Give us Feedback: New Looting

I am starting this thread just to discuss the result of the new looting system.


In the new looting system, you have to “recover” your loot after you “discover” it.

In my winning PVP matches in T3, i often “discover” around 1-3 items that i can choose to “recover”. After play for like 1 hour or more, i end up recovering 2 items in T4 using only credits at 10% recover chance. Even for the fail recover, the item scrap cost around 15000 credits.


I haven’t discovered any items before the patch in pvp for like 2 weeks. Therefore the result of the new looting system is greatly improved, Even i fail to recover the item, i end up getting more credits than before the patch.



Please post your amount of loot below as well.

getting 10k for an experimental gun, that you wanted for months, on the new looting system sucks.


The old one was better, saying you dont get that big disapointed feeling again, again and again. Hell i can win a match and be pissed about it due to this sht.

played 3 matches, already got one green T3. Only time will tell but so far I will try to believe them when it was stated loot chances are overall increased.

The debris from “failing” to loot is worth substantially more than old non-loot debris.  I’m making more credits per loot click.

The debris from “failing” to loot is worth substantially more than old non-loot debris.  I’m making more credits per loot click.

No you aren’t. The Developers have said they upped the repair costs as well, so you might be earning more cash but you are spending more as well. As such, you don’t really earn more for winning, and you earn less when you lose.

No you aren’t. The Developers have said they upped the repair costs as well, so you might be earning more cash but you are spending more as well. As such, you don’t really earn more for winning, and you earn less when you lose.

^ This.

I earn more money with a old loot sistem, I jusst need play t4 pve and sell all purple dot loot i get for 45-50k

This is quite possibly the worst update since the loyalty fiasco. In fact, it just might be worse.

I love the new looting system for PvP. PvE obviously got nerfed, but PvE sucked anyway so I’m kinda glad. Anywho, I am getting a lot more loot in pvp for sure. I was going to start a similar thread actually, cause I just got a purple AND a green :slight_smile: in one 

Ehhhrrrr… all of you forgetting that u are all using a license…?

Do yopu know that just for now you got doubled looting attempts…? Do you know that once the license expire u’ll have half the looting you are getting now…? And absolutely no more green granted looting in pve…? IF now u got 6 looting attempts after mission, u’ll have just 3 from monday on…lol

Yeah, I think too many people are forgetting there is a licence in play. Once that goes our income and experience rates will drop accordingly…


Do try to remember that guys. I’m using this weekend to storm through leveling ships and amassing wealth to suffer through the dark times that will come as of Monday…





With license I get about 200k per battle including loot in T3, sometimes with luck I get a purple.

The most money I get from loot is 72k in T3. I say it’s better than before since you do have a chance for purple and can gamble with 30% chance…

No you aren’t. The Developers have said they upped the repair costs as well, so you might be earning more cash but you are spending more as well. As such, you don’t really earn more for winning, and you earn less when you lose.


Don’t die as much and you won’t have this problem.  

Don’t die as much and you won’t have this problem.  


We wouldn’t die as much if we could see where we were shooting…

Since the patch I’ve gotten like 4-5 T4 Military modules and maybe 2 T3 from PvP loot.   Before the patch you were lucky to loot a module maybe once every 2 weeks.  The loot rates  have gone up it’s just people have the “gotta have it now!” mentality.   They see those experimental mods that you would  never see before and somehow think they’re entitled to every module they see.  Better to see it and have a small chance to loot it versus never seeing it drop at all. 


Personally I’d rather see that experimental module with a 10% chance to loot rather than the way it used to be.   

Half of the games I win, I find NOTHING in 2 or even 3 searchs, I don’t even get a 500 credits crap. It makes no sense having that premiun thing, having 5 searches and 2-3 are always nothing. 

hmm better they say… hmmm… Well lets see… doing PvE’s as I have before… I now wind up with nothing 90% of the time. I’ve run 10 PvE’s an gotten ONE…count it ONE green. Where as before I got 10 greens and maybe a few others. I’m LOST beyond words on how in the world this is “better”… for who?

Current loot system is probably more acceptable to WoW crowd then to shooter crowd. WoW folks are used to double-roll system where first you have to wait for item you want to drop and then you have to roll for it against a large amount of people.


People playing shooters are used to getting the item after seeing it.

Like I said the PvE purple loot is still supposed to be guaranteed…that part is a confirmed bug.


The loot rewards for PvP though are vastly improved.  

Like I said the PvE purple loot is still supposed to be guaranteed…that part is a confirmed bug.


The loot rewards for PvP though are vastly improved.  

Good to hear… and honest thanks for the heads up. However -bugs- in this game come in two varieties… there’s the “you can make 4 man groups for free” bug that is on the list to be fixed sometime between never an maybe. Or, the jumping bouncing reticle that wanders off target in strange directions while tracking a target in open space, that they don’t know how to fix… and there’s those like the negative galactic standard bug that got insta fixed. Short version, without a lot of drama, I’m starting to lose objectivity here.


Personally I’m appalled at the level of bugs slipping through along with large numbers of undocumented changes. I’m beginning to find it very hard to determine where the undocumented intentional ends and a screw up begins, or the interest to care anymore.