Give us Feedback: New Camera

Hey there all!

We are aware of the camera on fregates and are preparing to install a hot fix for the camera.


Put in the count that zooming in weapon view always resets the cameara setting to default one…this must be fixed too :wink:

The camera still suck.


The first screen is the old camera zoon: See how i can have a good Field of vision on the battle field?

The second screen is the new camera zoom: Is that really a zoon? I can hardly see thing on my front. bad field of vision and close range dog fights is a spin spin withot see where is my enemy( i have to almost stop my ship to have a good vision to shot).


The new camera for interceptor is horrible, he prevent you have a good vision of situation and dificult the dogfight. C’mon revert it back!!!



Hey there all!

We are aware of the camera on fregates and are preparing to install a hot fix for the camera.

Not only for frigates, for all ships! give us the old camera zoon!!

Euhm dont understand this hotfix thing really. Couldnt they just change it back the way it was since clearly alot of people are unhappy with this camera on every kind of ship not just on frigates. I did read, even though I cant believe these people, about 2 post of people that were happy with this camera, so why not just give us the option to use either camera view?

which hotfix? The camera still like before, Horrible. The only change here is the game no crashing anymore.

My eyes hurt with the new camera, and i fell physically uncomfortable with my ship glued on the screen :angry:

I’ve literally stopped playing frigates b/c of the camera view, which is a shame, b/c I really enjoyed them. I feel like 1/3 of the available ships became useless to me in one patch. The only benefit I can see is it makes it easier for interceptors to kill frigates b/c they literally cannot see them /w the new camera view to even shoot.

Not only for frigates, for all ships! give us the old camera zoon!!

Agreed, all the ships need camera reverted to old/fix… I am greatly displeased with the new zoom

revert this junk,


cant see anything anymore

Bring the old camera back, this is awful, i have a license running and it is quite frustrating to be unable to play properly when I paid for the license time.

Euhm dont understand this hotfix thing really. Couldnt they just change it back the way it was since clearly alot of people are unhappy with this camera on every kind of ship not just on frigates. I did read, even though I cant believe these people, about 2 post of people that were happy with this camera, so why not just give us the option to use either camera view?


Well, those two people are likely trolls, since they could bring the camera up close.


Not sure what this fix was about, same forced zoom, same xxxx.


I don’t know, think it’s time to really give up on this. The devs lost the chance of me buying a pack already several times, now I’m a step away from giving up entirely.

I guess they realize this, just have to see the numbers of people in game – Yet they do nothing; unless they think in our posts we’re praising and applauding them somehow.

Developers lied to us again! No change has been made at all during the maintenance downtime!




Yah, the camera still glued on my face, Is so hard put the old camera back?

Come to think of this, I guess now I know why I had so easy time killing engineers that few matches I played after patch. Cuz they couldn’t see jack with new camera mode!


Now that makes sense.


About zoom, wasn’t it actually possible to achieve current ridiculous level of zoom in on the old system by simply… zooming in?


And now a little conspiracy theory. Devs gave us license… So we would feel obligated to play despite f*cked up camera and hopefully get used to it enough in this 3 days to stop whining. What do you think about that? :stuck_out_tongue:


In case that was the plan, I have bad news for you, Devs. I stopped playing till you fix this s*it. I value my teeth and would like to keep all of them thank you very much.

We don’t want a hotfix for just frigates. We don’t want a tweaked version of the new camera. We want the old camera back. Seriously, not that hard to understand.

Please simply bring the old camera levels back, it was already perfect.

Hey-hey, let’s calm down a little bit. 

We know and see very well that you don’t like it. We’ve already told you that camera will be fixed. 

But weren’t that you guys who didn’t like the servers extended downtime? We simply cannot shut down servers for each and every fix, sorry (though we will for sure try to fix camera as soon as it is possible).

We are doing our best to find a good balance here, and it takes some time, yes. For that we are truly sorry. 


Thank you for such a passionate discussion though! We really appreciate it as it shows us how involved you are in the game!

We’ve already told you that camera will be fixed. 


We are doing our best to find a good balance* here, and it takes some time, yes. For that we are truly sorry. 


In other words: *“We are trying to tweak the new camera to everyone’s liking.” Which means you are trying to balance the new camera with the old.


Yes, we heard you the first time when you said the camera would be fixed, and we told you very clearly: We want the old camera back because nothing was wrong with it.


Yes, it is going to take a long time to try to fix the new camera. That’s not what we want. We want the camera reset to the old parameters. That does not take long, as it was already programmed in previous patches.


We will calm down when you start listening to us, stop stubbornly forging ahead with your own plans despite our feedback, and stop trying to pacify us with free licenses.

In other words: *“We are trying to tweak the new camera to everyone’s liking.” Which means you are trying to balance the new camera with the old.


Yes, we heard you the first time when you said the camera would be fixed, and we told you very clearly: We want the old camera back because nothing was wrong with it.


Yes, it is going to take a long time to try to fix the new camera. That’s not what we want. We want the camera reset to the old parameters. That does not take long, as it was already programmed in previous patches.


We will calm down when you start listening to us, stop stubbornly forging ahead with your own plans despite our feedback, and stop trying to pacify us with free licenses.



No to take your thunder but I do believe by balance he was referring to fixes and server downtimes.