Gene Inari's Ship Builds

At that point, these two ships are pretty much apples and oranges. :V This is a build that focuses on two things, soaking up the extremely common Thermal damage in T5 and dealing out as much Kinetic as possible.

T5 games are rarely larger than 5v5 and the meta is pretty predictable in T5 right now and that’s honestly all this ship does, play to the meta.


Yeah, see, this build isn’t meant for moving. This is meant to sit and soak damage and not much else. Best in modes where the lines are static like Team Battle and Combat Recon.

I’ll have to toss up a video soon to show off how well it works in the proper game modes.

Well, see, the difference in build is just two cap slots, a shield slot, missiles, and ammo. You’re not really getting that much utility out of an extra 93 shield regen, whereas having faster projectile speed plus enough energy stability to AB while using emergency shield booster is a blessing from the Guard gods. Throwing a single thermal resist out for an adaptive gives rise to something like an opportunity cost of, what, 20 thermal resist? While moving, or like 60 while not moving. Which seems bad, but then again, just look at all the EM damage you took in that video. No opportunity cost there, just a bonus 30ish resist (god I need to look these numbers up) while ABing. Add in the spectacular ability of small teams to be reduced to one person at a time by spawn times, and being able to reposition with a resist bonus probably would have saved your hide at least once in that video. Different ammo is just my own taste, since I think coils have low ROF and projectile speed. Different missile is because, hey, varied damage types. It might not be the best against current meta, since people aren’t likely to patch their kinetic hole and are likely to stack thermal right now, so it might not be the wisest to take anomaly generator, but the fact that you can use the coils’ targeting reticle to help aim is super awesome. EM torp would be neat, too, especially for those static line games you’re talking about, but I suppose octopus is pretty alright.

Yes, it was a lot of EM, but 1v1 against the Cov ops, I survived no problem. It only became an issue when all 3 members of the enemy team started smacking me down with EM damage, and no amount of resistance is going to help when you have 3 sources of damage hitting you. At that point you just try to soak the damage so it’s not going to your teammates. While true I got killed when they focused me, all of them died right after for their efforts. So I’d take the death if it means 2 or more enemies died with me.

I did switch the cap slots to an accel coil and and RoF heatsink, but otherwise I just personally find to build too fun to change any further. It works for me and I’m used to how it works.

Another vid of me being a fat, dumb guard. :smiley: This time with accel coil/heating cap slots

You’re too slow. You need to be more mobile, even in a bunker Guard. Move forward, get your team to cover your progress. I would have and 90% of my T5 gear is green, haha

Except I did move forward. Several times I pushed out to burst down an engineer. It’s Team Battle, so there no reason to needlessly move out of cover. And was 2nd on the scoreboard with a respectable 5 kills and 11 assists,so even while being slow, I was never out of the fight and did my job to get my team the win.

Also bear in mind, this thing is cap stable, so unless I have ESB going, I can AB all day long. If I wanted to be a mobile Guard, I’d go Fed. This is Jerry.

Except I did move forward. Several times I pushed out to burst down an engineer. It’s Team Battle, so there no reason to needlessly move out of cover. And was 2nd on the scoreboard with a respectable 5 kills and 11 assists,so even while being slow, I was never out of the fight and did my job to get my team the win.

Also bear in mind, this thing is cap stable, so unless I have ESB going, I can AB all day long. If I wanted to be a mobile Guard, I’d go Fed. This is Jerry.

Jery Guards can be very mobile, trust me. If there are no Tacklers on you nor ECM to drain your energy… You are a king of the small battlefields.

Yes, it was a lot of EM, but 1v1 against the Cov ops, I survived no problem. It only became an issue when all 3 members of the enemy team started smacking me down with EM damage, and no amount of resistance is going to help when you have 3 sources of damage hitting you. At that point you just try to soak the damage so it’s not going to your teammates. While true I got killed when they focused me, all of them died right after for their efforts. So I’d take the death if it means 2 or more enemies died with me.

I did switch the cap slots to an accel coil and and RoF heatsink, but otherwise I just personally find to build too fun to change any further. It works for me and I’m used to how it works.

That is perfectly fine. I build things to my taste, after all, and I don’t like staying in place.


Except I did move forward. Several times I pushed out to burst down an engineer. It’s Team Battle, so there no reason to needlessly move out of cover. And was 2nd on the scoreboard with a respectable 5 kills and 11 assists,so even while being slow, I was never out of the fight and did my job to get my team the win.

Also bear in mind, this thing is cap stable, so unless I have ESB going, I can AB all day long. If I wanted to be a mobile Guard, I’d go Fed. This is Jerry.

… On the other hand, Jerricho guards can make some pretty ridiculous adaptive builds if you’re not afraid of tacklers. I played around with that on the Tormentor S, and it can tank like a boss. If you’re okay with sacrificing some other stats, it goes pretty fast, too.

Wouldn’t you want to capitalize on the stats a ship is already good at instead of averaging out everything? Specializing in one area leads to greater efficiency.

Wouldn’t you want to capitalize on the stats a ship is already good at instead of averaging out everything? Specializing in one area leads to greater efficiency.

That’s only true when you can’t actually average out on everything. You know what my build was? Verniers, 2x voltage regulators, 2x adaptive + 1x thermal resist, 1x passive hull + 1x galvanized, 1x electronic guidance. Heavy blaster + default ammo. EM torp. Pulsar, shield booster, and here’s the kicker, both guard heals. Huge shield tank - Jericho shield size plus 50ish (if you add the two adaptives and subtract the guard malus) resist, plus 40ish thermal, and then the phase shield, on top of two shield repair modules. Damn respectable hull tank - extra 100ish resist in every type, on top of liquid metal injector for those rare occasions where I actually did get down to hull. And it can definitely be made more mobile, if you switch out the verniers for auxiliary generators, thermal resist for a submatter, electronic guidance for horizon/crit chance, heavy blaster + default for lasers + range, and possibly EM torp for anomaly generator.


Unless you’re talking about Gene, in which case, uh, he does seem to be specializing in thermal resists and kinetic damage. Not bad, per se, especially with the current meta.

Jericho Rank 15 Premium Command: Excalibur



With only 2 Capacitor slots and no Hull slot for a Passive Armor, I find that any sort of Diffusion Tank on this ship is not only worthless, but goes against the bonuses this ship has.

With J3 (+30 Shield Resistance), Shield Booster (+10), and the innate ship bonus (+10), you have a full +50 resistance to all damage types before you get around to adding more with the three shield slots this ship has. For Kinetic alone, that is 100 points of resistance or %50 damage resistance, with only the mentioned passive bonuses.

This ship is all about mid-team, mid-line support. All by itself, the ships is pretty meh, but that’s not where this ship shines. This ship is best when it brings on the focus fire, when other ships are busy with the other ships near you and when engagements are long and drawn out. This is a DPM ship, it doesn’t spike down kills like Cov Ops or Gunship, but softens targets perfectly for your teammates to swoop in and finish the job.

And really, with damage-over-time/team-support-damage being the goal of this ship Assault Rails are a no brainer. The ship role bonus perfectly covers the malus of spread in exchange for rate of fire and with x2 Heatsinks, gives a 34% boost to firerate giving Rails an extra 68 rounds per minute over the default 200. Shared Cooler gives that extra bit of breathing room with increased firerate and with how quick rais cool, you can fire non-stop guaranteed with half-second pauses occasionally.

Shield mods emphasise strong allround resistance with the Command’s Aegis System providing even more. Now a case could be made for one EM resist being swapped for an Auxiliary Shield Projector for move volume, but I personally strongly prefer resistance over volume any day.

Modules are fairly standard and do a great job of benefiting both yourself and the team. Shield booster as obligatory multipurpose. Valkyrie gives your rails the extra punch they need to get through shields and if firing at the edges of maximum range. Gravi-Scanner to get around the battlefield and help your team move as a group. And of course aura module.

Vids will be soon to come.

I would’ve built the Excaliber exactly as you did if I had one.

Federation Rank 15 Premium Tackler: Rockwell



In a nutshell, probably one of the only ships that can fly with the Cruise Engine and not be useless in a dogfight and not be useless by not debuffing targets.

First and foremost, it has all the proper slows that a Tackler needs to do its job effectively. With all 3 slows available (slow beam, inhibitor, and suppressor) and able to hit the 700 m/s speed cap, you can chase anything and everything down with certainty.

Sentry drone is taken over Target Painter because sentry drone is for punishing inties that fly into its range. What I do is engage a target and drop it mid-dogfight while my target is slowed and distracted. Between TP and SD, the goal is the same, assisting with damage in an engagement. While TP is more flexible, SD is extremely effective when used correctly (e.g. not like the typical baddie drone pooper). Basically, take TP if you want to kill fighters/frigs, take SD if you want to focus on damaging inties.

Also went with Piercing Missiles over Slowing-Field missiles because they seems to screw with teammates more than enemies and I just generally find them terrible compared to the finishing power of a piercing missile on a slowed target. Doomsday missiles are also extremely viable in this regard. Most of this build will be getting kills either from missiles or the Sentry Drone.

And lets face it, Tackler is inherently scrubby when it comes to surviving. Passive mods on hull and shield focus on regen for recovering after cloaking out of a fight and escaping further damage.

CPU mods are fairly standard, Overclocked CPU because speedy lock-on time is essential for Tackler and Proton wall because of the ECM-heavy meta in T5 right now.

This is my go-to ship for Detonation and Realistic/Capture the Beacons, especially with how T5 is almost never bigger than 5v5.

Federation Rank 15 Premium Tackler: Rockwell



In a nutshell, probably one of the only ships that can fly with the Cruise Engine and not be useless in a dogfight and not be useless by not debuffing targets.

First and foremost, it has all the proper slows that a Tackler needs to do its job effectively. With all 3 slows available (slow beam, inhibitor, and suppressor) and able to hit the 700 m/s speed cap, you can chase anything and everything down with certainty.

Sentry drone is taken over Target Painter because sentry drone is for punishing inties that fly into its range. What I do is engage a target and drop it mid-dogfight while my target is slowed and distracted. Between TP and SD, the goal is the same, assisting with damage in an engagement. While TP is more flexible, SD is extremely effective when used correctly (e.g. not like the typical baddie drone pooper). Basically, take TP if you want to kill fighters/frigs, take SD if you want to focus on damaging inties.

Also went with Piercing Missiles over Slowing-Field missiles because they seems to screw with teammates more than enemies and I just generally find them terrible compared to the finishing power of a piercing missile on a slowed target. Doomsday missiles are also extremely viable in this regard. Most of this build will be getting kills either from missiles or the Sentry Drone.

And lets face it, Tackler is inherently scrubby when it comes to surviving. Passive mods on hull and shield focus on regen for recovering after cloaking out of a fight and escaping further damage.

CPU mods are fairly standard, Overclocked CPU because speedy lock-on time is essential for Tackler and Proton wall because of the ECM-heavy meta in T5 right now.

This is my go-to ship for Detonation and Realistic/Capture the Beacons, especially with how T5 is almost never bigger than 5v5.

No tank at all is bad. One adaptive at least would be nice.

Also, with gravibeams the inhibitor is redundant. Better fit the painter instead.

Also, with gravibeams the inhibitor is redundant. 

Quite the opposite

Quite the opposite

Enlighten me. The gravi beamer already shut down adaptives (the only reason you will want EI in a tackler)


I will say it has some use in the tacklers with range bonus, like the Lion Mk2, where you can tackler a ceptor from 8k and help the team. But in standard tacklers like the Rockwell, the range of both weapons is almost the same.


The TP is more versatile than that, and in case you need to choose, the TP comes first, if you already have two slows (gravi and suppressor)

With the T5 meta infested with Cruise Engine fitted Tacklers, Gravi-beamer alone isn’t enough to consistently slow a AB’ing CE Tackler. Inhib does that with 100% accuracy as long as LoS is maintained, and using Supressor on them is chancy if the Tackler you are slowing has not used their cloak yet.

Besides the benefits of ability to IB one target and shot another, no CD instant AB disable, clear indication of when your target is under slow immunity implant, so you don’t waste your Engine suppress, ability to force enemy to proc his implant without using Engine suppressor, you have to take into account that GravyBeam effect applied gradually, giving plenty of time for inties to either wait out on usage of MP module, break a los, or simply keep dodging since you aren’t disabling his adaptives for some time, especially if you aren’t to far apart and there is enough angular displacement to intermediately avoid GB contact, and if it reset GB slow you have to start all over again. With IB you instantly disable AB and all the capabilities that comes with it, AB, acceleration, ability to “break” trajectories to dodge your GB contact, allowing you to build in slow much faster and have much better slowing results after 1-2 seconds of “work” on target already forcing it to pop MP module (or some other means of anti slow).

 Target Painter is a DMG module not a disable, it is in conflict with a drone slot, not the slow modules. IB in itself is a good module, GB is a good weapon, but combination of IB and GB is just a god’s sent. If you wannabe a dps tackler might as well drop a GB, and go with painter+drone+engine suppressor+ARails/Ions

Very similar to the build I use, although I use a reactive armor for the hull to fill the kinetic hole.


It is a fantastic build that works well in T5’s current state. It is great for anti-interceptor and also anti-speed-tackler w/ drones.

Interesting build. Just a few questions - why the shield regen rather than a resist? I feel like adaptive, thermal, or em would all work pretty well, especially since the shield regen bonus is pretty low. And why the overclocked CPU? If you have gravibeams, you don’t have to wait for a lockon to apply a slow, after all. I would think a horizon or an IR scanner would work better, but I’m not sure.

I’ve debated the regen, and I’m still switching between the two to decide what I like more. Adaptive is probably better.

And lock-on speed is mostly for juggling multiple targets and generally making every second count because you need lock-on to apply module slows.

And I have applied all 3 slows to 3 different ships on more than one occasion. A game with a horde of adaptive tanked ships stands out in particular. Wish I was recording because my team was getting stomped in a Domination game from 3 adaptive tanks ships until myself and a skilled gunship player got some solid teamwork going and turned the game around because adaptive tanked ships are extremely squishy once you take their speed away.