Give us Feedback: New Looting

That’s just Stochastics.

in layman it also implies that 90,000 is 30% of 1,000,000


so my question is, how large a sample before 30% is really 30%. frankly, I’m on the rear end of the variance myself and always have been since i’ve been keeping track. the view is not good.

I have to do a Hypothesis test on this, I’ll get back to you.


Edit: I might just open a new topic on that

in layman it also implies that 90,000 is 30% of 1,000,000


so my question is, how large a sample before 30% is really 30%. frankly, I’m on the rear end of the variance myself and always have been since i’ve been keeping track. the view is not good.

I"m on a higher end of variance myself. I’m currently at 50% premium extraction success rate.

I wish I had as much GS as you guys to just waste on looting :stuck_out_tongue: -forever poor-

Not all of us can afford or can full stop buy GS…

so…any word on whether or not this will ever change? Like, within the next 4 patches? because I’m getting sick of 100% debris and 0% loot.

so…any word on whether or not this will ever change? Like, within the next 4 patches? because I’m getting sick of 100% debris and 0% loot.

Start stacking horseshoes, look for four-leafed clovers in your favourite park and hunt rabbits for their paws.

horseshoe - check

plastic clover - check

rabbit - still alive in my cage


just say when

horseshoe - check

plastic clover - check

rabbit - still alive in my cage


just say when

When the fat lady sings.

Been playing a lot the last couple days.  Grand total now is 14 items recovered out of 430 attempts [3.3% success rate].




I got 4…But yeah…it’s still not fun to loot :confused:


WTB old system…

Just return the looting system to how it was before. It was perfectly fine and the devs can make money off of everything else, at least give the free players the ability to loot for cryin’ out loud. This combined with the ungodly rate of having to grind in this game makes it absolutely unfun to play and most of the time I don’t care who wins or loses because either way I don’t get anything.

I have failed to find an item for a few matches. Not failed to loot, failed to find. And this was supposed to have an i__ncreased drop rate?

Currently 18 successful recoveries out of 560 attempts.  9 are duplicates.

I’ve had three T3 military target painters out of this loot system. I don’t own a tackler. ¬.¬

I’ve had three T3 military target painters out of this loot system. I don’t own a tackler. ¬.¬

So far I have successfully recovered about 15 items.

Alright, mods won’t let me make a new thread, so here’s pork:


In a word: Frustrating. It’s like finding the cake on Portal 2 (yes, 2) and be able to carry it around. It’s like driving an RX-8, it’s fun and fast, but once you hit the curves, you spin like a merry-go-round on overdrive. It’s like you being 8 years old and your parents not buying you that toy or candy you really wanted, so you throw a tantrum on it and your parents still don’t buy it for you. It’s like telling your girlfriend you want to try a-… well, enough about that.


Simply put, it’s the most frustrating piece of gameplay in the game. To see Military gear come and go, we can all deal with. To see Experimental gear come and be turned into smoldering heaps of debris… That is just pure evil. There is no explanation for this, it’s just horrible. I have felt the frustration build up in me so much I’ve almost punched my monitor. I’ve actually grabbed my cat and tossed it out the window. Well, it wasn’t my cat nor my house, but it was a ground floor, so the cat was fine. Which frustrated me even more! In total, since this system has been set in place, I estimate a few dozen pilots have already quit the game out of sheer frustration. There is no salvation for this system other than going back to the original scheme OR… decreasing drop rates just a bit and increasing loot success percentages.


This is mine and around a dozen other pilots’ view on this so called “Looting system”.

No. Don’t decrease the drop rate. For some reason my drop rate SUCKS BA-[CUTOFF PREVENTION]