give us back "reconstruct/revive"

This is not fair, they trying to destroy the game.


  1. They change PvE and nobody like it, but ok… we accepted it,

  2. They reduce Frigate Shield and Hull, come on guys wtf… we accepted it,

  3. And remove “reconstruct/revive” friendly ship is worst move ever, you trying to make us pay for revive (that will never happen).


And you think you did a good job, NO! you didnt.

Its to hard now to play give us back our reconstruct.

I stopped playing this game for now and I know im not alone.


Pls everyone that love this game, support this topic. Dont let them to destroy the game we Love.



now it is like how it was 5 or 6 months ago. much better. the new revive feature is making players lazy and weaker, thinking “oh it’s cool i can just be revived”

The revive feature was very useful in invasion, for that one time when the biomorphs spawn right on top of you, and you don’t have time to get away…


In PVE it was useful, but not as much, because if some Ace dies then it is likely he will die again, even if you revive him.

Since they introduced the salvage system for Mk2/3 modules the Duplicators became very cheap. You can get them with pure credits, i crafted today around 50 for just 10mil credits.

You need doomsday missile? For around 350k you can get 5x, just salvage T5 Self Destruct Mk2.

Well, this is a good topic. 


I like the revive feature when it was free, but the old feature made the game a little bit too easy to complete in any PVE mission. On the other hand, the new feature is making it too hard to complete in some missions that have large groups spawn of bots at a time. 


Half a year ago, we didn’t have revive, but we didn’t have powerful bots either. Bots we faced at that time was much weaker than present. For example, we didn’t need to rise our ship’s shield EM resistance that high because bots that deals EM damage were all interceptors. But now we have to rise that due to incoming EM damage from fighters and frigates. 


I think the revive mechanism may be boosted is several ways: 


  1. Increase the map buffing or adding some new buffs like resistance buff and even module efficiency buff like the buff from R9&R11 implants. 

  2. Giving every player a free chance of being able to be revived on a hole mission. Giving players with 3-4 same tier premium ships installed at the hanger an additional chance of that during the mission. 

  3. Significantly increase the revive time (like 1 minute) which is needed to revive a teammate. And add a save mechanism when reviving teammate, so we can continue the revive process when there’s less enemies. Additionally, add a cooperate effect on revive function, so that multiple players can revive on the same ship to reduce the time of revive. 


These suggestions may give players a chance to breath especially for those who don’t have much skills. And I know that not all suggestions above are going to become true. I just hope that everybody can enjoy the game. 



now it is like how it was 5 or 6 months ago. much better. the new revive feature is making players lazy and weaker, thinking “oh it’s cool i can just be revived”


Except before you could choose the PvE you wanted to play and the rank. That’s why no one went to solo R10-15 PvE. Now if you want to sinergize your new T4 ships you’re forced to do the hardest PvEs and also you wont be able to choose which one.

If we let this slide, this crap will spread. Next you know we’ll need duplicators to respawn in PvP mode.

Flat out no. 0/10. Put the free respawn back.

Removing it in Pve, understandable. As players not too long ago were able to cope with the missions with no revives. But removing revives in invasion!? Why? Why does someone in the squad _ have _ to have a duplicator to revive someone.


I guess I +0.5 this idea, because in all seriousness, we don’t exactly need revives in Pve. Just invasion we do.

We do need revives in PvE. The missions are much harder than they were when we had no respawns.

We do need revives in PvE. The missions are much harder than they were when we had no respawns.

Go & craft duplicators. There is almost no grind required.


If I die in PvE I already have to pay repair costs. Why should I also have to waste valuable resources that I need for Tier 6?

This is not an arcade machine. Respawning should be free.

I know there was no reconstruction before, but this is something that give hope to PvE Mission especially now when is harder and limited.

I didn’t play invasion after this update and i like invasion, so no revive in invasion. dear god and you support that?

Jasan is right, if we let them to do what they want, they gonna make almost pay to play game… for everything you will need standards.


We spend our money on this game so we have rights to get what we want.

Go & craft duplicators. There is almost no grind required.


I just craft a hundred duplicators plus materials that can craft 50 more of them. And to be honest, it cost me nearly 200 Million for the hole process. That means 1.33Million per duplicator. That’s no cheap at all.


(and I was kicked out to the log screen several times for crafting too many of those things for a short time  fed014.png)  

A duplicator craft cost 20.000 credits all components take in account (10.000 for the Processing Block + 10.000 for Duplicator Itself).

Secondly, the ressources needed are really easy to gather (R4 sectors).


So from where come your 1.33 millions per duplicator?

A duplicator craft cost 20.000 credits all components take in account (10.000 for the Processing Block + 10.000 for Duplicator Itself).

Secondly, the ressources needed are really easy to gather (R4 sectors).


So from where come your 1.33 millions per duplicator?


Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention that these numbers come from buying T5 MK1 modules, upgrading and salvaging T5 MK2 modules. Those modules are the cheapest comparing with all other modules that give the same salvage outcome. If anybody want some details of those modules. Here you are: 



^(Covert OPS)Self-Destruct: x5 Computing chip, x5 Metal blank, Module Cost: 94500

^^(Engine)Inertial Stabilizer: x3 Pure silicon, x4 Osmium crystals, Module Cost: 249380

^^^(Computer)Enhanced Scanner: x3 Pure silicon, x2 Graphite plate, Module Cost: 249380


Please thank me for that, I deserve for this after spending hours on calculating. And also, please thank all ppl who create and supply the post [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/24328-economy-salvaging/) . Thanks to their data, otherwise it may take years for my calculation to be completed. 

Hum? Do you know that you can farm super easily all the componant in Invasion? And that the required ressources can be haversted from T2-T3 mk2-3-4 modules too and from Upgrade kit?

If it is super easy to farm, then I won’t go salvaging. You get limited cargo space and each mineral node only give one mineral at maximum. Sometimes those nodes just give you 100 credits…


Lower tier salvage give much less material than T5. The linked post I just link it on here have very specific details of T3 MK2 salvage. Although they are upgrade kits, I can speculate T3 salvage only give two kind of materials which is not enough to craft a duplicator. 

today i played 10 pve missions 2 wins / 8 loses, if one team mate is dead its all over. how many loses you had?

Personally, I seem to remember a time before you could be reconstructed and having very few to no problems. Be sure to act as a team and work together.

Personally, I seem to remember a time before you could be reconstructed and having very few to no problems. Be sure to act as a team and work together.

This was back in the day of Blackwood having 1/3rd of the bots and a boss whose Pulsar was T3 Military damage. This was before the days of a Pirate Baron who can one-shot a 65k survivability Inquisitor. This was before bots used three damage types on you at once.

All this talk of how it was fine before revives fails to mention the huge difficulty spikes we got BECAUSE we could now revive dead allies. If revival goes, difficulty has to drop back to the old easy mode level.