Gene Inari's Ship Builds

Well since everyone is doing them, I may as well too. 


In this thread. I will answer questions about ship builds and about techniques and other tips that people wonder about. AS A DISCLAIMER, everything in this thread is my _personal opinion. _While I will do my best to provide accurate information, none of my builds or suggestions are the definitive best or even all that good. I will share what works best for me and if it works for you too, great, if not, that’s great too. As long as you are learning how to be better at the game, more power to you.


As for my ships. I have all the credit ships from R12 and down with some T5s of classes I like. 

I only use 1 set of Implants and I use this for all my ships:



As a start: I will show my favorite ship:


Federation Rank 9 Premium Engineer: Valor




This Valor is purely an “Ambulance” meant for modes where the main objective moves around and you need an engineer to flex with the moving front lines. In modes where the battle is more static, a Styx is better. This is a somewhat specialized “Speed Tank” build and has some weakness, but it is best when at full AB speed. The emphasis is extreme mobility with 2 Vernier Engines to allow excellent rotation even while at max speed.

The main source of durability of this build is from the 2 Adaptive shields, offering a combined 82 points of resistance on all types of damage at a speed of 292m/s+. The Passive Armor, while cutting into the durability of the build, keeps the ship energy stable, which is vital for a Speed-Tank build. Most importantly, this allows this Valor to use a module slot on something other than an Energy Emitter to remain stable.

The Proton Wall, Emergency Barrier, and Repair Kit with Armadillo II (F8 - Multipurpose removes all engine debuffs) are your escape options and ensure that you remain in control even when faced with Tackler/ECM debuffs that are especially lethal on this build. EB also means you can survive “Face-Torping” interceptors chasing you down and the supreme rotation can allow you to prolong dogfights long enough for your team to assist.

At full A/B and both auras active, the Valor’s capacitor will stabilize at roughly 50% or 430 energy. Enough to always have the Repair Kit available for use, however Autonomous Stations (533 energy) will need about half a second of charging to drop, on top of regenerating your capacitor back to 50% if one wishes to continue afterburning.

All in all, a versatile build that can move with a team when the objectives move as well, ensuring that you can survive skirmishes when at full speed and supporting the front lines even as they change.

Federation Rank 8 Engineer: Anaconda

Hmmh. . . Anaconda is such a “meh” ship that a good build for it is rather challenging, but I’ll see what I can throw together.





Frankly this ship can go so many ways, building it for speed-tanking isn’t really worth it with only 1 Shield slot, so I just went with a general resistance build. It’s not energy stable with auras going, but it can manage incoming treats “okay-ish.” I want to slap on a Passive Armor to make it more energy stable, but this thing is such paper that it NEEDS any resistance it can get it’s hands on. Honestly Styx is so much better. Shield can either be Thermal or EM, but I’d personally use EM because most Thermal damage is from snipers, which are easy enough to dodge in Federation ships as long as you don’t fly in a straight line.

Empire Rank 14 Command: Aura




A somewhat interim Aura build until I can get a full set of x3 Mk. 4 Voltage Regulators. So my final will have a stronger focus on regen, rather than the more mixed build depicted. My Aura focuses on Diffusion Tanking and providing maximum support with, well, auras. 


Passive Armor gives too much cap regen to pass up and Compact Shield Generator is a no-brainer for Empire Commands. Regen coating gives a constant stream of hull healing since a Command only ever has a capacitor below 50% when using Diffusion Shield and makes up for the fact there is no Repair Kit handy. Gravi-scanner + Cruise Engine means my Aura can hit the speed cap and move around the battlefield with ease and speed with even a mob of interceptors. 


I know the meta says Ion Emitter is the way to go, but I’m terrible with lasers, especially vs interceptors, so I personally use bubble gun. 


My Aura build is best when under Diffusion Shield, otherwise it is rather meh. It’s an absolute star with support, but don’t expect to rack up too many kills.

And more practical build:


Federation Experimental Engineer: Octopus





A fairly generic Thermal tank build. Station cooldown is also lower than its 30 second duration, so stations can be put up constantly without issue. Armada drones + missile drones can make it dangerous to approach, but only when the drones are up obviously.

Jericho Rank 15 Guard: Inquisitor S



This is a Thermal Shield Tank build. Thermal damage is stupidly ubiquitous in T5 plain and simple. With 3 Mk.4 thermal shield mods and Phase Shield set to Thermal, you have a whopping 340 resistance to the damage type, so even Heavy Blaster shots will barely tickle. And even if your shield is set to a different type of damage, you are still reasonably well protected from thermal.

Hulls slots on Jerry Guard are focused on improving other ship stats, because lets be honest, a Jerry Guard down to it’s hull is pretty much dead at that point. The Passive Armor could be subbed for a second Pylon, but I like the extra cap regen. And Passive Armor also covers the regen penalty on the two Power Relays that improve passive regen. The only substitute I see being worthwhile is a Acceleration Coil for the slow mortars.

Shared Cooler and Horizon give the Coil Mortar the flexibility it needs for the slow Jerry Guard. And yes, while the coil and Octopus missiles mean you only do 1 type of damage: kinetic. Kinetic damage isn’t really tanked that much in T5 and is best for burst-damaging down ships that already have significant hull damage.

Active modules are fairly standard. Pulsar and Mass Inhibitor because Interceptors are all over T5 and both shield restoring modules because this ships is about tanking as much damage as possible with minimal down time.

Jericho Rank 15 Premium Command: Excalibur



With only 2 Capacitor slots and no Hull slot for a Passive Armor, I find that any sort of Diffusion Tank on this ship is not only worthless, but goes against the bonuses this ship has.

With J3 (+30 Shield Resistance), Shield Booster (+10), and the innate ship bonus (+10), you have a full +50 resistance to all damage types before you get around to adding more with the three shield slots this ship has. For Kinetic alone, that is 100 points of resistance or %50 damage resistance, with only the mentioned passive bonuses.

This ship is all about mid-team, mid-line support. All by itself, the ships is pretty meh, but that’s not where this ship shines. This ship is best when it brings on the focus fire, when other ships are busy with the other ships near you and when engagements are long and drawn out. This is a DPM ship, it doesn’t spike down kills like Cov Ops or Gunship, but softens targets perfectly for your teammates to swoop in and finish the job.

And really, with damage-over-time/team-support-damage being the goal of this ship Assault Rails are a no brainer. The ship role bonus perfectly covers the malus of spread in exchange for rate of fire and with x2 Heatsinks, gives a 34% boost to firerate giving Rails an extra 68 rounds per minute over the default 200. Shared Cooler gives that extra bit of breathing room with increased firerate and with how quick rais cool, you can fire non-stop guaranteed with half-second pauses occasionally.

Shield mods emphasise strong allround resistance with the Command’s Aegis System providing even more. Now a case could be made for one EM resist being swapped for an Auxiliary Shield Projector for move volume, but I personally strongly prefer resistance over volume any day.

Modules are fairly standard and do a great job of benefiting both yourself and the team. Shield booster as obligatory multipurpose. Valkyrie gives your rails the extra punch they need to get through shields and if firing at the edges of maximum range. Gravi-Scanner to get around the battlefield and help your team move as a group. And of course aura module.

Federation Rank 15 Premium Tackler: Rockwell



In a nutshell, probably one of the only ships that can fly with the Cruise Engine and not be useless in a dogfight and not be useless by not debuffing targets.

First and foremost, it has all the proper slows that a Tackler needs to do its job effectively. With all 3 slows available (slow beam, inhibitor, and suppressor) and able to hit the 700 m/s speed cap, you can chase anything and everything down with certainty.

Sentry drone is taken over Target Painter because sentry drone is for punishing inties that fly into its range. What I do is engage a target and drop it mid-dogfight while my target is slowed and distracted. Between TP and SD, the goal is the same, assisting with damage in an engagement. While TP is more flexible, SD is extremely effective when used correctly (e.g. not like the typical baddie drone pooper). Basically, take TP if you want to kill fighters/frigs, take SD if you want to focus on damaging inties.

Also went with Piercing Missiles over Slowing-Field missiles because they seems to screw with teammates more than enemies and I just generally find them terrible compared to the finishing power of a piercing missile on a slowed target. Doomsday missiles are also extremely viable in this regard. Most of this build will be getting kills either from missiles or the Sentry Drone.

And lets face it, Tackler is inherently scrubby when it comes to surviving. Passive mods on hull and shield focus on regen for recovering after cloaking out of a fight and escaping further damage.

CPU mods are fairly standard, Overclocked CPU because speedy lock-on time is essential for Tackler and Proton wall because of the ECM-heavy meta in T5 right now.

This is my go-to ship for Detonation and Realistic/Capture the Beacons, especially with how T5 is almost never bigger than 5v5.

Valor needs Eclipse. Call yourself an ambulance…

There I put one on. Frankly, if you’re going to use it, Supercooled Charges is a must, or at least a cut to rotation for a Shared Cooler because Eclipse Launcher on its own overheats too quickly in my opinion to be viable, especially for any sort of clutch “teammate is under fire” Eclipse healing.

Do you know any good builds for the Anaconda? Been thinking about buying back the ol’ box to finally get the grizzly.

There I put one on. Frankly, if you’re going to use it, Supercooled Charges is a must, or at least a cut to rotation for a Shared Cooler because Eclipse Launcher on its own overheats too quickly in my opinion to be viable, especially for any sort of clutch “teammate is under fire” Eclipse healing.

Definitely. I’ve yet to try the Coolers on an Engineer but, on paper, it looks a LOT better. Imo, the Cooler is just an awesome buff to the Eclipse.


Do you know any good builds for the Anaconda? Been thinking about buying back the ol’ box to finally get the grizzly.

Same fit, fit more tank/handling where applicable.

Hmmh. . . Anaconda is such a “meh” ship that a good build for it is rather challenging, but I’ll see what I can throw together.



Frankly this ship can go so many ways, building it for speed-tanking isn’t really worth it with only 1 Shield slot, so I just went with a general resistance build. It’s not energy stable with auras going, but it can manage incoming threats “okay-ish.” I want to slap on a Passive Armor to make it more energy stable, but this thing is such paper that it NEEDS any resistance it can get it’s hands on. Honestly Styx is so much better. Shield can either be Thermal or EM, but I’d personally use EM because most Thermal damage is from snipers, which are easy enough to dodge in Federation ships as long as you don’t fly in a straight line.

Definitely. I’ve yet to try the Coolers on an Engineer but, on paper, it looks a LOT better. Imo, the Cooler is just an awesome buff to the Eclipse.



Supercooled Charges give an extra 6.5 seconds of full-auto firing, for nearly 11 seconds of firing, which is a hell of a lot better than the default 4.3s. A single Shared Cooler from an Engine slot only gives 7 seconds to overheating.

I’d try and copy/paste the Valor’s fit onto the Anaconda. Cap stability can be done with the Energy Emitter.



Yep, yep. If you have two engine slots, definitely.

Eh, personally, Anaconda doesn’t need to be cap stable like Valor does with 2x Adaptives. And I just don’t like Energy Emitter, while I know Commands love it. I just don’t see the benefit of having one as much as, say, an autonomous shield charger that could be put in it’s place. That said, Passive Armor is an alternative if you don’t mind sacrificing Hull durability, which I feel the Anaconda cannot do if it wants to live more than 5 seconds under fire.

The Energy Emitter is vital, be it for yourself or for ANY friendly ship. Squad ships are fitted to take as much advantage of that module as possible and, where you’d have a Passive Armour or a Cap Regen, you now have something else for tank or dps.

And at that I throw you this:


AS A DISCLAIMER, everything in this thread is my personal opinion. . . . I will share what works best for me. . .


What I post is what I’d go into battle with and to share that information. If you want to have an Energy Emitter over what I have, I am not stopping you. The important thing is that you are applying critical thought to your ships and making yourself a more valuable player. 

Alright, point taken.

Not using Energy Emitter on an Engineer should be punishable.


Seriously. That module is not for you, it’s for your team. The fact that you have positive regeneration with the Passive Armor does not mean you’re free to not equip the Energy Emitter. 

You call your Valor an ambulance yet you put a selfish module such a Repair Kit, instead of giving energy regeneration to your allies. You’re not even using the 2 eggs, you’re using a multipurpose module on an Engineer, the ship class with more role modules in the game (7).


Interceptors are 2 times more dangerous under an Energy Emitter aura, because they can spam all their modules and keep afterburning without problems. 

Energy Emitter also helps with teammates being energy drained by an ECM. Also Energy Emitter makes Command ships much more powerful.


There is  literally no reason to not have one in one of the 4 modules.


I don’t think this should be in the Guide section because it’s bad if new players see that Engineers don’t “need” Energy Emitter.

You know what is also bad? A dead Engineer. Hard to provide auras when your ship is a burning wreck.

My other Engineers run full heals with both Eggs and Auras, Valor is “different” and an old build had an Energy Emitter on it. As me for a Styx or Mammoth or whatever build and you will see.

Like this was capped in May:


And my build was this from July to about a single month ago:


Builds change. I tried something without the Emitter and liked it on my Valor. If I had a better idea of how much good it does my team, I would have kept it, but the game doesn’t tell me beyond a generic buff assist. And in T3 I don’t run just Valor, I have both Styx and Valor in my line-up because they are two very different ships.

Yes, I’ll concede that having a repair kit is a bit greedy, but it has a clearly defined purpose that allows me to keep moving and providing shield and hull heals. I never said it was perfect, only that it is what I use.

I even asked my fellow NASA mates if they could ever pick out a time Energy Emitter gave them a bigger benefit over a shield egg while squadded, and I got shrugs or votes on the egg. _ So taking input from my fellow teammates, I concluded a shield egg would be more beneficial than an energy aura. _

I didn’t ditch it entirely on a whim. It has it’s place, but a shield egg or still living Engie with restoration going is better than alternatives.

There is  literally no reason to not have one in one of the 4 modules.

In T5, well maybe not literally , but close to that. But in T3 it is not, the only interceptor that struggles with energy is a xxxx Eagle-B, yes you will help out commands as well and aura is very useful, but it is far from mandatory. MP module on a valor isn’t such a terrible idea, but if it would have been for me i would rather fit hull+energy auras+hull egg+MP, dropping shield aura for energy aura, and then replacing passive armor with something else, like reinforced beams and LHull Booter with nanocomposite coating.

Where’s kost when you need him…


Godamnit, posted at the same time he did.

Ambulance conflict!



Have to test that valor!

You know what is also bad? A dead Engineer. Hard to provide auras when your ship is a burning wreck.


Repair Kit is not going to save your Engi from dead if the enemy wants you dead. Also the fact that you have to not only sacrifice your only hull slot, but also reduce all your hull resist by 10 is not helping your Engineer to stay alive. Valor would (and will) survive much more if you have just an Energy Emitter and something useful in your hull slot instead. Adaptatives are so broken that you wont have to worry much about surviving.




In T5, well maybe not literally , but close to that. But in T3 it is not, the only interceptor that struggles with energy is a xxxx Eagle-B, yes you will help out commands as well and aura is very useful, but it is far from mandatory. MP module on a valor isn’t such a terrible idea, but if it would have been for me i would rather fit hull+energy auras+hull egg+MP, dropping shield aura for energy aura, and then replacing passive armor with something else, like reinforced beams and LHull Booter with nanocomposite coating.


The fact that ships are energy stable themselves doesn’t mean that they can spawn all their modules at the same time. For example if a Kited used Plasma Arc + Orion on an enemy he would pretty much have to stop afterburning. If an Empire gunship is fitted with Energy Emitter it will be ok. But if you’re playing in a squad with a trustful Engineer you can put EB/Pulse Discharger/Heatsinks/ or whatever instead of energy regen.


Kris AE or Spirit are barely energy stable (you need either Leak Stabilizer or Passive Armor on Kris AE) so having an Engineer with EM means you can safely put your EB on the Kris AE and anything on the hull. It also means Spirit will be more stable. I could say the same with the Grim for example.


The only engi where I’d put a MP module would be maybe Grizzly-M and it would be a Nanocomposite Coating to prevent tacklers from ruining my high speed build.

The fact that ships are energy stable themselves doesn’t mean that they can spawn all their modules at the same time. 

This is true, hower it is not as straight forward as you make it to be


You should look into T3 Energy ratios of

Cap Volume vs Cap regen vs Module Energy Cost vs AB consumption [vs ship role/passive bonuses]


Like Kite, i strongly suggest you look at its passive bonuses again, it has so much surplus energy it is ridiculous


In T3 due to the ratios mentioned above, as long as you have a little surplus energy you are pretty much golden. Energy Aura sure is a good module, but you have to look at the actual benefit it provides.

In t3 sizable benefit it will provide only to EagleB, Adaptive tanked Anaconda-M, Adaptive tanked Jericho inties, but in Jericho Inties case you might as well put a Passive armor (like ricasso or Kris AE) and after that you don’t need energy aura

 I am flying DEgle as close range ions with negative 10 on Energy, but due to its passive, its module cost vs energy volume/recovery +Overdrive is not noticeable at all. On nukem 1 voltage regulator and you never run out of energy. Phobos is Phobos :smiley: For example in T5 having less than 10-20 surplus energy on similar build is pushing energy starvation.

 Sure you will help out commands, no arguing that, benefit is noticeable, but for example T3 ECM, due to its total cap volume and energy cost of modules and HOW most people actually fly ECMs energy aura is not gonna do much for them, considering that they have ~40 speed difference for AB and no AB, using it in bursts is the way to dodge, which will give you better effect than a 100% AB time, while regaining your cap, plus if you go for a full disable combo you gonna ended up with full cap anyways and then your modules on CD while you have positive regen.


My point is that in T3 there are some ships that do benefit from energy aura, but for majority well-built ships it is like having a command with mk2 shield aura - it is there, but w/e. On a contrary when you look at T5 and get into numbers, whole story changes, and Energy aura becomes one of the best modules on an Engineer due to amount of effective benefit it provides to almost every ship out there.