Hardcore Mode

  Please tell me your joking…     you will go after another team member because they are not playing the way you THINK they should be playing?    So now you taken yourself out of the objectives… 


unfortuantly we cannot control what another player does… as we are thrown into RANDOM groups.   Sometimes your lucky… .sometimes … you just want to throw up your hands and say WTF…  but hey go for what your know…


LMAO NO. I said I did that because they person was being a Douche…in other words it was some little kid talking smack, and the only way in those games to shut him up was to shoot him (cuz the dead couldn’t talk to the living). This game has an Ignore feature (which I LOVE), so smack talking little kids can be hushed simple enough. Also, those games you logged into a Server which you played with the SAME people over and over AS I STATED. This game is a different creature, and you are shooting yourself in the foot if you take team members out. Those other games I could win by myself if need be, and I am not saying that I would TK my whole team just that TKing 1 guy wasn’t going to hurt us. My point is that yes I was penalized for TKing, but it wasn’t enough to really hurt. If your going to have FF then you have to have a big penalty for a TK (accident or not) so it really makes people think before they shoot.

If we had a hardcore mode I’d spend more time killing my useless teammates to ruin their game and make them ragequit than actually playing the match.

I don’t care if there are penalties; LR frigs must be PUNISHED!

If we had a hardcore mode I’d spend more time killing my useless teammates to ruin their game and make them ragequit than actually playing the match.

I don’t care if there are penalties; LR frigs must be PUNISHED!

LRF’s can be useful when they help their team mates completing the objectives instead of just farming kills.

LRF’s can be useful when they help their team mates completing the objectives instead of just farming kills.

You’re right, but sadly most of the time they’re being piloted by people that have little or no idea at all on how to aim…

LRF’s can be useful when they help their team mates completing the objectives instead of just farming kills.

FYI, this does not happen in real games. On your private test servers maybe, but in real games you can chart your team’s success and failure by the rise and fall in LR numbers.

1 well flown one is useful at times. Beyond that, forget it

If we had a hardcore mode I’d spend more time killing my useless teammates to ruin their game and make them ragequit than actually playing the match.

I don’t care if there are penalties; LR frigs must be PUNISHED!

It’s a gunship with two missile slots!  At least that’s what I’m attempting with Jericho.


You’re right, but sadly most of the time they’re being piloted by people that have little or no idea at all on how to aim…

I can confirm, only because I was grinding Empire’s line for a while.  A lot of those pilots seriously suck because I could compare my effectiveness to theirs.  I think some were only attempting to farm kills and nothing more, and yet they still sucked at it.  Jericho I’m not sure about anymore.  It is fun going after the other LRF’s but the kills come from main guns and minefields, not missiles.  Because it’s a weak frigate compared to the other two it’s not that good at being in action.

[…]  Because it’s a weak frigate compared to the other two it’s not that good at being in action.

Nope. Solo-mowing waves of enemies is a viable possibility with them. It’s highly dependable on factors like fitting, flight style, focus, team’s actions etc.