Give us Feedback: New Looting

Alright, mods won’t let me make a new thread, so here’s pork:


In a word: Frustrating. It’s like finding the cake on Portal 2 (yes, 2) and be able to carry it around. It’s like driving an RX-8, it’s fun and fast, but once you hit the curves, you spin like a merry-go-round on overdrive. It’s like you being 8 years old and your parents not buying you that toy or candy you really wanted, so you throw a tantrum on it and your parents still don’t buy it for you. It’s like telling your girlfriend you want to try a-… well, enough about that.


Simply put, it’s the most frustrating piece of gameplay in the game. To see Military gear come and go, we can all deal with. To see Experimental gear come and be turned into smoldering heaps of debris… That is just pure evil. There is no explanation for this, it’s just horrible. I have felt the frustration build up in me so much I’ve almost punched my monitor. I’ve actually grabbed my cat and tossed it out the window. Well, it wasn’t my cat nor my house, but it was a ground floor, so the cat was fine. Which frustrated me even more! In total, since this system has been set in place, I estimate a few dozen pilots have already quit the game out of sheer frustration. There is no salvation for this system other than going back to the original scheme OR… decreasing drop rates just a bit and increasing loot success percentages.


This is mine and around a dozen other pilots’ view on this so called “Looting system”.


You should create more drama posts, i love them! :smiley:


Anyway, more % same drop chance is what I suggest…this is just laughably bad…Horribly, HORRIBLY, bad…

I still think the best/easiest way to fix this would be to allow us to spend more money to increase the chance of successful recovery.  Maybe 10% is free, 20% chance is 50k silver or 10 gold, 30% chance is 100k silver or 20 gold, 40% is 220k silver or 30 gold, 50% is 500k silver or 40 gold, etc.  Money’s fairly easy to come by, but loot seems to be much more rare.


As an update to my personal looting run, I am now 18 recoveries for ~630 attempts.

I still think the best/easiest way to fix this would be to allow us to spend more money to increase the chance of successful recovery.  Maybe 10% is free, 20% chance is 50k silver or 10 gold, 30% chance is 100k silver or 20 gold, 40% is 220k silver or 30 gold, 50% is 500k silver or 40 gold, etc.  Money’s fairly easy to come by, but loot seems to be much more rare.


As an update to my personal looting run, I am now 18 recoveries for ~630 attempts.



Oryngton, I agree with your post. In its entirety.

I’m not even counting…i just know my actual amount of drops is WAY under 10%.


and spacedash…just…no…


I just want the old system back with slightly increased drop chance :confused:

I’m not even counting…i just know my actual amount of drops is WAY under 10%.


and spacedash…just…no…


I just want the old system back with slightly increased drop chance :confused:

I think you read my suggested looting system upgrade, right? Why not just change it to that?

I think you read my suggested looting system upgrade, right? Why not just change it to that?

 Aye I did, That could be good…but I sitll say hell no…

Maybe some high-end players got the money for that, but any “regular” people dont have 5m laying around for when that experimental comes along…

No. Don’t decrease the drop rate. For some reason my drop rate SUCKS BA-[CUTOFF PREVENTION]

While increasing the loot success %. It’d give way to a lot less frustration. At least you’re not losing as many as you were.

Agreed. If we keep this “recovery” system, chances should certainly be much higher (while drop rate being decreased accordingly), like free=30%, gold=90%. As it is, it’s just an obvious frustration-machine, which is a weird design choice. And a rather gross cash-bait.

By the way, I add my voice to all the people who doubt the actual chance is really 10%. I must have salvaged like two green items since this mechanic is in place, in, like, 50 or 100 victorious matches.


(edit: although I don’t actually find this system awfull personnally, I voted “so and so”. I just find the mechanic to be antipathetic, but don’t mind much)

I want some kind of “are you sure?” option on the paid-for extraction. I feel seriously annoyed that I lost gold standards due to a misclick.

As an update to my personal looting run, I am now 18 recoveries for ~630 attempts.

Clearly the 10% advertised.

18/630 = 2.86%


Maybe they meant that you have a 10% chance of having a chance of winning?

18/630 = 2.86%


Maybe they meant that you have a 10% chance of having a chance of winning?

I apologize, sarcasm is a hard thing to convey over the internet. I’ll edit my post.

Had a bit of luck lately.  I am now 27/880, bringing me up to over 3% success for the first time in weeks.

I want some kind of “are you sure?” option on the paid-for extraction. I feel seriously annoyed that I lost gold standards due to a misclick.


Seconding this. It’s easy to unintentionally spend gold with a low attention span and a slight slip.