Get Rid of Scatter Gun

I had a split second in my dream where I was dreaming about the scatter gun… When I fired it would just stun the target for like .2 seconds.

B-but they own Barter Zone, they’re true badasses.


So badass that anyone can take a leisurely stroll through Barter Zone with a higher chance of dying to Cartel Pilots or Aliens…

What can I say…


I’m da cheater!

you and your naga sitting at the biomorph spawn, afk :stuck_out_tongue:

you and your naga sitting at the biomorph spawn, afk :stuck_out_tongue:



prove it!

prove it!

I killed you when I saw you sitting there, I could find the log file. Just to lazy.

So badass that anyone can take a leisurely stroll through Barter Zone with a higher chance of dying to Cartel Pilots or Aliens…

I announced that it’s open for christmas/new years. All the sweet rolls that i stole from tillo made me feel generous to meager peasants such as thyself.  

I killed you when I saw you sitting there, I could find the log file. Just to lazy.

that proves nothing  :006j:

that proves nothing  :006j:

He probably did it while he was hungover from drinking too much maple syrup too. 

i want to express my geniue deep hatred for tha scatter gunzz…

i dont know how to use dem other than aim and press ‘fire main weapons’ button. and it sucks!!

while…‘some’ simply hop in xxxx their guns in my face and hop out… leaving my ether with disfarted face of with no head at all.


edit ps: when did a word for describing the ‘organic rear exshaust fumes’ come on censure list??

yeah basically. 


Scatter gun is n00b cannon extraordinaire + aimbot.  

to make that gun work you need 3x cpu >> only few ceptors have that

3 CPUs? 



It’s aimbotting no matter how u see it. 


The basic thing is, Inties lack firepower because they are fast and hard to hit. IT SHOULD STAY THAT WAY. Wouldn’t it be op to have an inquisitor S with 60k shields and 20k hull that could go 700 and deal 6k dps? yeah of course. At least you could hit it easily though! 


Scatter gun should have no aimbot and should be restricted to recons. Or erased from the game. 


Scatter gun should have no aimbot and should be restricted to recons. Or erased from the game. 



yeah basically. 


Scatter gun is n00b cannon extraordinaire + aimbot.  


Says the guy playing with double drone 700 m/s tackler xD

:slight_smile: not same damage and drones are easy to dodge. 

:slight_smile: not same damage and drones are easy to dodge. 

its easier to dodge scatter gun than those xxxx sentry drones…


lately when I check list of dmg after I die its something like that:

  1. sentry drone

  2. collison dmg > well it’s always last but dmg is at 2nd/3rd place

  3. sentry drone

  4. engie drone > missile slot

  5. engie drone > those flying around engie

  6. some guided missile

  7. and somewhere here are weapons  :013j:

You’re not well practiced at dodging drones i see. i find them easy to dodge. it’s like this, you don’t go into an lrf’s mine layer radius. you also don’t get into a tackler’s drone radius. 

Well I’m flyin on all servers(didn’t get asia for quite some time) mostly using covops…

I only once had most dmg dealt from Scatter >> Kurdi and Summit focused me with Scatter


Anyway the only “problem” with scatter is good player pewpewpewin with it

Yeah, sure. Everyone is free to choose what he wants to believe, so are you.


I understand your proposal of countering CO with Scatter is flying CO with Scatter???


The only advantage I see so far seems a noticeable decline in drone poopers, with those players apparently switching to CO with Scatter. Now you can get entire matches (on russian servers) with no drone pooper on either side.


But I’m avidly waiting for your advice an an anti-CO/scatter build with a Lion Mk II, syn 5.

That’s best counter to CovOps  :006j:
