Efefay, on 29 Jul 2014 - 4:00 PM, said:[](< base_url >/index.php?app=forums&module=forums§ion=findpost&pid=278388)
I have mentioned this twice in the EN forums and once in the RU forums. All three have been met with (mostly) positive response so i think this module deserves it’s own thread.
Impact Shield
A Guard role module that allows the guard to move at warp speed to the distance of 1500 meters. An impenetrable shield will be generated in front of the guard to absorb all damage including collision. Upon warm-up the shield glow bright white and a stiff breeze like gas venting out into space to serve as a warning. The guard will enable this module and ram into any ship in the path and will do massive collision damage. After the warp is over rotation speed will be reduced by 50% for 5 seconds. Available to Tier 5 Guards only. Upon Collision, the Guard use a % of its maximum shield volume to deal proportionnal damages. Available to T3/T4/T5.
In case of ramming a player, a structure (or any object) the shields are depleted by the same amount.
Always considered as "Explosive Damage"
Damage type is linked to the Phase Shield setting.
Collision Damage can be reduced (Apply resistances) for target/guard.
Can’t be equiped with a “Pulsar” at the same time.
Charging timer can be canceled by “Ion Diffuser / Ion Warhead”.
Can be stopped with a Static Shield
While Warping and charging the warp, you can’t strafe, pitch or rotate.
Damage Inflicted: 12595 Collision Damage 12% of the Maximum Shield Volume + 2500.
Warm Up Period for Warp: 1 second 1.5 second
Distance Warped: 1500 meters
Energy Consumption: 690 points 400 points
Recharge Time: 47 seconds 55 secondes
Reduction of rotation speed by 50% for 5 seconds
Diameter of front shield: 350 meters Shield’s Hitbox + 170 m
Damage Inflicted: 12595 Collision Damage 13.5% of the Maximum Shield Volume + 2600.
-20 Energy Points Consumed
-3.2 Recharge -3.0 seconde CD
40% Reduction of rotation speed for 5 seconds
Diameter of front shield: 350 meters Shield’s Hitbox + 250 m
Damage Inflicted: 12595 Collision Damage 15.0% of the Maximum Shield Volume + 2800.
-3.2 Recharge -4.5 secondes CD
30% Reduction of rotation speed for 5 seconds
Diameter of front shield: 350 meters Shield’s Hitbox + 270 m
Damage Inflicted: 12595 Collision Damage 16.5% of the Maximum Shield Volume + 3000.
-10 Energy Points Consumed
-2.1 Recharge -2.5 secondes CD
30% Reduction of rotation speed for 4.2 seconds
Diameter of front shield: 350 meters Shield’s Hitbox + 300 m
Required Crafting Materials:
1.200.000/ 1.500.000/2,400,000 Credits needed to buy blueprint
1x Computing Chip
3/4/5x Pure Silicon
2/3/4x Screen Battery
1x Graphite Plate
4x Double Deflectors (1 time)15 / 20 / 30 Alien Monocrystals
Even if Ramming Blade / Ramming Modules were suggested a lot of time, if you want it on the guard, you have to use Guard’s weakness as well as Guard’s Strength.
I edited it to something more balanced in terms of gameplay and balance.
The rotation debuff was not enough not corresponding at all, the damage value not corresponding to Guards mechanics and the crafting ressources not related to other crafted modules.
1.) I like the proportional damage instead of the raw damage. Even though it does less damage I still like it. I’m going to increase the % to 13%
2.) Warm Up for Warp stays the same. It’s the same as the recon even though it moves a lot less. I know it has more mass but still 1 second is fine for me.
3.) I will apply your recharge time suggestion.
4.) I forgot about cancels in the specifics. Explosion…? Maybe but I like it being linked to phase shield idea.
5.) This is only for T5. If you look at all the other ship types that have new modules except LRF it’s only for T5. I forgot about alien monocrystals
6.) i will remove guard rotation debuff.
Worse case senario, you activate the module.
Move to a beacon, miss every ship.
You then activate pulsar, and win.
This is would be bad for game balance. So bad that were it implemented I think even I would stop playing.
CO suicide module is worse than this, and the ship blows up when you activate it! Blows up your ship is the draw back of that module.
I’m in invasion: “ya the guard bot killed me again with one shot. I’m having so much fun.”
Your poll requires that I be MR os MRS Duck, I’d rather be neither.
Because pulsar is so strong that you can take down a fully healed interceptor and that interceptor will be so dumb that it wont move away. Also every enemy at the beacon will just ignore you so you can kill them. Lines 1-5 are stupid and you don’t even understand. I’m trying to make this module as balance as possible.
The Covop Plasma Arc does massive damage but is limited by short range. The Guard IS does massive damage but you can’t aim while it’s activated.
Bot LRFs don’t have RT so why would bot Guards have IS?