Give us Feedback: New Looting

loot sucks right now. 10% chance is counted separately on each separate loot.  you are not even guaranteed 1 loot out of 10, which is just so disheartening.  to ad to the dismay, paying for it only gets you 30%…WTF!!! 


i would of been fine if they just put in  loot counter, guarantee you 1 out of 10 and the rest would be at the 10% chance.  this supplemented with the increase drops would grant you 1 loot out of 2-4 wins.  not great but better then this 10% bs.   i found 5 greens one game and got nothing.   

all purple loots, 98% chance, you can pay for the extra 2%…  :yes_yes:  i would confidently say the community is with me on this.  

Go back to the old system. I get less now than before. 


Just don’t show me stuff and then i don’t get it. Rather give me stuff i did not expect it is much nicer. 


Perhaps link chance of purple loot to scoring - best scorer in a game gets better chance and only if points scored is above a certain number. Or link it to objectives. If player went for objectives more chance of purple loot.

Option 1
Like every other loot system in the known universe, have a different percent chance for each kind of loot (Failed/Grey/Green/Purple).

Option 2

Create better options in the loot system presented in 0.8.1, shown here:

0% for loot = No credit cost (You don’t want it, but getting credits sounds great)
30% for loot = Costs 20% of average reward for that tier (You like it, but it’s not a big deal)
60% for loot = Costs 120% of average reward for that tier (You want this, but not willing to fork out the credits)
90% for loot = Costs 180% of average reward for that tier (You want this badly, but not bad enough to bankrupt yourself)
100% for loot = Costs 300% of average reward for that tier (You want this really badly, and you’re willing to pay for it)
100% for loot = Costs galactic standards (You’re a cool dude for supporting the game with your dollars, have a purple)

This set-up isn’t perfect, but it’s using the best of what Hurricane 0.8.1 has to offer. This one actually creates a reason for using standards and it acts as another credit dump for people who really need purples. It also presents an interesting choice between the 90% and 100% credit choices, as people will be tempted to accept a 10% chance of failure in exchange for a much lower credit cost.


EDIT: This post was moved here for some reason, likely part of the cleaning of the forums Infinite Crisis-style. I was answering a question in another thread with regards to how the looting system could be changed. Sorry if it looks weird and out-of-place.

Well go figure… just got 3 green drops and 1 purple… used the regular method and voilá only creds not a single module. You know one of the Devs that has been posting here said that they don’t want to get the message spread that the game is pay 2 win but atm its looks alot like it.


10% chance for regular looting and 30% when paying? You gotta be kidding me… The whole concept of paying for looting stuff is wrong in the first place.

I’m sure that military / experimental have become less common since the last patch…

Im getting them more than I used to.

Definetely great looting system! I didn’t get any single purple item for three months before and already got about 10-15 epics since looting patch released! For free. Matter of luck. Some epics were wasted but who cares? I’m still getting more income from this!

This is a bug.

Having a range of options allows both small impulse purchases, as well as the ability to drop more gold on something a player really wants. It would cater to a wider audience which is always a good thing in a F2P model. Of course, I don’t have the actual values for drop chances so this might require some balancing.

Restoration! Why didn’t I think of that. It’s a much more positive way of looking at the same problem/solution. Essentially, the end product would be the same, but presentation is half the battle. I believe players would be a lot more receptive to something like this, as it adds to the rewards of victory rather than feel like the game is punishing people.

I definitely agree with this restoration thing. It would be great if you tossed crafting in there as well, cause then bits of grey loot that would normally be worthless (Germainium Capacitors, Plasma Coils etc) could be used to repair the broken object.

All my suggestions for the looting system rolled into one:

Extraction is skewed and needs to be upped a bit. Especially when paying with Galactic Standards. Here’s what I think you should do with it:

  • Free Extraction will give you a 15% chance of getting the item.
  • Paying 50% of the item’s worth on the market (when buying) will give you a 40% chance. Carries a price tag, but still requires a tad more credits than just buying it. But, of course, when you find an experimental module that can’t be bought 50% of the value is worth it.
  • Paying 75% of the item’s worth on the market will give you a 60% chance. See above for reasons.
  • Paying the full price of the item’s worth on the market gives an 80% chance of recovery. This is just something that I think would be nice, but is not required.
  • GS gives 100% chance of extraction. No ifs or buts, _ 100% _. If I saw an experimental module and I had the GS to spare I would definitely, definitely use this option. Plus, it would encourage me to buy more standards solely for this reason and this reason alone.
    You’re doing the right thing with upping the chance to find a module, but again, the extraction ruins it. However, with the above options I think it would make it a little too easy to get the item you’ve got on your screen, so:
  • Reduce the chance to find a greenie. No more than 3 per map, but there always has to be 1 or more.
  • Experimentals should come up every 3-5 wins. As my w/l ratio is 0.45, that would make about 7-11 games for me to find one of these beauties. Even then, they should only appear _ once _ in one of the looting spots, and replace one of the greens. So you can get - _ at maximum _ - from a single win an experimental and two military items. That’s incorporating the fact you use GS, and you hit all 3 when scanning for loot. For the typical player with a 1.0 w/l ratio, thaat makes the chances of this happening at best about one in 2268 (full calculation (1/2)*(1/2)*(1/2)*(1/8)*(1/7)*(1/6) = 1/2668)
  • Broken modules. JasanQuinn hit the nail on the head with this one: broken modules should be automatically harvested and added to the warehouse if found, but are worth little more than junk until you repair them. Broken items should appear one per map, not including the military/experimental item spawns. Maximum two per map.
  • If crafting is implemented, then all these bits n’ pieces we have lying around can either be sold or used to repair broken modules. Different broken items of different tiers and rarities should require different amounts and types of scrap to fix up. For a T1 Broken Military Plasma Cannon, let’s say Plasma Coil and maybe two Germainium Capacitors will be enough for a restoration. For a T4 Broken Military Plasma Cannon, you will require at least _ five Plasma Coils and 10 Germanium Capacitors _. Taking into account warehouse space that’s 16 items for one high-tier restoration, and you might not be able to fit that in if you have other modules etc taking up that space. More credits would have to be spent, or you could use GS to increase the warehouse space by much more.
  • Doing the above suggestion allows for gray items to be shuffled around in order to make repair more difficult for rarer items. Go with the flow on this one I won’t hold you back.
    Finally, Easy Looting Spots. These come in two varieties: Purple and Green (see where this is going?). An Easy Looting Spot indicates that an item in that area will be easier to get due to it either loosely-attached to the ship it came from or whatnot. A Green Looting Spot will appear every 4 won games or so (every 2 on PvE), and increases the ease of extraction by about 10%, or decreases expense of extraction by 15%. Your choice. Purple looting spots will always appear on PvE (no xxxx, Sherlock) and increase the chance by 20% or reduce expense by 25%. I would say reducing costs is the more sensible option here. However, just because you found an Easy Looting Spot, doesn’t mean there’s an actual item in there. You could just get scrap, for all you know.

That’s it for now. Those are all my suggestions for the looting system and if they were implemented I would be a lot more inclined to spend my GS. It’s a win-win situation: we’re getting our stuff more often, you’re getting your cash. How’s that?

Sabre P2WG(Pay to win gambling) much? If GS gets a slight increase above non-pay i would be fine with it, but not them getting 100% and people without 80m credits to spare only get 15%. 

I still say 40%/60% is fair for both, and reduce GS cost to 30-50.

Sabre P2WG(Pay to win gambling) much? If GS gets a slight increase above non-pay i would be fine with it, but not them getting 100% and people without 80m credits to spare only get 15%. 

I still say 40%/60% is fair for both, and reduce GS cost to 30-50.

And the rest of it?


And I once found myself paying 75 GS for a T2 module… So they’re actually quite expensive already. Besides, if I’m paying with GS it means I WANT THAT DAMN ITEM.

Well I logged in to see if anything was fixed … and not. got what was the lowest Loot return since I started playing. Just horrible. I really want to like this game but cant with tactics like this. i simply will not pay for a chance at loot. If I’m paying real money then the loot better be 100% otherwise it is gambling, end of story.

I haven’t played as much since the patch as last week, but my grand total of successfully-found items is now 4 out of ~210 attempts.  And again, 2 of those items are duplicates of ones I’d already found.   So I am still somewhat underwhelmed by the looting system.

The glass is 90% empty. Hard not to be pessimistic about this system.

The glass is 90% empty. Hard not to be pessimistic about this system.

Hold on a second! If you pay for the water it’s only 70% empty!

Devs… Really. What the hell are you trying to achieve by screwing this game over so hard?

Get rid of the stupid system and just give a random chance to get extra money and items. No stupid click and hold BS.

Really Sabre01 i can see how with only 198 and that you joined the game only 10 days ago but this system is very good.  It gives you more money now for the broken loot and now fixes the problem of the decreased loot that happened in April but seeing that you were not around for that you wouldn’t know. Also i bet if i told you interceptors had four guns at one time it would probably blow your mind :). Another note if you want the item why not just by the premium item huh?

I like the new system. I find it more thrilling and engaging. I’m not sure if I get more loot or not, but I do know I have gotten more purples since the loot system changed. It just doesn’t feel like it at times because I have lost so many other rolls.


I accidentally misclicked and spent the standards I got from the holiday on a piece of loot when I had intended to click the 10% chance instead. I was in a rush to get through the loot screen and I suppose these things happen.


It kind of sucked but then I got over it, and it has been my only negative experience thus far with the new system.

Really Sabre01 i can see how with only 198 and that you joined the game only 10 days ago but this system is very good.  It gives you more money now for the broken loot and now fixes the problem of the decreased loot that happened in April but seeing that you were not around for that you wouldn’t know. Also i bet if i told you interceptors had four guns at one time it would probably blow your mind :). Another note if you want the item why not just by the premium item huh?

Ever thought of the possibility I might have played it at a friend’s? I’m glad they took intys down to 2 guns. They’re still borderline OP now.

And as I’ve already said to Censored, the new repair costs make the credits you get ftom the loot worthless.

I really like the new system.  I dont look at the item as being mine, its *going* to break.  I look at it as salvage worth a heck of a lot more than the cheap trash I used to get.  I really like the new looting system, but I would NEVER spend standards on a 30% chance.  If you want to tempt me, I’d need better odds than that.