Give us Feedback: New Looting

Got caught out on the 30% salvage thing for GS. Here’s what i think.


Irl, if i spend £ I don’t get a 30% chance to buy it. This is the prime reason why I won’t spend £ on this game.rng is in the past. otherwise I love the game.

Got caught out on the 30% salvage thing for GS. Here’s what i think.


Irl, if i spend £ I don’t get a 30% chance to buy it. This is the prime reason why I won’t spend £ on this game.rng is in the past. otherwise I love the game.

When you play lottery in real life, you do in fact pay for a chance. Often much less then 30%. Advantage is that you pay much less then actual cost of the thing you’re getting.

Definetely great looting system! I didn’t get any single purple item for three months before and already got about 10-15 epics since looting patch released! For free. Matter of luck. Some epics were wasted but who cares? I’m still getting more income from this!


Pics, or it didn’t happen. I trust your word about as much as I trust the developers right now. Which isn’t saying much.

I saw a lot of epics, trashed a lot of epics, but I got at least some I wanted to get, including epic rapid fire rails. So I’m quite happy with the system.

I stopped using the GS option on every experiemental since I was hitting well below the advertised 30%. I only spend if it’s a weapon or active module I use on one of my main ships. Since I’ve gone straight 10% I’ve been hitting until 10% loot rate, too. PvE is back to 100% loot and every time I get the looting blues, I run a PvE to get a guaranteed loot.

I stopped using the GS option on every experiemental since I was hitting well below the advertised 30%. I only spend if it’s a weapon or active module I use on one of my main ships. Since I’ve gone straight 10% I’ve been hitting until 10% loot rate, too. PvE is back to 100% loot and every time I get the looting blues, I run a PvE to get a guaranteed loot.

I would do the same, but all I ever get is Military T2 from PvE. This is extremely frustrating for someone who is Rank 6+ in every faction and so can buy better than Military.

Voted for horrible.


I dont mind having 10% for no cost, increased percentage for in-game money, and higher percentage by some gold coins. or anything.


But since you usually cant exchange items, you basicly are just part of a huge lottery system here.

There is no way to influence, which items you really want to get into your hands.

And the feeling to pay 200 gold coins to still not get the item feels a bit … well… it does not increase loyality to the publisher to be slightly blunt.


This is a devastating psychological effect. It might increase sales for a while, or keep people who like to gamble more in the cashflow, but ultimatively, its simply too expensive in design, too unrewarding, not even pay2win, more like pay2grindlessbutstillgrindalot.


Some kind of salvaging system, where you can decide to keep a broken part, and might be able to later combine multiple broken parts to your desired item, and with this system, at least the nullification of “Loot not found” completely out of the system would be good ways to go imho. It wasnt very rewarding before that either. Most players with high stats still played in this games’ lollypoptime when rewards were flowing and you could even get all the items you liked as experimental after a lot of play. I am glad, I came in at the end of that “sunshinetime” for this game, but I am a bit pissed, I didnt play more back then, because at this rate, I feel always like i lose a lot.


And the funny part is, I might even get more, and dont realize it. That’s what I mean. The game is still fun to play if you are fully leveled up, otherwise people with full levels would not play. It’s still not that important to be fully leveled up. So you actually get a lot of reward by just playing. But when it comes to looting, you are more frustrated and start to ignore it. It does not even feel rewarding, IF you get exactly the item you whished for (I got at least 1 pink for my ceptor)



4h licenses, more ways to actually get the items you really want, and focus on the instance based gameplay.

the mmo part (sector command) already creates some kind of dynamics, i like it.


and with mmo i mean the actual term which refers to the network / gamestate design philosophy, not the genre, because, mmos dont work as free2play, they only work via self sustaining micro-communities or subscription, because of the economy part of those games; they easily become pay2win otherwise; also, since this is a lobby-FPS with some MMO aspects, i wouldnt even call it so - it maybe even misses a lot of people who would never touch a f2p mmo in the rest of their lifetime, simply because they know why it wont work, but would be glad to play an FPS teamgame with a massive lobby.

I shall update mine, as my “success” has still been very low.  I did have a small string of luck a few days ago, which brings my total to 12 “recovered” items out of ~340 attempts.

The new looting system is just EVIL… I’ve had 11 purples and 20+ greens drop on me since it’s been implemented. I’ve managed to recover a grand total of… wait for it… ONE purple. Last I checked, this isn’t 30%.


I’m not saying it’s horrible… but this is frustrating as all hell…

By that logic, lottery is evil.


Btw, I just pulled out epic stab rails for 300 gold :lol:

Thanks for your feedback.

I have forwarded it to the devs.

i concur… did not recover 5 loot out of my last 50 items found using only 10% option.

The one that that DOES annoy me greatly is the fact that there is no confirmation dialogue on spending gold. Got a misclick on green crap today, annoying.

you could almost think that the missclick thing is intended… an nice gs sink and it happend to basicly everyone at least once. i agree: there should be a dialogue.

you could almost think that the missclick thing is intended… an nice gs sink and it happend to basicly everyone at least once. i agree: there should be a dialogue.

I find that doubtful. They want us to spend money, and that requires us actually wanting to spend money. If I get accidental money spending, it reduces, rather than increases my desire to spend money on in game items.


Never attribute to malice what can be attributed to simple incompetence. Or in this case, inexperience.

The new looting system is just EVIL… I’ve had 11 purples and 20+ greens drop on me since it’s been implemented. I’ve managed to recover a grand total of… wait for it… ONE purple. Last I checked, this isn’t 30%.


I’m not saying it’s horrible… but this is frustrating as all hell…

You can’t reliably say from such a small sample size, like 31 attempts, that the ‘advertised’ percentage of chance is wrong. This can only be done after 1000 attempts, because only a sample size of > 1000 is stochasticly significant, however i think in general the new looting system is detrimental to player satisfaction and another place to advertise the advantage paying customers are getting.



Keep in mind there is a variance your expected value of successful attempts can vary by, thats Var(x)=n*p*q, where Var(x) is the variance, n the sample size, p the chance in a decimal number and q 1-chance. The expected value is μ =n*p, so with 500 attempts and a chance of 10% your expected value would be μ = 500*0,1 = 50, however as I mentioned earlier, only with a high sample size comes a high confidance in the accuracy of the expected value μ.

You can’t reliably say from such a small sample size, like 31 attempts, that the ‘advertised’ percentage of chance is wrong. This can only be done after 1000 attempts, because only a sample size of > 1000 is stochasticly significant, however i think in general the new looting system is detrimental to player satisfaction and another place to advertise the advantage paying customers are getting.



Keep in mind there is a variance your expected value of successful attempts can vary by, thats Var(x)=n*p*q, where Var(x) is the variance, n the sample size, p the chance in a decimal number and q 1-chance. The expected value is μ =n*p, so with 500 attempts and a chance of 10% your expected value would be μ = 500*0,1 = 50, however as I mentioned earlier, only with a high sample size comes a high confidance in the accuracy of the expected value μ.

Oh, I’ve had more than 50-60 greens/purples drop on me, already. Only recovered about 8 of them. Trust me, I KNOW the meaning of the word “frustrating”.

I have had about 100 drop on me already today alone i think xD(playing for about 12 hours straight, with premium) i got, at most, 5 items, including a single PVE round… It’s REALLY REALLY REALLY pissing me off and frustrating to just see an item come by, and FAIL EVERY TIME. I feel as dead inside looting a 2k worth xxxx as i feel looting a T3 purple xxxx because it always fails anyway.

I have had about 100 drop on me already today alone i think xD(playing for about 12 hours straight, with premium) i got, at most, 5 items, including a single PVE round… It’s REALLY REALLY REALLY pissing me off and frustrating to just see an item come by, and FAIL EVERY TIME. I feel as dead inside looting a 2k worth xxxx as i feel looting a T3 purple xxxx because it always fails anyway.


I feel you, I’ve had the same experience of feeling disenfranchised. What you and others have discribed is a matter of psychology, that is showing people, in particular small children, a gift or a toy and take that straight away from them. No wonder players and even grown men feel terrible being denied well deserved loot.


To eleviate that problem I’d just suggest going back to the old looting system, just keep the chance for loot the same, whatever that chance actually is right now. In general people don’t worry about what they don’t know; fitting idiom: “Ignorance is bliss”. Works in politics this way :stuck_out_tongue:




“Oh, I’ve had more than 50-60 greens/purples drop on me, already. Only recovered about 8 of them. Trust me, I KNOW the meaning of the word “frustrating”.”


Anything that follows assumes the chance of 30% being correct (mind you he’s using a license):

Let’s take the mean value of 55:

n= 55, p= 0,30  -> μ =n*p -> μ= 55*0,30 -> μ=16,5 ;

Var=n*p*q -> Var=55*0,30*0,70 -> Var=11,55 -> Var~12

That means you could’ve have gotten anything between 5 and 28. You’ve gotten 8, that’s inside the variance, albeit close to the low end. Even with more than 60 tries, this remains true.

So in conclusion you were just horribly and abysmal unlucky, not just ‘average’ lucky. Still i’d like to remind you, 55 is just too small for a sample size.

I dont get this:




why is that a true statement ?