Healing is overpowered


Well i certainly don’t



normally i would think ok its just 1 frig shooting but no… 4 frigs shooting him in a crappy little interceptor. How on earth do you think this game should be played!


  If it doesn’t get fixed you will have yet another player leaving …



While were at it please fix the god damn anaconda -M it cant do anything to damage other ships. its the most pointless ship in battle now. best thing you can do with it is capture beacons and you may as well do that in a interceptor, as they seem to be invincible.


This is not the first time i have had this issue.

Next match went 1 on 1 against a fighter he could happily regen his shields whilst mine just kept on dropping down and down and down.

i thought this was how they were supposed to be. its stupid. this happened everygame.

Thats engineer frigates uber broken healing modules saving even an interceptor from focus fire from the highest dps classes.

It is ridicilous. A recon which almost has no dps to speak of cant even kill an afk ship if it has those modules active.

I was in the game in a guard ship, I just cant stop watching how hilarious this is…

I too have seen a lot of this since the 0.8.0 update, usually when up against a lot of corp players. You and 2 or 3 teammates will all be focus firing on a guy and his shields will barely be budging, then as soon as your weapons overheat and you stop firing his shields instantly rocket back up to full. This could be easily fixed by limiting the number of regen stacks that are possible to be applied to the same ship, so you don’t get cases where ships are effectively invulnerable due to 3 or 4 Engineers all applying infinite shield and hull regen to each other.

Those modules were available before the patch… so what changed?

Those modules were available before the patch… so what changed?

I don’t know. Maybe the limitations placed on Long Range and Guard frigates to make them less effective in close combat has pushed more people to use the Engineer frigates? And with the limited module loadouts, anyone running an Engineer is pretty much guaranteed to have hull and shield regen modules.

Whatever it is, it’s rapidly causing PvP to become an unfun mess, especially with mixed T1, T2 and T3 ships all playing in the same matches.

EDIT: Just got out of another game with numerous examples of what the OP posted. In no possible way can it be thought to be enjoyable to dogfight with someone for 30 seconds and then watch them be back at full armor and shields within 2 seconds of breaking off. I don’t care what any “pro” corp players say about teamwork, this is exploiting a broken game mechanic to farm PvP.

as a corp, we try  to make sure were in engineer ships to support the team, but ooh god this is just getting stupid.


I thought the dev’s actually stated somewhere that your weapons would always do enough damage to take out an enemy, after the last patch that mixed tiers

This is what I am saying for a while since the patch came out but no one toke me serious, I was going to tape some gameplay too but need to buy a fraps or bandicam. Only thos ethat enjoy this patch are the ones that are in a premade or flying one of those ships. Since I have neither, there is no point in actually playing the game.

fraps has a free version as well, it has a watermark and limited to 30 sec video.

Aye but it spams your harddrive full of it, I might just do it to show people how silly this game is getting, 2 months ago when I started it had balance issues but skill and prowness was the abilities that could make you win or loose, now its whoever has the premade and whoever has the luck with ships if the’re not a premade.

fraps has a free version as well, it has a watermark and limited to 30 sec video.

bandicam is free as well, watermark and 10 mins of video. and the videofiles are not 2GB big at 30 seconds like fraps does

healing is quite OP now

Its not just healing I think, I was in my Premium Steam DLC ship against a guard ship, now I know that they are suppose to tank dmg, but after increase crit chance, overdrive, 1 EM torp and 2 bursts of kenetic rockets the guys hp was still in its shields… while of course he killed me. 

lol i couldnt find my topic,

Cheers to the mod who re-directed the thread with a somewhat better description!!

Its not just healing I think, I was in my Premium Steam DLC ship against a guard ship, now I know that they are suppose to tank dmg, but after increase crit chance, overdrive, 1 EM torp and 2 bursts of kenetic rockets the guys hp was still in its shields… while of course he killed me. 

were you using only 1 damage type with your main weapon?

What i usually do agaisnt guard ships, is use 1 damage type and if that hits low, switch to the other. if he switches his phase shield, switch to the other again. his phase shield switches slower than your weapons and costs him tons of energy.


edit: or did, until i quit because this patch destroyed all of my progress.

That is hilarious.


Had a similiar experience yesterday. I was in a dog fight with a guy, but I couldnt kill him because his shileds regenerated so fast. After 2 minutes or so of me sticking behind him blasting him full of plasma, he got help from a friend. Tables turned and they started hunting me, but they couldnt kill me as my shields were regenerating too fast as well. So stupid and frustrating.

Use recon interceptors.

Spy drones reduce healing on target by 50% for 90 seconds, with a 30s cooldown - you can tag 3 targets at a time with it. Put this on enemy commander in recon, he will die. Put this on engineer frigate, you can kill it 1v1 with interceptor easy. Etc. This is the new game, learn to play it :wink:

To give you an idea, my T4 engineer regens about 670 HP/s (shield + armor regen aura) and then has booster for extra. and drones heal more.

You put this to -50%, even with the shield booster you’re healing about 550 for 8 seonds, and 330 after that. Interceptor DPS is 800+.

So either way, it’s not overpowered, especially if you focus fire.

thanks for the suggestion but im to old and slow for inty’s :wink:

 tried em i can just about manage fighters !

Use recon interceptors.

Spy drones reduce healing on target by 50% for 90 seconds, with a 30s cooldown - you can tag 3 targets at a time with it. Put this on enemy commander in recon, he will die. Put this on engineer frigate, you can kill it 1v1 with interceptor easy. Etc. This is the new game, learn to play it :wink:

To give you an idea, my T4 engineer regens about 670 HP/s (shield + armor regen aura) and then has booster for extra. and drones heal more.

You put this to -50%, even with the shield booster you’re healing about 550 for 8 seonds, and 330 after that. Interceptor DPS is 800+.

So either way, it’s not overpowered, especially if you focus fire.


There are a number of things wrong with this A) you have to have luck if your none premade has a recon ship, B) he has to have the module  C) Hope he has teammates around. You shouldnt ever force people into things, in any game.