Give us Feedback: New Looting

Soo… I did hear there are a lot of complaining about the new quote Iproved looting system unquote.

I’m here with some back up.

Let me do a quick calculation here, in case nobody has done that before.

It was had enough already to get modules from looting.  PvP drop rates were just low, and PvE was made so face-meltingly hard in the last few patches you were lucky if you won every 5-6th match, not to mention that they took at least three times as long as a normal PvP match.

Let’s take PvP for now.  Let’s assume that you find a mod at every fifth looting, because you’re lucky, and have a nice looting license and extra mod for that (that’s already a lot of creds in long terms, just saying); also, let’s say that you’re average match time is 9 minutes for each game.  In that case you find 2 mods in every  ninety minutes.  2 drops per one and a half hour is AWFULLY low!  It’s pretty much the lowest out there speaking of MMOs with drop system…


Let’s add the factor, that none of us wins every single match they play, I guess a 1:1 W/L ratio is pretty average.  That gives 2 items for 180 minutes.


Aaaand in the top if it, now you have only  10% chance of actually getting what you’ve found!  Ok, ok let’s say you’re a nice guy who always buys creds and has the money to pay for the 30% chance.  Still in the end that gives  items for  540 minutes of playing!

Man that’s NINE hours!  For TWO items… wtf.  That’s downright insane - and you’ve even payed for that sh*tty droprate! (alright, without paying for it it yould be even worse)



(for the staff)

I hope you Guys at Gaijin do not take this as an isult since it is in no way intends to be one - it is just me giving voice to my displeasure.  And I think many agree with me.

I know, I know you need the cred being bought.  You know what? make more custimization options - like more ship colour schemes for creds like sticker, idk…


And also, for heaven’s sake… NERF THE F_ING MINEFIELDS - I beg…


Sincerely, Knightingale

Who the xxxx pays 200g for looting a green item, congratulations for removing green tier effectively out of the game. Unless its purple xxxx it, even then xxxx it cause its only chance increase, in the end you wont be getting the item anyways (unless your a Leprechaun or something) :smiley:

Just won a game that throw 4 greens before me at once, Never seen such a pile alltogether before and guess what ? got none of em, all thanks to the system change. Ofcourse i would prefer the old one that actually gives you the loot over this teasing bullshit.

Well, the “10%” we see is just a number.  Don’t wanna be rude, but I’m pretty much sure it’s not actually 10%.  Because… we can’t know for sure it is.  It might as well be that the 30% is actually 100% while the 10% is 0%.

Just sayin’…

And I calculated the options in which you pay for freakin’ everything to show the best outcome, if you don’t pay anything, well then it’s like 1 item for 900 minutes (15 hours).  Theoretically.

I just have one question: What’s the purpose of having 5 Loot attemps (being premium) and half of my wins have 2-3 empty loots? I don’t care if I find a crap 500  credits loot. But it’s frustrating winning a game and seeing that 60% of your attempts are empty.


What the rest of the community thinks? It’s the same for you or I just have bad luck?


Sorry for the bad grammar

Today i had approximately 20 green, which ALL of them shattered during extraction, then usual greys and the occasional repu item(2x). Only 3-5 attempts have been blank.


If that helps…

I think you just had a bit of bad luck there. When you play much more games you get closer to what the average is supposed to be.

So far today, ive lost 4 experimental and 15 military items. How many did I get… well I only had 19 possibilities. So… I lost all of them, gained 1 reputation item and had about 20 no loots. 


All this took place in 1.5 hours roughly. I am a license holder and a DLC pack purchaser, the 2 cheaper ones. 

So… I have 6 loot chances per win. Soo…


I had about 15 wins = 90 loot chances


90 Loot chances broke down into

1 = nice

20 = *shrugs* Used to it

19 = See my name for response.

40 = grey loots.

I love the new system.  


I actually get to see what I could be getting.  


I’ve had 4 useable items from looting which is as much as I’ve had in the months leading up to this change.  

Its excellent.  

Because i think we as the community should think on one and then maybe the devs will block it like they usually do, or read and consider it.

And remember we cant get everything we want, and i have one but i don’t think many players would like it.

Who the xxxx pays 200g for looting a green item, congratulations for removing green tier effectively out of the game. Unless its purple xxxx it, even then xxxx it cause its only chance increase, in the end you wont be getting the item anyways (unless your a Leprechaun or something) :smiley:

Just won a game that throw 4 greens before me at once, Never seen such a pile alltogether before and guess what ? got none of em, all thanks to the system change. Ofcourse i would prefer the old one that actually gives you the loot over this teasing bullshit.

Math failure of epic proportions from you. Green is exceptionally common to appear now, and you get 10% to extract it. I wouldn’t be surprised if chance to get green loot was slightly better then before when picking free extraction option.


And you DO get loot from the failed extraction. Valuable loot, which is worth more than standard trash grays that you would have gotten under the previous system. Under the new system the broken module gets sold for much more money.



You just need to accept that now when you see the loot, it means that you have a chance of getting it. Not that you got it. And that to compensate for it you get a whole lot more loot shown to you then in the old system.

Sure, just roll it back to before grey loot was stealth nerfed.

Rollback is a great idea. They should definitely do that.

I cannot say anything on rollback topic, but once again, now you loot More and you also get More. Drop rates are Not worse than before. They are in fact increased. 

That is true, you get loot if you fail to extract - you get money.  And yes, if you played for like 4-5 hours you can pretty well afford a whole set of blue items.

I’m not complaining about the lack of modules, goodness no.  I for one have full-blue for almost all of my ships.  *shrug*

What bugs me is that they cut the rewarding feature of the game.  I do love to find green items even if I have like 4 or 5 on my wh already, no big deal.  But seeing that you’ve found something - something that can be used … and then you get nothing just a bunch of creds…  It’s kinda demoralising.

I don’t know if you get what I’m trying to get across.  It’s not about the money, it’s about - hey I found and ITEM!  *SHINIEZ!!*

Also, do they want a loot system with the x% etraction chance basis?  Here:

Make a 10% option which is free (cheap debris)

             50% option for basic creds (debris)

             100% option for gold creds

Even if I don’t buy gold creds, I do think it a little unfair that you actually pay for the game and you might not get anything for your money.  Maybe 90% would be acceptable, but 30% is way too low.

Not a big deal, as long as the numbers aren’t bad (the % in which you actually get an green / purple item, or silver amount you gain, or gold amount you can voluntarily pay).

I cannot say anything on rollback topic, but once again, now you loot More and you also get More. Drop rates are Not worse than before. They are in fact increased. 


Sorry but what seems ok on paper doesnt always correspond to reality. I was guaranteedly getting an item from the purple ping everytime i completed a PvE, now i get absolutely none. When i was lucky and got a item after a PvP battle I ACTUALLY GOT THE DAMN ITEM IN MY INVENTORY, OWNING IT in the old system.

Now im teased with bazillion greens after every match but can i haz one even ? Ofcourse not! Because they are actually still grey loot, pings are just shown to the player as if there is an item worth a damn on the loot screen.

Let’s take PvP for now.  Let’s assume that you find a mod at every fifth looting, because you’re lucky, and have a nice looting license and extra mod for that (that’s already a lot of creds in long terms, just saying); also, let’s say that you’re average match time is 9 minutes for each game.  In that case you find 2 mods in every  ninety minutes.  2 drops per one and a half hour is AWFULLY low!  It’s pretty much the lowest out there speaking of MMOs with drop system…


Small error there (I’ll skip rest of the discussion, just focus on this slightly misleading idea you have there):



While in other games you get “colorful loot” quite often, quite often also in those other MMOs it is useless loot. Wrong item type, wrong class, wrong build, already got better one of same slot or whatever reasons often dictate in MMOs that the loot is mostly trash to be sold for pennies. And it actually brings more playability for the game to not to get all the items immediately.



In Star Conflict, the loot is build so, that purple loot is (currently) always the end-game gear for that tier; it doesn’t (currently) get any better than that: When you loot purple, it is the end-gear in that tier, no better gear of same item to be expected for that tier for that slot.


Surely of course getting all slots purple, for all ships in that tier that you like flying, and then same thing for next tiers is a big, long task, but that is the case in every MMO.



It is always tricky when making example case of or analogy to some other MMO, as the different games have varying economy systems. Star Conflict doesn’t really compare well to the RPG kind of looting system, where there are lots of levels and more complex role-systems (compared to only 4 tiers (soon 5 tiers) in SC and (when compared) few role / class related items).

Please post your amount of loot below as well.


To respond OPs question:



Money income has increased as the broken items give more money and they appear often. Amount of items received is hard to say if it is the same or slightly increased (haven’t used real money to increase the odds of success in extraction. I do have license.)

Maybe --for those whom are psychologically affected by this issue-- make a setting that can be enabled or disabled to hide the item they’re trying to recover. That way they won’t “feel teased”, as they will not know what got broken if it got broken. They would only see it if the extraction was successful, afterwards.


Strange suggestion, yes, but might actually fix the mental frustration of “seeing the item getting broken”.



It has to be setting for the reasons of gold use; it would be a bit annoying for those whom would want to use gold to increase probability of success to not see what they’re paying for…

I cannot say anything on rollback topic, but once again, now you loot More and you also get More. Drop rates are Not worse than before. They are in fact increased. 

But they don’t feel that way. It feels as though we are being ripped off, and if it feels like we are being ripped off, it will be worse no matter how many times you say “but it’s better now!”