Gene Inari's Ship Builds

Strangly, on your valor, I would litteraly prefer a “Shield Booster L” instead of the “Repair Kit”. First due to the double Adaptives, the fact you need mobility (and Tackler must have tons of fun with you), secondly due to the CD, and third, for the combo with the Adaptives and the Anti-Mobility debuff with the Multipurpose module (Fed R8 implant).

This is true, hower it is not as straight forward as you make it to be


You should look into T3 Energy ratios of

Cap Volume vs Cap regen vs Module Energy Cost vs AB consumption [vs ship role/passive bonuses]


Like Kite, i strongly suggest you look at its passive bonuses again, it has so much surplus energy it is ridiculous


In T3 due to the ratios mentioned above, as long as you have a little surplus energy you are pretty much golden. Energy Aura sure is a good module, but you have to look at the actual benefit it provides.

In t3 sizable benefit it will provide only to EagleB, Adaptive tanked Anaconda-M, Adaptive tanked Jericho inties, but in Jericho Inties case you might as well put a Passive armor (like ricasso or Kris AE) and after that you don’t need energy aura

 I am flying DEgle as close range ions with negative 10 on Energy, but due to its passive, its module cost vs energy volume/recovery +Overdrive is not noticeable at all. On nukem 1 voltage regulator and you never run out of energy. Phobos is Phobos :smiley: For example in T5 having less than 10-20 surplus energy on similar build is pushing energy starvation.

 Sure you will help out commands, no arguing that, benefit is noticeable, but for example T3 ECM, due to its total cap volume and energy cost of modules and HOW most people actually fly ECMs energy aura is not gonna do much for them, considering that they have ~40 speed difference for AB and no AB, using it in bursts is the way to dodge, which will give you better effect than a 100% AB time, while regaining your cap, plus if you go for a full disable combo you gonna ended up with full cap anyways and then your modules on CD while you have positive regen.


My point is that in T3 there are some ships that do benefit from energy aura, but for majority well-built ships it is like having a command with mk2 shield aura - it is there, but w/e. On a contrary when you look at T5 and get into numbers, whole story changes, and Energy aura becomes one of the best modules on an Engineer due to amount of effective benefit it provides to almost every ship out there.


I need to say that I’m an energy maniac and I value energy a lot because when I see myself without energy to afterburn and counterattack with modules I’m pretty much dead. I don’t use passive armor on Kite because of how stable it is thanks to its 2 bonuses. But for example on Eagle-B when flying solo I’ve used a lot of times 1 Compact Shield Generator and 1 Adaptative instead of 2 Adaptatives…


I still think that just for the fact that pugs are pretty much terrible at being energy stable, Energy Emitter becomes very valuable. You help them to feed less.

Don’t forget that the Energy regeneration is not linear. The energy regen displayed is when the formula reach its maximum.

Bring forth more of your builds :slight_smile:

Guess I’ll just pick one of my choosing then.


Empire Rank 14 Command: Aura





A somewhat interim Aura build until I can get a full set of x3 Mk. 4 Voltage Regulators. So my final will have a stronger focus on regen, rather than the more mixed build depicted. My Aura focuses on Diffusion Tanking and providing maximum support with, well, auras. 


Passive Armor gives too much cap regen to pass up and Compact Shield Generator is a no-brainer for Empire Commands. Regen coating gives a constant stream of hull healing since a Command only ever has a capacitor below 50% when using Diffusion Shield and makes up for the fact there is no Repair Kit handy. Gravi-scanner + Cruise Engine means my Aura can hit the speed cap and move around the battlefield with ease and speed with even a mob of interceptors. 


I know the meta says Ion Emitter is the way to go, but I’m terrible with lasers, especially vs interceptors, so I personally use bubble gun. 


My Aura build is best when under Diffusion Shield, otherwise it is rather meh. It’s an absolute star with support, but don’t expect to rack up too many kills. Swoop in under diffusion tank, deal some damage, and swoop out to do it again after cooldown.

You either keep regenerative coating (WHY on a empire fighter?) and 4 buffs but you do not go in close range with bubbles, or if you want Bubbles you get a tanking hull passive and drop shield aura for Hull booster/Coating

And cruise engine - it consumes so much energy out of your pool for every activation, and when you are in close you don’t just hold shift you use it to do spikish (with tiny acceleration we have on strafes) movements, doing that will empty your cap slot in no time, and you kinda need it for a Diff tank.

I played a bit of Aura with a Galvanized instead of regen, and I found it inconvenient that I was at the mercy of whether or not an engineer was on my team. I agree that shield aura could be dropped for hull kit, but I’m still debating on it.

In hindsight, Aura might of not been the best thing to post since I’m still changing a lot about it.

And yeah, cruise engine does take a lot to activate in dogfights, but it offers so much utility, though I suppose gravi-scanner makes them rather redundant. I personally just like hitting the speed cap and playing pressure moves on beacon games.


Build with your considerations, and probably a much saner build.

You don’t dogfight with the cruise engine usually. You make passes. You run past your opponent and as much as possible do some damage. Turn around and do it again. Using a singularity cannon is best because it’s easier to aim. Only problem with that tactic is if an EM torp is used.

Here’s my Octo.





A fairly generic Thermal tank build. Station cooldown is also lower than its 30 second duration, so stations can be put up constantly without issue. Armada drones + missile drones can make it dangerous to approach, but only when the drones are up obviously.

That is a very interesting Valor set up. VERY much different from mine.

Eclipse has become my friend again.

Here’s my Octo.





A fairly generic Thermal tank build. Station cooldown is also lower than its 30 second duration, so stations can be put up constantly without issue. Armada drones + missile drones can make it dangerous to approach, but only when the drones are up obviously.



Just for your info: change your R5 Empire implant for Federation and change the Inertial Stabilizer for another Vernier. You will have more Strafe and Rotation than what you have know. (107 strafe 55 roll and 45.5 pitch, and yes I’m counting the Galva Armor too).

I’d do that if I had crews, but I don’t and I need that rotation on my other ships. :expressionless:

Well that’s bad but considering the stupid amount of Strafe the Fed implant gives I use it on any ships and then cover the rotation with Verniers.

Jericho Rank 15 Guard: Inquisitor S



This is a Thermal Shield Tank build. Thermal damage is stupidly ubiquitous in T5 plain and simple. With 3 Mk.4 thermal shield mods and Phase Shield set to Thermal, you have a whopping 340 resistance to the damage type, so even Heavy Blaster shots will barely tickle. And even if your shield is set to a different type of damage, you are still reasonably well protected from thermal.

Hulls slots on Jerry Guard are focused on improving other ship stats, because lets be honest, a Jerry Guard down to it’s hull is pretty much dead at that point. The Passive Armor could be subbed for a second Pylon, but I like the extra cap regen. And Passive Armor also covers the regen penalty on the two Power Relays that improve passive regen. The only substitute I see being worthwhile is a Acceleration Coil for the slow mortars.

Shared Cooler and Horizon give the Coil Mortar the flexibility it needs for the slow Jerry Guard. And yes, while the coil and Octopus missiles mean you only do 1 type of damage: kinetic. Kinetic damage isn’t really tanked that much in T5 and is best for burst-damaging down ships that already have significant hull damage.

Active modules are fairly standard. Pulsar and Mass Inhibitor because Interceptors are all over T5 and both shield restoring modules because this ships is about tanking as much damage as possible with minimal down time.

Jericho Rank 15 Guard: Inquisitor S



This is a Thermal Shield Tank build. Thermal damage is stupidly ubiquitous in T5 plain and simple. With 3 Mk.4 thermal shield mods and Phase Shield set to Thermal, you have a whopping 340 resistance to the damage type, so even Heavy Blaster shots will barely tickle. And even if your shield is set to a different type of damage, you are still reasonably well protected from thermal.

Hulls slots on Jerry Guard are focused on improving other ship stats, because lets be honest, a Jerry Guard down to it’s hull is pretty much dead at that point. The Passive Armor could be subbed for a second Pylon, but I like the extra cap regen. And Passive Armor also covers the regen penalty on the two Power Relays that improve passive regen. The only substitute I see being worthwhile is a Acceleration Coil for the slow mortars.

Shared Cooler and Horizon give the Coil Mortar the flexibility it needs for the slow Jerry Guard. And yes, while the coil and Octopus missiles mean you only do 1 type of damage: kinetic. Kinetic damage isn’t really tanked that much in T5 and is best for burst-damaging down ships that already have significant hull damage.

Active modules are fairly standard. Pulsar and Mass Inhibitor because Interceptors are all over T5 and both shield restoring modules because this ships is about tanking as much damage as possible with minimal down time.

Mmmph. Coils have such slow projectiles, not having accel. coils or at least projectile speed ammo is silly. I’d probably swap out both capacitors for a voltage reg and an accel. coil, one thermal resist for adaptives (helps cover all your bases, after all), change out octopus for anomaly generator, and change ammo to rate of fire. More rounded resists, covers the passive armor hole (because 17k hull is still pretty damn respectable), ability to AB with emergency shield booster on, less stupidly slow projectiles, varied damage types, best missile+weapon aiming combo since supernova RFB + kinetic/em missiles, and more utility with mortars.


Most of the problems with adaptives are slightly mitigated by the fact that you only have one. Still, most of the problems would be dealing with movement - Where  to go, how to use anomaly generator while supposedly being on the move, and using coil mortars while moving.

I’d probably swap out both capacitors for a voltage reg and an accel. coil, one thermal resist for adaptives (helps cover all your bases, after all), change out octopus for anomaly generator, and change ammo to rate of fire.

At that point, these two ships are pretty much apples and oranges. :V This is a build that focuses on two things, soaking up the extremely common Thermal damage in T5 and dealing out as much Kinetic as possible.

T5 games are rarely larger than 5v5 and the meta is pretty predictable in T5 right now and that’s honestly all this ship does, play to the meta.


while supposedly being on the move, and using coil mortars while moving.

Yeah, see, this build isn’t meant for moving. This is meant to sit and soak damage and not much else. Best in modes where the lines are static like Team Battle and Combat Recon.

I’ll have to toss up a video soon to show off how well it works in the proper game modes.

Vs randoms who don’t know how to play, it works. Vs seasoned pilots? It’ll die like the rest.

Vs randoms who don’t know how to play, it works. Vs seasoned pilots? It’ll die like the rest.

That can be said of literally any ship.

That can be said of literally any ship.

The vets like to kill Guards.

Quick vid to showcase the build. Yes it’s a small 3v3 game with unremarkable pilots, blahblahblah. Just see it in action for now and I’ll make a better vid later.