost everyone equip them? Why does even your clans squads equip them? Right because they are not that bad so cut the bull… there, a good pilot with lasers will roast everything atm.

By far the most boring games I’ve had were in premade squad vs premade squad when 3 people would go engineer. The only thing that’s worse is having two squads on the team and having 6-7 engineers among them on both teams. Nothing will die until engineers decide that it’s too boring and swap ships. You can literally AFK in the middle of the fight, enemy can point all their guns on you, and you will live through it.


Broken things are broken. Engineers need a massive nerfbat, perhaps even a purge of the entire class in its current form. Problem is, without brokenly overpowered healing, several badly designed classes for light strike craft will simply vanish from the game, as they currently rely on engineer providing them with near-invincibility mode to function.

Problem is, without brokenly overpowered healing, several badly designed classes for light strike craft will simply vanish from the game, as they currently rely on engineer providing them with near-invincibility mode to function.

Plus T3/T4 PvE will become impossible.

Plus T3/T4 PvE will become impossible.

PvE can be rebalanced separately to reduce mob damage to compensate.

a good choice is reduce the healing aura.

I find it surprising how some of you say that the video is caused by something else, when I saw this in real time (I was in the same game/squad at the time of that vid) I was in disbelief. I think there is something wrong with the coding of the Mass shield generator, but I wouldn’t say its something OP, its just messed up. Before the 0.8.0 things like this never happened, the dev’s did something that made the interceptor in that game do something that I’ve never seen before.


Before the patch I often played as a support/healer role, I had all the healing doodads from shields to hull, cycling to active, on my Garm which gave a bonus to the rate of healing at the time. And, well I never had a situation where I healed someone so much that they could tank the damage of ‘a’ heavy weapon. Let alone concentrated fire, most I could have done was add a few more seconds of life to them in hopes that their attacker gets shot out of existence.

I know it might be an unpopular suggestion, but I am going to say it anyway; all Restoration modules should be removed from the game.


Healing has its place, but it needs to be balanced. Engineering Frigates can heal themselves insanely quickly with Drones up, but in my experience the Engineer is rarely the problem. The issue comes when you can have slow passive healing from an ally combined with fast active-healing for yourself.


Engineers should be the only means to gain health back. Other classes can have a ‘healing’ effect of a sort (ie: the Recon’s ability to steal your shields and recharge its own), but other than that nobody else should be able to heal themselves.


This would, in my opinion, go some way to help remove the camp-heavy elements of gameplay. A reduction in the recharge rates of Engineering modules may also be in order. I would personally have some kind of timer on them so that they don’t work if the Engineer took any damage at all in the last 5 seconds. This would return some of the functionality to the Interceptor; you don’t need to kill the Engi, just lock down his auras so the rest of your team can amass a body count!

Can I just say that from the games I have played recently, I am lucky to get 1 or 2 engi on my team. Most of the time I am the one to change to engi when noone else is using it. The only exception is combat recon, that game mode is just pure frig tanking.

I find it surprising how some of you say that the video is caused by something else, when I saw this in real time (I was in the same game/squad at the time of that vid) I was in disbelief. I think there is something wrong with the coding of the Mass shield generator, but I wouldn’t say its something OP, its just messed up. Before the 0.8.0 things like this never happened, the dev’s did something that made the interceptor in that game do something that I’ve never seen before.


Before the patch I often played as a support/healer role, I had all the healing doodads from shields to hull, cycling to active, on my Garm which gave a bonus to the rate of healing at the time. And, well I never had a situation where I healed someone so much that they could tank the damage of ‘a’ heavy weapon. Let alone concentrated fire, most I could have done was add a few more seconds of life to them in hopes that their attacker gets shot out of existence.

About your video, That interceptor is recovering fast the shield because he have too low shield and the shield recover is high.

Think with me, my interce have 2500 shield and 85(?) shield regen. Lets say the mass shield gen recover 305/sec(i think the miliraty do this), Then i have 386 regen tank and in 6,4 sec my shield is is full. Add some engenering using the remote shield gen( the one heal allyes for a little time) and the interceptor will be semi invencible to dps. But a suden damage weapons(heavy, sniper) can finish he fast.

Lasers do have the lowest damage compared to the other weapons mainly as a trade off for their instant hit capability. Some of those lasers firing at the target were of heavy type, which usually deals around 1k-1.5k unmodified. The four ships attacking that small target might miss a few damage cycles but even if the enemy got hit by 3 cycles it would almost be dead near a quarter half hull, you would still see it regaining but at very low health that an added hit can snuff him out, but really its not that hard to hit that target with lasers, given that he was holding the bomb and moving fairly linear.


Though there are ways to boost the shield regain so much as to 500 points (or less) a second depending on build, shield booster can add to it, so does the mass shield generator, and the active shield restoration module. Damage resist is not as effective when placed on an interceptor, and that one was a recon so Fed or Empire does not have much in the way of putting up shield resists or specialize in shields, by far their ships have fairly low shields and regain. Also they do not have as many passive module slots to add as much resistance, manly because of their placement and rank within the tree.


To be honest watching that vid is both laughable and often stumps me. Course regain tanking is a thing but on something as light as that? Ehhh, I don’t know doc. Now that I think of it though I did see something like this pre patch in a combat reconnaissance. The enemy captain was in a Interceptor of a lower tech level. Now he would have been easy to take out due to the fact he had low max health, but the complicated thing was is that he stood very close to his defenders. That even if we brought him down to a smidgen of health his defenders took out the attacker, and his hull and shields repaired instantly but only when he was not being attacked.


Which makes me wounder that at that time the AoE repair fields worked differently than they do now in some way. Because one time actives worked sort of like how they did in that vid but only for a moment like shield booster or repair kit, where as the AoE healing was something like a passive heal, that or was so low that it couldn’t negate the damage being done to you when under fire. Its not really like its problematic but its just that ‘irking’ feeling that its not suppose to be like the way that vid showed…