Gold plating

Just an idea: make some metallic paint schemes like gold and silver to buy. Maybe even a “mirror” type. Sometimes it pays to stand out like a sore thumb.

They already have silver. Do you even look at content in the game?


That’s “metallic” not silver. Silver is much brighter and lighter.

There is liquid silver, metallic, chrome, gold

That’s “metallic” not silver. Silver is much brighter and lighter.

Nope, “metallic” is this. Silver is already put into the game.


All I can see for my selection is metallic. I have no liquid metal nor silver nor gold nor chrome.

Showing me a video of the skin does not make me have it by some magical will. Also this is an exclusive skin for dreadnought race winners. Irrelevant.

Showing me a video of the skin does not make me have it by some magical will. Also this is an exclusive skin for dreadnought race winners. Irrelevant.

Yeah exclusive. Means you will never get it, like the hunter. Enjoy pink and we’ll see in soon future. (Soon means never)

I love how 99% of posts here are like

Person 1: “Gee I sure would like this simple graphical thing.”



You might wanna visit a doctor at this point…

At this point, this is what y’all sound like. I might as well suggest that all suggestions by the entire community be ignored.

Create a paradox and ground the thinker portion of the community at the same time. Sounds like something you would want.

You as a person and as a personality have done nothing but pester the game community and forums for your stay. No matter what position of power you may or may not have you will never have my respect.

I’m sorry if I’m being more abrasive than usual, but at some point you have to tell the ******** that they are being ********.



None of my “that escalated quickly” gifs are working…

![attachicon.gif](< base_url >/public/style_images/master/attachicon.gif)[image.gif](< base_url >/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=10342)

None of my “that escalated quickly” gifs are working…

looks like your escalator is broken

here you go, fixed it for you

![post-242418-0-34527200-1450998586.gif](< base_url >/uploads/monthly_12_2015/post-242418-0-34527200-1450998586.gif)

No worry they said they weren’t going to make pink, destroyers and now we have push and gravity well weapons which were also “very unlikely”. :slight_smile: Btw there is a colour “silver”. They don’t use mirror raytracing afaik so that may be difficult. Otherwise just fly a tackler invisible it looks similar :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah I’ve been noticing a lot more things being added that we “very unlikely” or “we’ll think about it”. Seems the devs are finally seeing sense in oir silly suggestions. X3

“we’ll think about it”. 

We just like to think :slight_smile:

As for your suggestion: NO!

At this point, this is what y’all sound like. I might as well suggest that all suggestions by the entire community be ignored.

Create a paradox and ground the thinker portion of the community at the same time. Sounds like something you would want.

You as a person and as a personality have done nothing but pester the game community and forums for your stay. No matter what position of power you may or may not have you will never have my respect.

I’m sorry if I’m being more abrasive than usual, but at some point you have to tell the ******** that they are being ********.

You know, the only way that mental health uses to define what is normal and what is pathologic, is merely statistical; being mentally sick only happens when you are on the minority, even when you work well and adapt to your environment properly. This leaves the posibility that normal people can be sick, but is not considered as a pathology, since most people are that way (which means that some people is sane in a specific culture, and insane in another culture). If we take the entire forum comunity as the society in a culture, you would be very sick (mentally) xD Any way the task of the psychologist is to solve diseases that affect the pacient’s capability to function in their environment, which bends the concept of health/disease, but thats another story…

EDIT: Curious thing about this is how power works: minority groups are often delegitimized by the mayority (dominating group), making the opinions and sometimes even actions of the minority worthless. Lets say you are in the minority group: you suggest “that all suggestion by the entire community be ignored”, since you dont have power, dominating group wont listen to you and will certainly not ignore themselves. You can translate this into the sphere of players and devs: thousand suggestions can be made by players, but devs are the ones with power (dominating group) and have the final word on deciding to listen those suggestions or not. The way a player can gain power is by gaining influence, spreading and having support from other players, which will make devs consider your words instead of delegitimize your ideas.

If you wanna go “solo” you better be carefull, because its very easy to fall in the hated zone or the crazy zone (people that cant be taken seriously), where you have no support to rely on…friends are pretty handy.


Sooooooooo what exactly are you saying? That I’m insane? I agree.

Also if you were to take the whole forums community and compare it to the rest of the world guess what that makes us. :wink:

But anyways I see where yer headed. I genuinely don’t care about labels or whatnot but something that affects stature like this may get one’s attention.

Although take in to mind what would happen if one of the “minority” we’re to gain a position of power. Then the system of which you speak would be imbalanced, yet balance itself at the same time. More people would be listened to and acknowledged and less people would maintain that one ring of power. Though a single group with the majority of power will always exist this would make them less effective and more heavily reliant on the lower groups.

But now that I think about it, they would soon be integrated in to said ring of power and be just like the original force of power. Though for the beginning of their stay things would definitively be looked about differently. Interesting concepts to think about, these ones.