Healing is overpowered

as a corp, we try  to make sure were in engineer ships to support the team, but ooh god this is just getting stupid.


I thought the dev’s actually stated somewhere that your weapons would always do enough damage to take out an enemy, after the last patch that mixed tiers


They did. 


Math says otherwise. 


If there’s enough regen / resist auras around you don’t do any damage. 

i just wonder why ALL the fregattes were using laser weapons… seriously? if you dont have enought aim for the other ones then dont qq arround. As a small ship i can just fit thermal ressistance in my shield’s and its gg, cuz almost every frig runs arround with their lasers haha


lasers have xxxx burst imo, so its clear that they loose against over time healing. Just play with some other guns and maybe focus the support backline first and do not try to force a kill on the small ship. i mean he cant go anyway far his support, otherwise he will just die. so go and kill the support and after that take him out, where is the problem.


and if they start healing up the supportship, well then switch target again, use the ping function and get faster.

Damage and healing seem messed up from T3 and upwards. As an int, I can go back and forth from full health to almost dead 3-4 times in the span of 10 seconds. The amount of healing is ridiculous for the skill required to pull it off (read: zero).



Before version .8 the heal aura did not stack and would use the highest healing aura within the players vicinity but this…


This is total bullcrap…

i just wonder why ALL the fregattes were using laser weapons…

As of tier 3 ships are so bloody fast it neigh on impossible to hit a ship long range, unless they are completely stupid and fly in a straight line. and as frigates are even slower now, akll you get is long range :confused:

  It is better to do some damage than no damage at all.

It certainly is beyond hilarious (at least that video in particular), but yeah Healing is causing some very very drawn out combats.  I was wondering why I could be circling and circling someone hammering them constantly with rapid plasma and not see their shield twitch until I turned on the verbose combat logs and saw all the healing that was happening.


But, whilst frustrating, it hasn’t got me whining… yet (beyond stating it seems way OP) :stuck_out_tongue:

and if they start healing up the supportship, well then switch target again, use the ping function and get faster.

It’s not like a healing aura only heals one target at a time. It’s not a matter of, “Oh, they’re healing the Fighter? Lets focus on the Engineer. Oh, they switched to healing the Engineer? Lets focus on the Fighter.” Everything inside the aura (which is everything within a 4500m radius of the Engineer) is getting a constant 307 shield and 176 hull repaired at T3 Mk III, multiplied by however many Engineers are applying it, including the Engineers themselves. Put 3 or 4 Engineer ships within range of each other and you’re talking about having to out damage 921-1228 constant shield regen per second on every ship within a 9000m sphere around the Engineers, which makes it basically impossible for anything less than a frigate to deal any damage to them whatsoever short of launching nukes or torpedoes at them, especially if they’re stacking any resistances, and the frigate would still be dealing peanuts with its main weapon. All while you in turn are being focus-fired by 18-24 combined turrets plus combat drones plus whatever other enemies are nearby.

Healing modules should not stack. There is simply no way I can believe that the devs would’ve intended for something like what the OP depicted to happen, and it happens in virtually every match. Yes, a Recon’s Spy Drone can somewhat mitigate the healing (only 460-614 shield regen per second, which is still well on the outside of what a Recon ship itself could output), but take a look at how many Recon ships you find in an average game of randoms compared to how many Engineer frigates you see, and then realize that everyone else has to rely on the Recon actually having Spy Drones installed and the Recon has to rely on his teammates actually focus-firing on the targets he paints, all of which is unreliable at best if you’re not in a squad.

You’re talking about a great deal of skill and coordination to counter something that effectively requires zero skill or coordination.

yeah i agree, it is quite stupid that it stacks ^^ i mean i can stack a little but it should have like only 25% more healing from the second aura and maybe 10% from the third one, and not more then 3 at once ^^ something like that, to balance it out a little more.

Those four frigates probably had the same effective dps as one fighter, its kind of insane for four frigates to focus fire and not be able to take out a fighter 

I think the intention of the fast healing was to quickly heal up the guard ships cause they had a ton of hull. Actually if they tweak the heals then the guard ship would have an even weaker tank since they rely mainly on the heals of a engineer ship. However interceptors stay alive longer cause of this healing buff. That’s the result of balancing when it comes to roles that need each other. It becomes harder to balance out without throwing it off…

Those four frigates probably had the same effective dps as one fighter, its kind of insane for four frigates to focus fire and not be able to take out a Interceptor

there i fixed it for you… it wasnt even a fighter

Pretty sure the regular nanodrone cloud and mass shield generator don’t stack from multiple engineering frigates. I found engy frigs pretty balanced at T2 because of that.

The problem seems to be the extra T3 healing modules. The remote shield gen restores a huge amount of shield, it’s essentially two large shield boosters for every ship except the user. It’s balanced by having a cooldown and not affecting the ship using it, but those balancing factors are largely negated when you’ve got multiple engy frigs rotating it, so it gets simply insane.

maybe they should make the heals a % value of the shield / hull, not a fix one ^^ so it would make less heal on a interceptor, but more on a frig.

They should make allot of the numbers into a percentage so it can be better understood… But its just a mix.

Healing AoE modules should not exist. 

Try a game without single engineer and you ll see how much more fun the game is.


Non self targeting skills should not exist if you ask me.

Even the attack drones.

What the fck AI targeting doing in a shooting game.

It is shooter game and If you need AI do the shooting the dmg the healing then lets all get aimbots and fly from beacon to beacon following the navigator.


My suggestion is to remove current healing modules and replace with a target based healing. You target hurt ally and heal set amount. Much more skill based. It can even be chain healing jumping up to other ships. Or make it like missile instead of dmg it heals. So many possibilities each better then the current one.


At current state the game is a no skill no brainer game.

Pulsars, drones doing the job for you.

Active modules constantly healing you.

Half the job is done for you by a single keystroke.

Just pick one of the broken classes and enjoy.


This sort of game might be appealing to new gamers who never had the chance to enjoy in depth games but it will have a very short life spam.

I know it is a Beta but the direction the game is taking gives clues what the final product will be.


How does the devs think they could earn money from a game where the most fun is at the tier1 stage. I have tier4 ships but play t1 or t2 constantly and regret the time i took to even achieve t4

so there is only 1 ship type in game to counter an entire way of gameplay? Balanced…


I’d say throw a healing reduce module on Gunships to make em viable, wich they arent atm.

Even before the patch I thought healing was pretty overpowered.


I’ve really completely dropped using my previously beloved Dvergr/Dwarf ships because they lost all their damage and every team runs engi ships now, making recon worthless in both damage and survivability.


Now I just go covert ops for the damage, plus fed ships are so maneuverable.

Yeah this is just straight nuts. I haven’t budged from tier 2 at all because of all the rumblings I hear, ah well.


i just wonder why ALL the fregattes were using laser weapons… seriously? if you dont have enought aim for the other ones then dont qq arround. As a small ship i can just fit thermal ressistance in my shield’s and its gg, cuz almost every frig runs arround with their lasers haha


lasers have xxxx burst imo, so its clear that they loose against over time healing. Just play with some other guns and maybe focus the support backline first and do not try to force a kill on the small ship. i mean he cant go anyway far his support, otherwise he will just die. so go and kill the support and after that take him out, where is the problem.


and if they start healing up the supportship, well then switch target again, use the ping function and get faster.


Instant shot travel time, why the heck would you go with anything but a laser on your frigate when it comes to dealing with incoming interceptors. Even if you perfectly follow the aim reticule they can dance around the shot just by moving unless you got the Jericho shot speed implant and a shot accelerator.

Or even better activating AOE healing mods should stick the ship in place while active and have a cooldown on top of that where the ship cant move. That would let people establish defensive lines without just rolling around buffing everything. 

A healing aura should provide a slight advantage to the affected party, not make a ship all but invincible. In the last week, it seems like half the dogfights I get into with my Interceptor or Fighter end up as stalemates where I end up chasing another Interceptor or Fighter for 20+ seconds while pumping round after round into them only to see whatever progress I’ve made instantly negated by a second or two of misses until I eventually tire of it and attempt to break off only to then get chased down and slaughtered.