Give us Feedback: New Camera

In other words: *“We are trying to tweak the new camera to everyone’s liking.” Which means you are trying to balance the new camera with the old.


Yes, we heard you the first time when you said the camera would be fixed, and we told you very clearly: We want the old camera back because nothing was wrong with it.


Yes, it is going to take a long time to try to fix the new camera. That’s not what we want. We want the camera reset to the old parameters. That does not take long, as it was already programmed in previous patches.


We will calm down when you start listening to us, stop stubbornly forging ahead with your own plans despite our feedback, and stop trying to pacify us with free licenses.

While I understand the desire for things to go back to the way they were, has anyone considered there might be a reason why the devs did what they did? I’m not trying to justify anything or make less of your complaints, though I do wonder what their thought process was going into the decision.

While I understand the desire for things to go back to the way they were, has anyone considered there might be a reason why the devs did what they did? I’m not trying to justify anything or make less of your complaints, though I do wonder what their thought process was going into the decision.


That’s sort of a problem. We don’t know, cuz Devs usually don’t tell us jack about why things are the way they are. Whatever the reason might be (if there is any) facts are that a) old camera was very good and adjustable to everyone’s liking and b) I haven’t seen a single person ever complaining about it.


So the Devs fix’d the camera and not the nukes. I can’t even say that I’m surprised.


We’ve already told you that camera will be fixed.


No, you’ve told us that “you know about frigates” and a hot fix is coming. I tend to be very attentive when it comes to analyzing others’ words and your previous post did not state that the camera will be reverted to its original state nor that it will be altered to playable norms on all ships. You just said something about a fix (which can mean anything, really) and mentioned frigates along the way.


Till I hear that camera will be returned to its pre-patch state (this exact words or something just as straightforward) for all ships in the game, I will continue to be very disappointed at the direction this game is heading.


Golden rule: Don’t fix what’s not broken.

That’s sort of a problem. We don’t know, cuz Devs usually don’t tell us jack about why things are the way they are. Whatever the reason might be (if there is any) facts are that a) old camera was very good and adjustable to everyone’s liking and b) I haven’t seen a single person ever complaining about it.


So the Devs fix’d the camera and not the nukes. I can’t even say that I’m surprised.



No, you’ve told us that “you know about frigates” and a hot fix is coming. I tend to be very attentive when it comes to analyzing others’ words and your previous post did not state that the camera will be reverted to its original state nor that it will be altered to playable norms on all ships. You just said something about a fix (which can mean anything, really) and mentioned frigates along the way.


Till I hear that camera will be returned to its pre-patch state (this exact words or something just as straightforward) for all ships in the game, I will continue to be very disappointed at the direction this game is heading.


>>>>Golden rule: Don’t fix what’s not broken.<<<<


There’s another one after that:

If your fans like it, don’t change it.

Aye, taking a game design course right now with the university, first thing the professor told us? “You have a vision for the game. Out of that vision, 10% is enjoyable, and the rest is clutter. Listen to the people playing, and chop off the clutter while keeping the good stuff. Not the other way around. You’re making the game for other people, not yourselves.”

Please use one of the existing topics.

I know, everybody is aware of the new camera,


But wasn’t there a hotfix in the room that should fix the camera issue, not only for frigates but also for interceptors and fighters?

Does someone know when the fix will come?


Just wanted to ask, because the camera really lowers my fun with this awesome game.


Oh and the new loot system is frustrating, just as a sidenote.

I just came back after a longer period of not playing Star Conflict. So i logged in, re-equipped all my stuff, went crazy about all those nice modules not existing anymore, went even more crazy as i saw some of my synergy was reset, sent a support ticket and then, finally, i went to play.

I was like: Oo wtf?! My camera is fked up! What is this. It was only until after the battle that i found out this seems to be intended!


For real? But why?! You can´t be that drunk to implement something as useless as this! Extremely annoying!

Since the new Patch brought a new Camerasetting, I and the Devs would like to hear some feedback.


Please Vote, so we know how this great change has affected your Ingame experience.


Please keep this thread clean of disscussions about it. Suggestions about other Camera settings are welcome.






This Poll will be closed at 2nd of June, midnight. Make sure to Vote untill this time!!!

For Interceptor:

Is horrible and rend the expert mode unplayable. You need a clean vision to fly in high speed, and turn to avoid objects and position yourself to shot. But the camera is just focused on you, prevent you see the surrounds. Using this camera + expert mode in close range dog fights is just a spin spin withot see where is my enemy  i have to almost stop my ship to have a good vision to shot).


For Fighters:

I no have fighters, sry.


For Frigates:

He block half of screen with your big a**. Many peaplos are talking about engy frigate being worthless with thos patch, but the true problem is the camera too glued on the screen.


Conclusion: Horrible! Give us the old one back!

I agree with ArqueiroX.


Prior to the patch I regularly flew interceptors and frigates, but often had a fighter in my stable.


After the patch, I no longer regularly fly frigates unless a mission expressly requires it b/c the loss of vision is a huge nerf to survivability and simply isn’t fun.


I used to fly the Hydra 2 a lot and b/w the nerf to control (camera), nerf to dmg (4 guns), and buff to interceptors (zomg there are so many flying everywhere), it’s no longer fun to play b/c I cannot consistently I feel like I have no control over my survivability or impact on the mission aside from hiding and hoping the other team sucks at targeting frigates.


I have tried the guard and since those are often less of a target and get more points from debuff auras compared to the eng’s buff auras, they end up getting more points/living longer b/c the inties are busy killing the repairs (not that I could help guard them with my pitiful camera view).


For interceptors, it’s playable, but again a nerf to dog fighting. I use my HUD to see where my target’s gone, but especially in T3, it’s more guesswork than purpose to track other interceptors. In T3, most of my interceptors kills are nukes - very rarely am I ever actually able to see/down one via main guns (but that’s probably T3 for most people these days).


For fighters, again it’s playable, but unwieldy enough I can’t track interceptors.


This may be the intent, but any time you remove control from the player w/o giving anything else back, you should expect fallout.


If the new camera is to stay, then I’d expect all frigates to go back to 6 guns. They can pound on each other and fighters that can’t dodge, whereas interceptors can take advantage of everyone’s reduced control to mutilate everyone slower.

I would love to have a max zoom that puts your ship out of the screen…like 1st person shooter or at least very close to it.

Since i started playing 14th may i didnt really experienced the old camera that much, but i can tell the new one is plainly horrible for Frigates, for fighters and interceptors is OKish but some improvements would be ideal :smiley:

Why the hell do the Developers even need this poll?

indeed, how the xxxx was the 20 threads on the issue not enough yet?!

For the godknowsonly howmuch’th time: Fixating the camera with ducktape behind frigate,just over the engine exhaust is a bad idea.

Excuse me but devs, have you got sawdust for brains? You got a gazillion threads full of complaints about this ffing new camera, with everybody askin for the old one back. Subsequently you start this poll and you have the nerve to call it a great change? 

Thats like giving us the middle finger, I actually hope this is a troll post.


Please Vote, so we know how this great change has affected your Ingame experience.

I love camera on interceptors. Plasma arc is now actually fairly accurate, feeling of speed is great and frigates aren’t solo raping me because they can see me no matter how I spin around them.


It’s a bit icky on fighters at times when doing some moves, but generally good.


It’s obviously pretty bad for frigates due to visibility, but with current frigate conflict balance, I’ll take any nerfs to frigates as a blessing.

Love the new camera for interceptor, absolutely hate it for my frigates, so so on the fighters. I’d like the old longer distance camera back for frigates and fighters, but this new closer view is way better than the old expert mode, the new expert mode I just have no use for, just like the old.

I has using the expert mode since the closed beta, but the new camera/zoom is a shi* for interceptors. Now ai have to use the basic controls because this _/

I hate it aon all ships and dislike it on interceptors especially.


If people like this camera they can feel free to zoom in on the old camera and/or use expert mode.


Also, second of JUNE ?  Another week and then some with this horrible change your entire forum is complaining about ?

COME ON guys!

I has using the expert mode since the closed beta, but the new camera/zoom is a shi* for interceptors. Now ai have to use the basic controls because this _/

I’m intrigued: why would you use a camera mode that effectively reduced your effectiveness in comparison to others?