Healing is overpowered

Healing AoE modules should not exist. 

Try a game without single engineer and you ll see how much more fun the game is.


Non self targeting skills should not exist if you ask me.

Even the attack drones.

What the fck AI targeting doing in a shooting game.

It is shooter game and If you need AI do the shooting the dmg the healing then lets all get aimbots and fly from beacon to beacon following the navigator.


My suggestion is to remove current healing modules and replace with a target based healing. You target hurt ally and heal set amount. Much more skill based. It can even be chain healing jumping up to other ships. Or make it like missile instead of dmg it heals. So many possibilities each better then the current one.


At current state the game is a no skill no brainer game.

Pulsars, drones doing the job for you.

Active modules constantly healing you.

Half the job is done for you by a single keystroke.

Just pick one of the broken classes and enjoy.


This sort of game might be appealing to new gamers who never had the chance to enjoy in depth games but it will have a very short life spam.

I know it is a Beta but the direction the game is taking gives clues what the final product will be.


How does the devs think they could earn money from a game where the most fun is at the tier1 stage. I have tier4 ships but play t1 or t2 constantly and regret the time i took to even achieve t4

agree with this.

I run a healing frig and am not getting this sort of gameplay.  I must not have the right mods installed.  What mods make it op?

You dont need target based heals just a cap on regen and maybe some other penalties. Some buffs to snipers would be nice, as they have trouble hitting moving targets but a big ol frig stuck in place would make for a nice target. 

AOE heals have a max heal rate.

AOE heals could be interrupted by taking damage.


AOE helas be limited to 1 ship at a time.

  will heal weakest team mate until full health or out of range then switch to different target.



Although i am expecting the devs to fix this by over-nerfing the engineer ships so much as they become pointless in a battle

I think a combination of 2 suggestions in this post makes sense:


  1. Engi frigs have to be stationary to activate healing modules and moving instigates a CD on the modules.
  2. Apply diminishing returns for multiple Engi ships auras stacking, 1st 100%, 2nd 40%, 3rd 15%, 4th or more no effect.

I think the combination of these 2 change would keep Engi ships as being valuable but negate the ridiculous healing we are seeing in select circumstances.


A value that could be tweaked is the range on these modules. Personally, when I fly an interceptor, I would expect to have to keep an eye on where my friendly Engi ships are located to ensure I stay close/ hunt them down when I am in need of heals, rather than just relying on the fact that there are so many and their auras all overlap.

'1 can be very hard to achieve during a batlle…

2 should be unnecessary, no? I was under the impression nanodrone cloud and mass shield gen was a buff, so two from different engy frigates didn’t stack.

Wait… the healing effects  now stack with other Engineers frigates?! 

They seem to. Unless there’s something else going on accounting for why some enemies are able to out-regen damage from multiple attackers.

The T2 healing modules do not stack. Here’s a parse of my combat log. I was in an engineering frigate with my auras going next to another engineering frigate. Filtered out everything except combat actions on myself and selected a short window where I got shot once and 8 second afterwards

19:07:01.913        | Combat: damage         xxxxxxxx ->            Binky 879.12 Weapon_Railgun_Sniper_T3_Mk1 DMG_KINETIC|DMG_PRIMARY_WEAPON - (Grr!)
19:07:02.032        | Combat: heal       xxxxxxxxxxxx ->            Binky 316.23 Module_ShieldEmitter_T3_Epic
19:07:03.028        | Combat: heal       xxxxxxxxxxxx ->            Binky 316.23 Module_ShieldEmitter_T3_Epic
19:07:04.050        | Combat: heal       xxxxxxxxxxxx ->            Binky 316.23 Module_ShieldEmitter_T3_Epic
19:07:05.040        | Combat: heal       xxxxxxxxxxxx ->            Binky 316.23 Module_ShieldEmitter_T3_Epic
19:07:06.036        | Combat: heal       xxxxxxxxxxxx ->            Binky 316.23 Module_ShieldEmitter_T3_Epic
19:07:07.024        | Combat: heal       xxxxxxxxxxxx ->            Binky 316.22 Module_ShieldEmitter_T3_Epic
19:07:08.059        | Combat: heal       xxxxxxxxxxxx ->            Binky 316.22 Module_ShieldEmitter_T3_Epic
19:07:09.036        | Combat: heal       xxxxxxxxxxxx ->            Binky 316.22 Module_ShieldEmitter_T3_Epic

As you can see, my T2 shield generator did not have any effect on me at all even though it was running. I was only affected by the other engy frigate’s superior T3 shield aura, which ticked once a second like clockwork.

I’m pretty sure the insane regen numbers you’re seeing are caused only by the T3 repair modules, which heal in bursts on a cooldown, and so work differently and will stack from multiple engineering frigates.



Just to prove it for hull as well, after head butting an asteroid in the name of science:
19:36:00.518        | Combat: damage              n/a ->            Binky 835.51 (crash) DMG_GENERIC|DMG_COLLISION
19:36:01.380        | Combat: heal            xxxxxxx ->            Binky 175.50 Module_RemoteRepairDrones_T3_Mk3
19:36:02.391        | Combat: heal            xxxxxxx ->            Binky 175.50 Module_RemoteRepairDrones_T3_Mk3
19:36:03.363        | Combat: heal            xxxxxxx ->            Binky 175.50 Module_RemoteRepairDrones_T3_Mk3
19:36:04.399        | Combat: heal            xxxxxxx ->            Binky 133.51 Module_RemoteRepairDrones_T3_Mk3
I only benefit from xxxxxxx’s superior T3 nanodrone cloud even though my own T2 nanodrone cloud was active.

This is what I am saying for a while since the patch came out but no one toke me serious, I was going to tape some gameplay too but need to buy a fraps or bandicam. Only thos ethat enjoy this patch are the ones that are in a premade or flying one of those ships. Since I have neither, there is no point in actually playing the game.


(I know this is a very late reply to this old post but still…)


Quicktime can do video capture. No limit on video length as far as I know.


A healing aura should provide a slight advantage to the affected party, not make a ship all but invincible. In the last week, it seems like half the dogfights I get into with my Interceptor or Fighter end up as stalemates where I end up chasing another Interceptor or Fighter for 20+ seconds while pumping round after round into them only to see whatever progress I’ve made instantly negated by a second or two of misses until I eventually tire of it and attempt to break off only to then get chased down and slaughtered.


The very reason why I swapped my gunship for a tackler. (And I didn’t even buy the damned gunship… the major patch changed it from a command to a gunship ><) And also the reason why I prefer to fly my frigate and shoot from afar.


I think a combination of 2 suggestions in this post makes sense:


  1. Engi frigs have to be stationary to activate healing modules and moving instigates a CD on the modules.
  2. Apply diminishing returns for multiple Engi ships auras stacking, 1st 100%, 2nd 40%, 3rd 15%, 4th or more no effect.

I think the combination of these 2 change would keep Engi ships as being valuable but negate the ridiculous healing we are seeing in select circumstances.


A value that could be tweaked is the range on these modules. Personally, when I fly an interceptor, I would expect to have to keep an eye on where my friendly Engi ships are located to ensure I stay close/ hunt them down when I am in need of heals, rather than just relying on the fact that there are so many and their auras all overlap.


(1) would not make sense for a fleeing frigate. A sitting duck with some healing, or a flying duck with no protection… it makes no difference.

(2) looks pretty good to me.


Also… is it just me, or does the energy usage seem a little too low as well?

Edit: Actually, I take it back. The T2 healing modules are also pretty powerful, even though they don’t stack.

Engineering ships should not be able to heal themselves using the group modules. This would fix engineering ships.

Not being able to heal themselves wouldn’t fix the problem of their T3 healing modules effectively making everything around them invincible.

Not being able to heal themselves wouldn’t fix the problem of their T3 healing modules effectively making everything around them invincible.

Indeed. My feeling is that killing the engineering frigate first should be a good idea, but not an absolutely essential one to get anything done. Removing the effect of engineering buffs on engineering frigates would make them killable, but would make combat very one-dimensional (kill engy frigates and only then kill everything else).


Out of curiosity what’s the concensus on the T3 Remote Hull Repair module?

My feeling is that even though it’s pretty powerful, the long cooldown makes it not too OP.

Indeed. My feeling is that killing the engineering frigate first should be a good idea, but not an absolutely essential one to get anything done. Removing the effect of engineering buffs on engineering frigates would make them killable, but would make combat very one-dimensional (kill engy frigates and only then kill everything else).


Out of curiosity what’s the concensus on the T3 Remote Hull Repair module?

My feeling is that even though it’s pretty powerful, the long cooldown makes it not too OP.


Binky, firstly thanks for your experimental data on the stacking, seems modules aren’t stacking, which is good news! I agree, the effects were are seeing must be the T3 active use remote repair modules which do heal an insane amount, especially when it’s on an intie!


@ Jacxis, you make a good point that it would be sucky for a fleeing frigate, maybe some bonus should be given to healing if you are stationary, or maybe healing requires LoS to prevent the skullduggerous healers hiding behind rocks! :slight_smile:


@ Binky, the personal and remote hull repair modules are borked at the moment, both have a 360 second CD compared to their shield counterpart which has 60 seconds I believe. Unless these have been updated, I assume it is a mistake as it makes hull tanking a bad choice at T3. Or it was the intention that hull tanking should not be an option, only shield -> this would make some sense in them giving Empire only access to Long-Range and Engi frigates, i.e. no hull tankers. We shall see!



Well, Hull has higher base resists and generally higher base numbers (federation ships have slightly higher hull than shield, and empire ships have more extra hull than jericho have extra shields, if you see what I mean). It seems Stargem’s idea with hull vs shield is that hull is easier to make in to a big buffer  while shield is easier to regenerate.

I agree that the 360s cooldown on repair kits is well over the top though, given the shield equivelant restores more and can be used SEVEN times in the time a hull repair kit can be used once. Given the buffed nanodrone cloud has closed the regen gap between the two tank types anyway, hull repair kits just feel like a waste of a slot now. A cooldown closer to 120s would be sensible, it would still favour shield boosters, but not to the extent it does now.

He had lots of thermal resists and those heal bursts are from remote hull and remote shield. Apparently multiple enginner frigates on his team didn’t want him to die.

Well, Hull has higher base resists and generally higher base numbers (federation ships have slightly higher hull than shield, and empire ships have more extra hull than jericho have extra shields, if you see what I mean). It seems Gaijin’s idea with hull vs shield is that hull is easier to make in to a big buffer  while shield is easier to regenerate.

I agree that the 360s cooldown on repair kits is well over the top though, given the shield equivelant restores more and can be used SEVEN times in the time a hull repair kit can be used once. Given the buffed nanodrone cloud has closed the regen gap between the two tank types anyway, hull repair kits just feel like a waste of a slot now. A cooldown closer to 120s would be sensible, it would still favour shield boosters, but not to the extent it does now.


I assume Empire has more armor than Jericho has shields due to natural regen of shields. On that note, shield tanking, has anyone found which is optimum, regen or shield hp? I usually stack shield HP rather than regen, but perhaps im wrong. It’s a shame the regen mechanic doesn’t work like in EVE, when it was linked to your maximum shield HP for complex equations! RAAAWR Maths :stuck_out_tongue:

Discovered something which may contribute to why healing seems OP. The Rank 10 Jericho implant says that it “Improves active module parameters by 25%. Does not affect module groups Restoration and Survival.” I figured no problem, because surely the Nanodrone Cloud and Mass Shield Generator are considered Restoration modules, but no. Nanodrone Cloud and Mass Shield Generator are considered Engineer modules. Restoration and Survival only includes the Shield Booster, Repair Kit, IR Flares, Multiphase Shield Adapter and Nanocomposite Coating, because obviously those modules would be totally OP if their parameters were increased by 25%…what with all the rampant use of Repair Kits and Shield Boosters at T3/T4. And geez, the IR Flares would deflect missiles 125% of the time! Can you say totally OP?!

At T3/T4, the Mk III/Premium regeneration modules do 176/189 hull regeneration and 307/330 shield regeneration in a 4500m radius. +25% to those parameters would be 220/236.25 hull and 383.75/412.5 shield restored each second in a 5625m radius.