It doesnt matter what you call it, it is an ability to displace a GUARD 1500m in a direction you want, on top of that it can even kill someone as a bonus. The whole concept is just terrible and bad for this game.
So your opinion of this module went from added mobility plus getting to kill someone as a bonus to being useless? Please try to be constructive. It is fine if you express negative opinions but don’t snipe and personally attack someone.
Edit: Btw the umbrella tie seems like a good idea. If you got a suit jacket on the umbrella would look like a regular tie. XD
Gekaler or Error, is this module idea known to developers? Have either of you forwarded this to the developers?
That is rather a generalized statement about variety of your suggestions. And i am not sure where you imagined “useless”
“… seemingly useful but to absurd too actually use.”
Implies that you think that whatever ideas that come out of my head are useless. It is not imagined. Granted some of my ideas are total crap but some are actually good. I know you think you are better than me but it wouldn’t hurt to be more kind to others.
reading comprehension much?
absurd =/= useless
P.S. In your case i don’t think, i know
Implies that you think that whatever ideas that come out of my head are useless.
Just ignore him. If he starts posting vaguely insulting pictures it means he’s trying to kill your thread with off-topic arguments.
Back on topic:
I like the concept, I’m just not sure if I like the direction it is headed. It sounds fun on paper, but will it become a module that is so specialized that no-one uses it (warp gate) or will it be so effective that it becomes over-used and players rage about it until it is removed (A1M4).
My guess is that it’ll be quite effective at first, as players won’t know what to watch out for (cap killer medals for everyone!), but once they have seen it used enough, it’ll become too easy to avoid.
I’ve thought about it. My initial concern was the effective width of it’s impact. Considering a Jericho LRF torpedo has a 270m explosion radius, any effect towards an impact shield module would be instantly nerfed due to it’s inability to cause kills. You’d have to be at least a potential MWD killer to be able to use an impact shield effectively. Even if you became great and it was half balanced to ship types, a following surprise pulsar would probably finish you.
It’s a total waste from the weak, and completely OP from the strong. There are multiple modules like that in the game, and they end up being nerfed.
My vote’s no.
I want the sunglasses.
Bump for what, if people don’t post it’s because they’re not interested in the thread.
Make it happen.
Bump this manure. I really want this to be tested… But only after dreadnoughts game mode is improved upon. Focus on current content then other stuff.
This is really just to get some fresh opinions from new forumites and to open up discussion.