Get Rid of Scatter Gun

Ok some i’m really starting to hate the scatter gun. it’s impossible to miss and unblockable. it also makes my computer lag which makes it worse than an ecm for me.


Please get rid of it or nerf it. thanks

Please get rid of it or nerf it. thanks




It’s an aimbot. it really is. i am reporting people for using it because aimbots are supposed to be illegal. there was this big huff over AIMA which wasn’t that bad and people aren’t that mad about this? there’ something wrong with this picture. 


i am reporting people for using it because aimbots are supposed to be 




ArcTic being ArcTic

ArcTic being ArcTic

you know he lost Sector Sweep on US server…

He couldn’t blame packloss or high ping… so he focused on Scatter gun

in 8vs8 game only I(maybe for some time one other guy) used it and they were pissed coz JLRF + JGuard frigball didn’t win game

He couldn’t blame packloss or high ping…



Looks like a bad case of butthurt. There’s a prescription for that:


Seriously, anyone who has Scattergun equipped has shared coolers in their engine slots, along with hits absurd spread, just get in close with another inty and watch as scatter shots miss every time.

yeah we got beaten. 


Still does not negate that 25% of your team was using Ace weapons with aimbots. Not that i think we would have won, but it would have been a far closer game. We actually had a lead in the beginning until tillo started aimbotting. 


yeah it is a bad case of butthurt. I’m butthurt cuz i don’t like aimbotters. 

What can I say…


I’m da cheater!

i am reporting people for using it because aimbots are supposed to be illegal. 


This is one of those moments where I would insert a video of the 10 hour Captain Picard Double Facepalm, but even repeating that until the internet breaks wouldn’t cover the amount of facepalm required for this…


Have fun reporting people for playing the game. If the scattergun were illegal aimbotting, it wouldn’t have ever been introduced. Illegal aimbotting means using  ILLEGAL mods added to the game to guarantee you won’t miss. The fact is, the scattergun is capable of missing. It just requires high, constant maneuvering to dodge the shots. Even if you get hit, there is a good chance it won’t do full damage, as not all of the shots will hit you. I will grant this: It is OP in it’s current state. If the damage type were switched to doing EM damage instead of white, it would be balanced. But it isn’t as OP as you make it out to be. Many other guns in this game do more damage than the scattergun. 


there was this big huff over AIMA which wasn’t that bad


The original A1MA module would guarantee your gun would hit the target, no matter what they did. 

LOL but A1MA didn’t give you the same rediculous firepower. 

Whine, whine, whine, wine, wine, wine, hienz, hienz, hienz, ketchup, ketchup, ketchup, catch’em, catch’em, catch’em, all, all, all, anu$.

My thoughts on this thread.

LOL but A1MA didn’t give you the same rediculous firepower.

Lol… Long range lasers with high crit chance and damage with 100% accuracy. Shuddup

Since when is having an Ion Emitter that does 3.5k+ DPS (or really any high DPS weapon) that is guaranteed to do 100% damage to you not qualified as ridiculous firepower?


Scattergun rarely does 100% damage on a hit. If you are taking 100% damage from scattergun hits, you may want to reconsider flying in a straight line.

LOL but A1MA didn’t give you the same rediculous firepower. 


T4 premium gunship with crit or range build… and A1MA was what? 2sec?

with ion crit build you could have ~8-10k dps >> ceptors w/o EB were dead to it, most fighters also…

Oh i think Spark and Mauler are op but nobody is gonna change that anytime soon. 

Oh i think Spark and Mauler are op but nobody is gonna change that anytime soon. 

yea… you and your corp showed that  :006j:

yea… you and your corp showed that  :006j:


B-but they own Barter Zone, they’re true badasses.

Scatter Gun causes massive performance issues for me. If I get hit by a lot of projectiles at once my FPS temporarily tanks and it becomes unplayable for a few seconds.