Guard Module - Impact Shield

Because Guard should not have any right for having an Engage Capacity instead of the Pulsar? (Efefay want something broken and I disagree with some points)

The meta is ruled by mobility, everything is oriented to mobility.

Not to hard to see that all ships have mobility / Evade modules when Guards does not?

This kind of module is double-edged, if you fail : you are offering your body to the ennemy, if you succeed : you are a genius.


Interceptors have mobility because of their size.

Fighters have mobility but less thanks to some modules

Engis have mobility with a Warp Gate, that wastes one of your slots and has a lot of cooldown.

LRFs have mobility thanks to a module that shouldn’t exist.

Guards have no mobility other than their thursters because… tadaa, they’re guards. 



It’s not instant or a teleport. You can’t disengage with it, or your ennemies are really bad. You are accelerating for a certain time / range.


Microwarp is not instant or a teleport. You accelerate to 2000 speed for a certain time and range. 

1500 is a warp too, because it exceeds the 700 speed cap limit.

This module is a warp.

It warps to a distance of 1500.

It has a long cooldown.

Without that a 200 mps Guard can move that distance in about 7 seconds. 


This module is not abusable. This is not a “get out a free” card. This is hardly a “get to a position faster” card. This is an attack module for a Guard. It doesn’t provide a large amount of mobility.  


“If you can’t use it to consistently win Sector Conquest games, it is not OP”    -xKostyan

Module can be in 4 different states:

  • OP

  • UP

  • Balanced

  • Should not exists (Good example T4 aimbot )


This module for guards is falling into 4th category.

Module can be in 4 different states:

  • OP

  • UP

  • Balanced

  • Should not exists (Good example T4 aimbot )


This module for guards is falling into 4th category.


Simply because it does not fit your version of what this game should be like.


Edit: Seriously could we have a developer or administrator opinion on this?


Edit #2: Just test it. If gameplay is bad remove it like A1MA

Simply because it does not fit your version of what this game should be like.

The difference is atleast i can see and count for all the small things and how it affects the game play, and not only this but all other “awesome proposed ideas” here, while you are looking at it with very tunnelvision vintage point.

The difference is atleast i can see and count for all the small things and how it affects the game play, and not only this but all other “awesome proposed ideas” here, while you are looking at it with very tunnelvision vintage point.


I can tell your raging and typing super fast cuz you are starting to miss spaces and you are spelling things wrong. You usually don’t do those things.

You usually don’t do those things.

Actually quite the opposite, that IS how i usually type.

And there is not a single person that is or has been playing star conflict witnessed me raging yet. 

And there is not a single person that is or has been playing star conflict witnessed me raging yet. 


Kostyan doesn’t rage. He exists at a perpetual low simmer.


And now I’m hungry for stir-fry…

Canadian people can’t get angry.

Canadian people can’t get angry.


Hockey fistfights. Your logic is flawed.

Hockey fistfights. Your logic is flawed.


Just like wrestling, they’re all fake.

Just like wrestling, they’re all fake.


do they even play hockey in spain?  :00444:

do they even play hockey in spain?  :00444:

No, they prefer to be chased by Angry Cows  :008j:

No, they prefer to be chased by Angry Cows  :008j:


Or Guard cows with Impact Shield  :006j:

do they even play hockey in spain?  :00444:


My dad used to be to play ice hockey so I do believe that even if it’s not in a professional level, people play hockey in Spain.



No, they prefer to be chased by Angry Cows  :008j:


Nothing to be proud of xD

I have a good idea. 

Let’s make RT works like the first proposition but with 5k m backward. 

Seem good isn’t it? 


In the words of Snib, that other downer, and that frenglish dude: “Because Guards aren’t OP enough already…”

I jk. I totally suppourt this idea. It is epic. Distance needs a re-work tho. 1.5km is barely enough to kill anything.

1500 meters is fine. You see a bull when it’s charging at you and that’s the way this module should be. This module should be used for attack and not mobility. The frontal shield size is sufficient enough to destroy someone with skill.


Thanks for your support though.

I would still limit the collision damage.  It could easily wipe out many interceptors since collision damage ignores shields without the JR9 implant.  The closest I’ve heard of anyone accepting a one shot kill as fair in this game was “you should fit your ship better.”  That doesn’t work when you’re R8 or less.

I already change it from collision to explosion a couple days ago. You can also change what damage output you do coinciding with your phase shield setup. This module is T5 and in mixed battles anyone could have the J9 implant.

Plus… It would sound way cooler.