Give us Feedback: New Camera

I hate it aon all ships and dislike it on interceptors especially.


If people like this camera they can feel free to zoom in on the old camera and/or use expert mode.

Not possible. Zoomed out view will always grant a massive tactical awareness advantage through larger field of view. Whatever max zoom/max FoV will be is what most players who play to win will use regardless of comfort and pleasure derived from such a mode.

its unplayable, dot

its unplayable, dot

PBKAC? A lot of players currently in game are playing just fine.

PBKAC? A lot of players currently in game are playing just fine.


Yes, through such valuable reoccurring changes as the “all-new Camera” , we were able to “hit” 950 players, how great !


How many of these 950, do you think enjoy the new camera ? Likely similar to the forum poll results.


Gaijin should really change this asap instead of waiting until the second of June.

This is a major change to how this game plays and feels, I personally will be very relucant to buy another license after this debacle since i will have “lost” around 10 days of enjoyable gametime, these camera changes give me headaches in my interceptor.


It is a beta, things change but Gaijin obviously is dependant on membership payments etc. for further development and if they want to keep going hey need to  really be more responsive to issues like these. The moment you open business to payment there is a limit to how drastic of changes you can make, without losing sizeable quantities of customers.


As if all the posts about the camera weren’t enough. FFS

I’m starting to think these devs don’t even look at the discussion section.

I’m intrigued: why would you use a camera mode that effectively reduced your effectiveness in comparison to others?

because i like? because im good using expert?because this option is not there just for show?

OMG, you got to be freaking kidding me.

pos, double posted then once I deleted one it deleted both.


I voted so-so.


i’m not reposting my thoughts again, sorry.

The new camera is crap, seriously the perspective you become when flying whatever, inty or frigate is bad and the perception of your surroundings is next to zero.

I hte the new camera and I hate the removal of HUD in free camera view …

I hte the new camera and I hate the removal of HUD in free camera view …

Same. The camera patch even made me ragequit for few days.  :lol:

Wait until thursday.

The breakdown looks like this.



Prior to May 30:



After May 30:




Much better, if that is how it ends up.

As someone who runs frigates ~80% of the time, I dislike the camera forcing me to lose 1/3 of my screen.  The old options were much preferable.

EDIT: No, wait, it’s still crap as ever.

After the wave of dissent about the camera I would have expected a suitable response. Guess we get to be disappointed again.


The camera is crap. The changes have ruined depth perception and point of view. Before I could fly in a very smooth and graceful way. I could lead a pack of ships on a chase hugging the surface of almost anything. I could weave in and out of obstructions ships and enemy fire with skill. Now I cant. I am now regularly hitting stationary object because the camera is screwed up so bad I’ve lost my perspective. And hitting other ships is even worse … they just seem to pop out of no where beside me and BAM I whack 'em. Tracking targets is even more frustrating. Why would you do something that ruins game play and so obviously upsets the player base?

If you want the camera close , just zoom in.

And the interceptor camera? nothing? well, looks now the expert mode is extinct.

Alright, developers, what is going on?


You’ve got your answer. 65.28% of those who voted want the old camera system back. And yet, you stubbornly insist on patching the frigate camera and nothing else.


When you screwed up matchmaking by mixing tiers you did so with ~45% approval and ~55% disapproval. The community didn’t want that change, yet you implemented it anyway saying that “a majority of players thought the matchmaking system could be further improved.”


Here the numbers aren’t even close. The community hates the new camera. We have said so over and over. Yet you never answer our concerns directly, you continually offer BS excuses for the change, and you continue to tell us the new camera will be patched until it is fixed.


When are you going to listen? We don’t want a patch of the new camera. We want the old camera back! If you are just going to ignore us, then stop creating polls asking for our input! You clearly don’t give a crap about our opinion!


We voted in your stupid poll, now DO IT!

Alright, developers, what is going on?

You’ve got your answer. 66.67% of those who voted want the old camera system back. And yet, you stubbornly insist on patching the frigate camera and nothing else.

When you screwed up matchmaking by mixing tiers you did so with ~45% approval and ~55% disapproval. The community didn’t want that change, yet you implemented it anyway saying that “a majority of players thought the matchmaking system could be further improved.”

Here the numbers aren’t even close. The community hates the new camera. We have said so over and over. Yet you never answer our concerns directly, you continually offer BS excuses for the change, and you continue to tell us the new camera will be patched until it is fixed.

When are you going to listen? We don’t want a patch of the new camera. We want the old camera back! If you are just going to ignore us, then stop creating polls asking for our input! You clearly don’t give a crap about our opinion!

We voted in your stupid poll, now DO IT!

This suggestion forum has been rendered completely redundant by the devs utter refusal to acknowledge what their own players want.

Gaijin, I am disappoint.

EDIT: Soldier, I don’t think it’s a Dev who made this thread…

The fact is, this new camera has made your game worse and not better.

Player awareness of surroundings has been so hampered that it is now almost impossible to fly in an organized wing, since the horizontal view is so extremely narrow, pilots wont be able to know where their squad members are.


I understand what this camera change is supposed to achieve, immersion. However, this should not go in at the cost of game play quality and negative impacts on possibilities of teamplay.


I tried to get used to this camera but I still bump into things on my interceptor and engaging in a dogfight and staying on someone’s tail is very difficult now, taking away from interesting outmanoeuvring possibilities and general dog fight dynamics, taking away enormous depth from engagements and organized play.


The old camera had extreme zoom- out levels but you went totally overboard by reducing it so extremely, a reduction by 30% would have been good enough likely, you went by what, 80% ?


This change is detrimental to the enjoyment and quality of this game at it’s very core, your camera change has achieved the following in my opinion :


  • removed great deal of squad interaction and team awareness, making it harder for squad members to assist each other

  • took away depth from engagements as targets are harder to identify and follow, forcing players to follow a red arrow on the HUD

  • removed a considerable amount of ship control from pilots

  • reduce overall enjoyability and quality of core gameplay for all players.

  • disgruntled your playerbase

  • added questionable amount of immersion

  • made interceptors even harder to fly well compared to other ships



I ask you to please listen to your dedicated customers, who care enough to not just leave but stay and voice their concerns about YOUR product wanting it (and therefore you as a company) to succeed.

Players here take time to write you feedback, not just baseless complaining but actual feedback on how to make your game better.


If you do not listen to your playerbase, people will begin to lose faith in you as developers and then even the most dedicated crowd will eventually move on to the next thing, leaving this game deserted.


I sincerely hope that this is not what you are aiming for and that your goal is to have Star conflict grow and sustain, instead of milking some cash out of it and then letting it crumble.

Your recent interactions felt encouraging and I hope you will take this Feedback thread to heart and change these issues for the better ASAP as this core problem should be on the top of your list right now.

But they are listening to player feedback. For some the changes may be perceived as negative, but for others the game is still enjoyable. Because opinions are so split, tough decisions and compromise have to be made. Much time must be put into any deliberations.


The camera changes to frigates to give them back some situational awareness is appreciated. The camera for interceptors and fighters is more than usable. I like the settings they have right now in 0.8.1.