give us back "reconstruct/revive"

This was back in the day of Blackwood having 1/3rd of the bots and a boss whose Pulsar was T3 Military damage. This was before the days of a Pirate Baron who can one-shot a 65k survivability Inquisitor. This was before bots used three damage types on you at once.

All this talk of how it was fine before revives fails to mention the huge difficulty spikes we got BECAUSE we could now revive dead allies. If revival goes, difficulty has to drop back to the old easy mode level.

I think you completely forgetting how tough PvE was back in the days, including Pirate base, where mobs were doing white dmg and you could not stack on resistances to mitigate it, Hidden maintenance where missile would 2-3 shot your T5 frigate, Blackwood that incredibly strong Taclero-gunships on the boss fights, The escort mission (w/e the name of it) where you had to go nutz on dmg to beat the timer in stage 1 and still able to survive somehow, only to get raped in stage 2 by turrets.

“Those” old days did not have any type of reconstructions, majority of us here had shitt gear and hardly maxed out ships, heck, most of us weren’t even in our current corporations, but after 5-10 fails, you learn, you adapt, you become better. Every time Devs introduced “balancing” changes to PvE, increasing difficulty, for 1-2 weeks there was whining outrage, but in a week or 2 people had to become better, and they were becoming so, well most of them. If someone is unbelievably stupidly xxxx, reconstruction will not help and there is no point reconstructing them anyways, others will learn. And to top all of that, duplicators are fairly cheap to have them just in case.

P.S. you inquisitor build sux if it gets 1 shotted, or even 2 shotted, and you should feel bad.



P.S. you inquisitor build sux if it gets 1 shotted, or even 2 shotted, and you should feel bad. 

Can’t stop laughing… Please Help.

Processing Rig was hard? Sorry, but no. It was never hard. Round 1 was a time attack, but round 2 was easy if you remembered to plug the keyboard in and it was nearly impossible to lose transports in round 3.

Processing Rig was hard? Sorry, but no. It was never hard. Round 1 was a time attack, but round 2 was easy if you remembered to plug the keyboard in and it was nearly impossible to lose transports in round 3.

May i remind you It was a T3 mission? and doing it in anything higher than T3 was a cakewalk, like any other mission at any point of time. But doing it in a T3 ships was challenging, I don’t think we even had a SuperduperPvElolowneverythingweapon Hwy Blaster or bubble guns, but that was so long ago I might be remembering it wrong (weapon part)

I think you completely forgetting how tough PvE was back in the days, including Pirate base, where mobs were doing white dmg and you could not stack on resistances to mitigate it, Hidden maintenance where missile would 2-3 shot your T5 frigate, Blackwood that incredibly strong Taclero-gunships on the boss fights, The escort mission (w/e the name of it) where you had to go nutz on dmg to beat the timer in stage 1 and still able to survive somehow, only to get raped in stage 2 by turrets.

“Those” old days did not have any type of reconstructions, majority of us here had shitt gear and hardly maxed out ships, heck, most of us weren’t even in our current corporations, but after 5-10 fails, you learn, you adapt, you become better. Every time Devs introduced “balancing” changes to PvE, increasing difficulty, for 1-2 weeks there was whining outrage, but in a week or 2 people had to become better, and they were becoming so, well most of them. If someone is unbelievably stupidly xxxx, reconstruction will not help and there is no point reconstructing them anyways, others will learn. And to top all of that, duplicators are fairly cheap to have them just in case.

P.S. you inquisitor build sux if it gets 1 shotted, or even 2 shotted, and you should feel bad.

I remember when it was just queuing for PvE, any mission.  It wasn’t much different from today, in fact it was almost exactly like today except some difficulty changes.  Back then you wouldn’t know what mission you’d face, you’d have to go off the stage one loading screen.  Wins were rarer solo, and PvP was your better bet.  There was no grinding in PvE, just like there isn’t anymore.  I’m excluding four man corp squads of course.  You’d be so off put by the losses that you would barely try to learn the missions.  Of course the best way to learn the mission was to die and watch someone else win.  It was brutal solo.


Processing Rig was hard? Sorry, but no. It was never hard. Round 1 was a time attack, but round 2 was easy if you remembered to plug the keyboard in and it was nearly impossible to lose transports in round 3.

Yes, when three other players don’t know it it is hard. I played it twice tonight, and neither match won.  Each time I got more than double the points of the number two guy.  If people don’t know what to do, they’d die and lose.  I remember it being T2 loot and the only people playing it with high ranked ships just wanted something different.  Don’t give me some bullshit of “it’s easy if you know it” because learning it is the hard part.  Learning any PvE mission is the hard part and you’re working with three other people who may or may not know what they’re doing.


Duplicators an option?  Why if it’s not stage 3 with a reasonable chance of winning?  If it’s stage one, I’ll re-queue.  If it’s stage two, I’ll re-queue.  If it’s stage three, good try but I’m probably last to die so sorry, I’ll re-queue.


The best part about reconstructions is that no one cared if an engineer wasn’t on your team, you could still fight and win.