Give us Feedback: New Looting

If you increase the chances that much, then the drop rate should be reduced a lot, else we all be stockpiling purple as we used to get green, and green is going to be considered a trash loot.

This looting system might aswell be called gambling, since the customer is asked to pay money for chances of winning something.


I personally do not like gambling as it opens up too many issues an possibilities of abuse by the “seller” .


In most countries, it is also illegal to let minors ( people under 18) gamble, entice them to do so , etc.


With these practices, you might run into legal issues, since you are obviously selling your game services to minors.

I think Gaijin is likely aware of this though, so is it just for the hope of the fast money ?


The longer I stay with star conflict, the more often I feel as if new avenues are tried to squeeze out cash out of the game quickly.

There were so many suggestions and complaints in the past months and what is delivered as a response from the devs is a gambling mechanic on the loot system, kinda saddening.


Gaijin, with this kind of stuff, you are actively eroding customer trust and the already waning number in playerbase but I suspect at this point that you do not care ?

I would suggest to get higher chance by spending in-game money.

For galactic standarts make visual stuff like ship paintjobs and stuff like that.


Selling visual stuff is good.

Selling exp(rep, loyalty, synergy) boosts is fine.

Selling power is bad.

edit got 4 green loot in one match without spending a cent 

now i cry alot when im alone…

the doctor says it will pass with the next pach…

i hope its true but i say: its like the war z zombies, they all whant my monyeis…

the doctor says: there is no known cure for zombie outbreak…

i stil cry when im alone…

I agree with many here , even if you loot it with gold for 30% the succes rate is way to low. (And i am not a free player but a paying player)

Dear Devs,

1: Fix the camera please
2: Put more ships, different models
3: Change the looting system at least make the succes rate for gold higher
4: Please put more different missions ! :frowning:
4: Lissen to the cummunity without the players game will be dead ( take a look at eve developers they lissen to the cummunity , learn from it )

In one match, I looted three t3 military items. 

A few matches before that, Experimental T3 item

A few matches after that, Another t3 military item


This was in a span of 30-40 minutes… and these were received as usable items.

Can we have anyone agree with him?

Because that seems like the star trek game fake reviews.

(if you know what i mean by that)

Im just posting what I got, Ive done it several times in other threads, one of which listed 90 total loots, I think the results came out to


1 faction loot

15 military debris

4 experimental debris

20 no loots

50 grey loots


Overall, im getting more stuff with the new system than i ever did with the old.


Dont care if you believe me or not, I complained at first too about the loot, but ive changed my mind since then.

Thought I’d throw my bits in here.  I like the idea of the new loot system, but it doesn’t seem to be working quite correctly.   I’ve been playing a lot over the last few days, and amassed a fair bit of information on it.  I played entirely T3 PVP this week.  W/L ratio is currently at 0.93 and going up .  Destroyed ship rating hovers around 1300.  Fly mostly support frigates and occasional fighters.  Ranks are approximately 8 Empire, 11 Federation, 8 Jericho.


Over the last few days, I have “found” ~140 [±2] potential lootable items [that is the items that have a 10% chance of becoming usable].  I will not spend ‘gold’ on this type of gambling, so I always opt for the 10% chance.  I have successfully recovered _ 3 _ items, 2 of which were duplicates of loot I already had.


I realize that there is a random chance to it, but this is ridiculous.  I can’t say for sure what the deviation of a number like this is without more data from more people, but IME, I’m recovering closer to 2-3% than the 10% that the game claims.


So basically with the ~30 hours I played in the last week or so, I’ve found _ 1 _ useful item.  This is not a good turnaround.



Unrelatedly, why do I never find T3 loot?  It’s always either T2 or T4.  I don’t have any T4 ships unlocked atm, and play T3 almost exclusively, but somehow I have 5x as much T4 green/purple equipment as I do for T3.  My purple luck seems to be quite bad as well.  I have some ~140 hours logged in the game, and so far I’ve found 7 purple items, at least half of which are in T2.

Unrelatedly, why do I never find T3 loot?  It’s always either T2 or T4.  I don’t have any T4 ships unlocked atm, and play T3 almost exclusively, but somehow I have 5x as much T4 green/purple equipment as I do for T3.  My purple luck seems to be quite bad as well.  I have some ~140 hours logged in the game, and so far I’ve found 7 purple items, at least half of which are in T2.


 This depends on what you’re doing (PvP vs. PvE). PvE, loot is based on the mission difficulty. For PvP, it’s based on the ships you have loaded. If you have all R6’s, then you will get green T3 and purple T2. If you have all R9’s, then you will get all green T4 and purple T3.


I currently play both T2 and T3 PvP so I have 2 R9’s and 1 R8 when I play T3, which gives me access to green T3, green T4, purple T2, and purple T3. I get the spread b/c of the R8 ship.

Umm, those figures are not real.


Simple math, yes, but it is based on numbers that are invented and not based on empirical evidence, so it doesn’t prove anything.



For PvE it is simpler, and there definitely lies a problem, but your numbers for PvP seem quite off.


You’ve yet to produce any numbers, but ALL you can do is call mine false.  And not provide anything at ALL in response, mathematically, to back up your position.  Your math skill is amazing.


Which part do you not understand?  Which part do you think is ‘invented’? 

Is it the number of nodes?  Go count them after a win. 

Is it the % of chance to find a green under a node?  Do some counting.  Go win those few games, click random nodes, and total up how many are green VS how many are not.  Average it out to a %.  Then divide your result by TEN, since you have 10% odds of actually extracting it.  Then tell me what that number is.

Is it the 10% odds of getting the green after you reveal it?  Welp, guess you don’t believe what the devs state DESPITE trying to defend them.  That’s a special kind of ‘true believer’ there.


Unless EVERY SINGLE PVP NODE has a green behind it, the 10% ‘chance’ to extract still renders you less numbers than the old system.  I was generous with the numbers to make your ‘arugment’ (such that exists) look better so you could see how it still loses.  But if you don’t like it, do the work.  Count the nodes.  Count the 10%.  Do the math yourself.  I’d like to see you try.  Then, actually post some of it here.  Post something that amounts to more than “Nu-uh!” so that you can have some credibility.


Until then, you’re just defending something you don’t understand.



Knightingale, I’ve tried.  It seems that some people are too convinced of their own beliefs to pay attention to the evidence right before their eyes.  Thanks for your support, though, it’s refreshing to see people who DO understand.

Guess I’ll just screencap my loot shots when I run into purples to see what it looks like, though really, 10% is a number that can make you feel like it actually means -never-, but just today the gods shined on me again. Played about 14 matches, saw 4 epics, broke all but one, my spiffy new Stabilized Rails 8D.


Caught that sucker on the 10% chance too, I already had the Hail and a Nanodrone swarm crop up, paid for those suckers and got nothing, so I was just expecting a credit payout as the game laughed at me while holding the rails above my head, but nope, here they are.


Now I just need an epic Thermal damage change, and epic explosive mod.

 This depends on what you’re doing (PvP vs. PvE). PvE, loot is based on the mission difficulty. For PvP, it’s based on the ships you have loaded. If you have all R6’s, then you will get green T3 and purple T2. If you have all R9’s, then you will get all green T4 and purple T3.


I currently play both T2 and T3 PvP so I have 2 R9’s and 1 R8 when I play T3, which gives me access to green T3, green T4, purple T2, and purple T3. I get the spread b/c of the R8 ship.


I got R4/R5/R6/R6 ships loaded with only 1 fitted(because xxxx 8.0 patch taking all my R6 full mk3 ships away and leaving me with kinda nothing…)  and i still get anywhere from T1 to T4 loot…mostly T3…


Edit: let me rephrase that: I get the CHANCE to get that loot, I don’t actually get it because it all turns into debris.

I agree with many here , even if you loot it with gold for 30% the succes rate is way to low. (And i am not a free player but a paying player)

Dear Devs,

1: Fix the camera please

2: Put more ships, different models

3: Change the looting system at least make the succes rate for gold higher

4: Please put more different missions ! :frowning:

4: Lissen to the cummunity without the players game will be dead ( take a look at eve developers they lissen to the cummunity , learn from it )


  1. Already done, see new tweaked camera on Thursday.

  2. Cannot disclose for now.

  3. Still waiting for the update on the topic.

  4. In work.

4 (? :slight_smile: ) Well, we are. 

In my exparience the looting in PVE without any license is absolutely horrible…Now i can’t even get the old one green granted loot…I’ve played at least 20 pve mission after the 3 days license expired and i dind’t get a single green item…not joking…not even one :frowning:

In my exparience the looting in PVE without any license is absolutely horrible…Now i can’t even get the old one green granted loot…I’ve played at least 20 pve mission after the 3 days license expired and i dind’t get a single green item…not joking…not even one :frowning:


PvE is badly broken by this, and I wouldn’t waste time by playing PvE at all until they fix it (in next patch if I have understood correctly?).


Only reason, without the guaranteed loot, would be the money, and I think most players get more of that also from PvP time vise; rarely people have a luxury of perfectly playing squad-mates that would win PvE scenarios fast enough to make the credit gain per hour to match the credit gain per hour of a solo-player in PvP. (It seems to be doable with good squad, but not in PUG, if counting also the time it takes to wait for the game to start!).


Outside the guaranteed loot, I see no reason to play PvE, as the scenarios are quite repetitive to consider “playing for fun” factor.

And after my last post I went on to play another 15 matches that night, lost 4, broke 2 more epics, gained another epic [Flares, I already had them :(]


It’s probably absolute luck It’s happening, but I never got epics this fast before. Just ignore them if you see them, rejoice and acknowledge them when they actually show up in your mailbox, not your loot readout :/.

  1. Already done, see new tweaked camera on Thursday.

  2. Cannot disclose for now.

  3. Still waiting for the update on the topic.

  4. In work.

4 (? :slight_smile: ) Well, we are.

Alright, Anti. Your title says Star Conflict Developer, right? Are you actually one of the programmers/game designers? I have no intention at all fo being rude, but to me I honestly don’t think so. Do correct me if I’m wrong. Anyway, my point is here that while you, error and the other admins are listening to us and faithfully passing on these suggestions to the devs (which I sincerely hope is true), the devs themselves are choosing to selectively ignore the suggestions they don’t like (ie the ones that make them less money) and then just saying ‘We’ll get back to you on that.’ You are most likely being honest with us, but the main developer staff may not be 100% honest to you.

Those are just my two cents.

Oh, and I have a small update for you: the gambling thing can be ignored, I was wrong about that, but we still should be rwfunded for every failed extraction attempt (we’re spending digital cash and getting nothing).

Who else is anticipating this new camera? I hope I will not be disappointed.

Well, in the new update… alot of the issues we have been vocal about have gotten worked on. The t3 nuke spam, the too many heavy missile slots on a few ships, the camera, the pve purple loot node. I have a bit of faith now… 

(and thanks Bladebearer for saving this thread from falling into pointless interweb b*tching and whatnot)


It’s funny cause his very next post does nothing but incite negativity to this thread:




You’ve yet to produce any numbers, but ALL you can do is call mine false.  And not provide anything at ALL in response, mathematically, to back up your position.  Your math skill is amazing.



Anyways, that aside. Blade, you are so caught up in your amazing math skills that you pretty much overlooked the entire point of Fronx’s post.


You are using numbers you have made up, based on your conclusions to a system. You experience could just as easily be skewed in determining numbers. He didn’t post drop rate numbers simply because he didn’t have any base concrete numbers with which to work.




Is it the % of chance to find a green under a node?  Do some counting.  Go win those few games, click random nodes, and total up how many are green VS how many are not.  Average it out to a %.


Neither do you. Nodes per win is easy to determine. 10% or 30% is easy to see yes. And even your simple math is correct, if you look at is as a small piece to a bigger picture. But your base numbers, 1 solid green per map in the old loot, up to 4 in the current system… Where do you even get those numbers?


What you present is your small sampling and averaging as you so state… This has the potential to be severely flawed. Even a person from the sidelines such as I could point out the fallacy could equally rival the margin in which you accuse the other side of being off.


Without knowing those base numbers, it’s difficult at best to supply any concrete evidence, and your averages are most likely different than the next person’s.


Another fallacy you have is that you choose such a tiny picture. Just because you say let’s assume 4 pieces per map (again where did this number come from? the fact that you could see a green per time you loot?) to make it seem like you are giving the system advantage, just doesn’t mitigate the fact that you have the potential of receiving 4 items per loot draw.


The problem is you are discounting collective probabilities, and looking at just one. Even THAT aside, going by your system let’s use the following scenario. 4 pulls on 5 nodes for greens, yields 4 greens 41% of the time, and 3 greens 59% of the time. Which at 10% loot tables, guarantees a 30% chance of pulling and keeping at LEAST 1 green, with a max potential of 4 at a differing probabilities along the way. That is without using repeat insertions, and seems a pretty fair system.


1 out of 5 nodes with 4 chances represents (without repeat insertions) means you have about an 80% chance to pull a green and keep it under the old system. That seems a little off!






Anyways.  I would think it far more likely that the nodes are just a game for the user. Each node represents a chance to roll for loot. This percent would have been increased in the loot patch. Next comes the openness that is the loot table. What people have been pointing out, and as others have  more fluently pointed out, the psychological aspect is whats genuinely at fault.


The idea that one segment of the people care zip about the credits, and their increased amount since the patch, when faced with the ideas of items is the hard part. They are used to a system based on giving them anything they see. (Entertainingly enough, I’ve seen these same people complain about not having credits for repairs in higher tiers). Anyways, SC took a logical approach to the issue, introduce a loot system that generates cash flow in micro transactions. They show you what you a rolling for before you select what probability you want to roll on it for (for example, some people may only want to spend cash on purples to pull, so being able to see it before hand is helpful).


However, the emotional, psychological part this introduces is that the person feels like they are being punished. Which isn’t rational at all. The concept is that you are being rewarded either in silver or items whenever you discover one doesn’t play out to a net positive effect in the end for most users. Combine this with the large 10% and 30% options. These are LOW numbers, and LOW chance of getting something to anyone is BAD. Even something as simple as a 4% drop chance in the old system seems more favorable, than a 44% find chance and 10% to pull chance, just because they can’t see it. The new system inherently drops more probability wise in this example, and in fact with the 30% option, it is much more lucrative than the old system. But seeing 10% and failing 9 times in a row upon seeing an item feels defeating. Even though it has yet to break the probability average for 1 cycle.



Unfortunately, not every one likes to be astounded with numbers, complex or simple. A system people would be far more inherent to would be something along the following:


  • find loot or dont find loot

– upon finding loot: is there a salvageable item? yes or no.

— if no, you sell off basic rubble, getting you minimal credit yield

— if yes, is the item intact? yes or no.

---- if no, indicate something to the effect of greater finds (you found some working parts to an experimental module!) - increased credit yield

---- if yes, item acquisition! congrats!.


Now by this standard, the introduction of a micro transaction yield could be a little problematic, but with the right amount of tact, could be implemented without feeling too intrusive. 


Basic Search (normal results),  Extensive Search! 300% increased manpower when attempting to find loot! (microtransaction)



Math is but a numbers game :wink: There are many ways to make the same system seem more or less appealing.