Hardcore Mode

I would LOVE to have a Hardcore Mode for this game. Hardcore mode would be Realistic with Friendly Fire (so it is TRULY Realistic). With the Friendly Fire it will cost you the same amount of points, and synergy (if not more) you get for killing an enemy for every friendly you kill, and yes make it so someone can have a negative score at the end of the match as well as lose money. Maybe even lose a few Loyalty points to really make it hurt.  Now this isn’t to say it will stop griefers, but it will make everyone think twice before purposely Team Killing. I  miss the Realistic Mode we use to have, and would like the choice back along with the Friendly Fire as mentioned above. PLEASE!!!


I would LOVE to have a Hardcore Mode for this game. Hardcore mode would be Realistic with Friendly Fire (so it is TRULY Realistic). With the Friendly Fire it will cost you the same amount of points, and synergy (if not more) you get for killing an enemy for every friendly you kill, and yes make it so someone can have a negative score at the end of the match as well as lose money. Maybe even lose a few Loyalty points to really make it hurt.  Now this isn’t to say it will stop griefers, but it will make everyone think twice before purposely Team Killing. I  miss the Realistic Mode we use to have, and would like the choice back along with the Friendly Fire as mentioned above. PLEASE!!!


you ever played Hardcore? there existing a few Hardcore games, and for me as a HC lover

is hardcore to lose All you have


for example look at diablo3 hc mode, you can spend in your Character 500+hours, and then you Die by a mistake or a disconnect, you must create a new char with no equipment and do all again., thats for me Hardcore…

maybe eve online comes also near to it…



you asking in a wrong game for Hardcore,  but special quening for Realistic i would agree too

You can do that already. 

IIRC you can turn FF on in customs. 

I want the option for regular PvP though. Don’t want to have to deal with Custom Battles.

This is a nice idea, but from our experience this would not be liked by most players.

With the small player base there is now I can see where it wouldn’t be highly popular. Once the game goes live, and the player base is a LOT larger I can see where this would have it’s place.

This is a bad idea. It was even bad before when nukes and J torps were FF.

It should be an Option to play Hardcore mode. So if you don’t want to play it then you don’t have to. I want to play the hardest mode I can with the best of the best. I suspect that only the Best of the Best would even attempt it. Just like any other game where the Hardcore Mode is for those people that want a challenge. This mode would be the ultimate test of teamwork.

Hardcore realistic existed in SCon, simply named ‘Realistic Mode’. Just like you click the pvp or pve tab in the launch screen you had that option.

And yep, Eve actually is hardcore since repeated deaths on non-clone insured characters can gradually lose ALL their skill points in time. You lose assests too.

There are also a few more games out there that are currently in development with hardcore in mind.

I remember Realistic Mode, and LOVED it. That is why I am suggesting this, but I also want Friendly Fire to make it TRULY Realistic.

So, basically, we should just turn ON friendly fire in every Realistic match. 


But lets take this a step further and turn it on T3 and higher, as T1 and T2 are really for training and many are still not used to their ships. 

Nah, I prefer T2, so turn it on. T1 is for training.

Error, this problem can be averted by simply keeping the “non-realistic” realistic mode in arcade while making a separate queue (or rather, make the queue return) for the “Hard Core” realistic mode.

This way, players will still have a chance to train in the “arcade” sector conquest instead of waiting for long queue times. I loved realistic mode so much, I’d wait 20+ min’s for it.

This mode will have its true place. Also, it wouldn’t hurt to have combat recon in the hardcore mode, as well. In my view, it’s the only other mode worthy of it, and it would attract other players into the queue. (there are some that really only like the combat recon, anyways.)

(For combat recon, the game can be adjusted. If your captain dies, you may not rebirth with any of your remaining ships, and, likewise, if you lose all of your ships while your captain is still alive, you die.)

This would also make it the perfect realistic mode. I never really liked the beacon hunts, just the fights within it.

also, note that with friendly fire on, nukes will be certainly less viable, and thus, will be used less.

In hardcore mode, please remove the missile respawn, as well.

It wouldn’t hurt to make a Realistic side of sector conquest, as well, so it’s not just for fun and credits. Putting it with an extra 10% points per win or even 100% would boost the numbers of those that actually fight within it dramatically.

Release your inner masochist.




On a side note, it would be best, if the Jericho Missile frigate nukes can be shot down by the guard frigates. In hardcore mode, this would make much more sense.

Every game mode that was suggested has been forwarded to the devs.

A seperation of queues is a bad idea. It will end up with people complaining about long waiting times and at the end everyone will still prefere the normal queue.

Friendly fire? No way dude… Just… No… I’m pretty sure I’d be killed more by team mates than opponents in pubs.  :facepalm:

Most of the people will play arcade and won’t want to wait for the expected longer waiting time of the realistic mode.


I think Gaijin has a nice expecience with that and WarThunder, where historical battlers are mostly deserted, and most of the time players just play the arcade mode.


In case they implement realistic, please make sure FF gets punished, because jerico LRF torpedo would be all about fun and giggles…

Another way is to put sector conquest into the Hardcore mode, and remove it entirely from arcade.

Which, to a larger degree, actually makes sense. Arcade should simply be for fun, and Realistic is the way to go.

With this, the odds of having to wait would be much lower. Arcade can be the testing grounds for game modes, and, so far, only 

capture the beacons and combat recon are worthy of realistic.

The main downside with this - under the current system you can spawn in matches with anyone in your team, including direct opponents.


Even I would be really tempted to turn around and kill half my own team in some cases, I’m not sure this mode would turn out too well or just become troll paradise instead.

[…] or just become troll paradise instead.

You can already guess i’d pick all the n00bs in my team (T3+) for the kill before i even set eyes on the enemy. Engi with mods off? Die! Sniper fiesta on a beacon mode? Die! etc.

Just cuz that type of players deserve it.

That is why you penalize for Team Kills. Make it so you lose 1.5x-2x the amount of Synergy, Money, etc… you would gain from 1 enemy kill. So if you kill a friendly you have to kill at least 2 enemies to break even. If you lose Synergy, Money, etc… (killed a friendly and only 1 enemy for example) then that gets subtracted from your overall total. So you just bought that new ship, and you only have 2k left in your account…you kill a friendly, and (hypothetically…not sure of the exact numbers) you lose 4k for that then your account is now -2k. You gotta make that up in the next battle. You have to have penalties for killing friendlies otherwise people won’t care about it. I have played in many games that you could kill friendlies. Yes sometimes there was trolling at the beginning. In fact I myself would sometimes TK a friendly for being a douche. They either got the message, and stopped, or left. If they TKed me next time a friend would TK them. Eventually they would leave. Of course this was games that you actually logged into a server and played with the same people match after match.

That is why you penalize for Team Kills. Make it so you lose 1.5x-2x the amount of Synergy, Money, etc… you would gain from 1 enemy kill. So if you kill a friendly you have to kill at least 2 enemies to break even. If you lose Synergy, Money, etc… (killed a friendly and only 1 enemy for example) then that gets subtracted from your overall total. So you just bought that new ship, and you only have 2k left in your account…you kill a friendly, and (hypothetically…not sure of the exact numbers) you lose 4k for that then your account is now -2k. You gotta make that up in the next battle. You have to have penalties for killing friendlies otherwise people won’t care about it. I have played in many games that you could kill friendlies. Yes sometimes there was trolling at the beginning. In fact I myself would sometimes TK a friendly for being a douche. They either got the message, and stopped, or left. If they TKed me next time a friend would TK them. Eventually they would leave. Of course this was games that you actually logged into a server and played with the same people match after match.



  Please tell me your joking…     you will go after another team member because they are not playing the way you THINK they should be playing?    So now you taken yourself out of the objectives… 


unfortuantly we cannot control what another player does… as we are thrown into RANDOM groups.   Sometimes your lucky… .sometimes … you just want to throw up your hands and say WTF…  but hey go for what your know…