Get Rid of Scatter Gun

Scatter gun is for n00bs who can’t aim (so I should be using it). Unfortunately it is not very fun to play with. It’s just like some kind of gauss cannon aimbot that ignores resistances.

So you’re saying CO is the best counter to CO with Scatter, and I am thus to understand that if I want to fly something else it’s my fault that the game is unbalanced, as I had the option to also fly CO?


I see.

well you asked for best counter… best counter to high dps maneuverable ship is more accurate high dps ship.

ECMs work perfect against CovOps

and for 1vs1 that’s about it coz this game is teamplay based >> best way to counter something is team

I have a new idea! Instead of getting rid of scatter gun, let’s make it upgradable! no nerf, no erase! once you get to mk5, you don’t even have to click or fly your ship, it does it all for you!

I have a new idea! Instead of getting rid of scatter gun, let’s make it upgradable! no nerf, no erase! once you get to mk5, you don’t even have to click or fly your ship, it does it all for you!

Your first good idea  :006j:


but I know nothing I’m just a n00b


Don’t really blame him. u do use Ace gun. 

So then it should be just as easy to kill him with the ezmode-aimbot-9001 gun, right? I mean, it’s totally unavoidable and perfect and makes everything else useless, right?

O wait, you can’t because baddies can’t swallow the idea that someone is more skillful, so they blame everything else they can reach for.

you know he lost Sector Sweep on US server…


RaidX too op pls nerf

Next patch will likely remove the holiday weapons. With luck, they’ll never return.

remember that the a1ma discussion was mainly about the synergy between ions and auto-aim?

it was not the aimbot mechanics themselves that made it finally unfair, it was unfair because it gave u a killbutton on ions, at the same time ions with curved reflector and horizons were also a bit overpowered.


the scatter gun is quite unfair but not because of it’s aiming behaviour, but because it deals raw damage crits around 10k. it doesn’t matter much in that case, if i have to aim or not.


lets face it, putting in weapons without a specific damage type was a bad idea. the phaser was imho the only weapon, where this mechanic at least partly worked out for me, but still i would like that weapon rather to return with em/kinetic damage toggle between balls/shots.



Anyway Arctic, even without scatter i had so many projectiles with your name on it, i almost thought it’s an ammo-manufacturing brand. ba dum tsh. :slight_smile:

Jokes aside, it was still good games. It’s not like I wasn’t scattergun-doomsdayed the next day in a row myself by others. *grr*